Media critic proposes cures for education By Jus: r Brow" Eft^.1 >3 C'”t':Dv.'- ' Today s universities need to b o t h il l- j) o.l 1 ! 1C I / e a II tl deprofesstona I i/e themselves while becoming defenders of the liter.tie tiadit.. a; .i media .mil eiiiu .ition i ritu - lid Mon day night Neil Postman delivered his spew h. The Role of the I’m versitv in .•Vfnerii iuiucu lion, to .i •.mu lull of students and I .it ults -it the University s Si In ii of Musa Postman is a professor o! eommunu -ition arts uni Sciences at New York University • The Uni\etsitu s ,iti; Ameni a made a -i v fiail uni!ike fiv .It* y eloping more and more voi a hauling. Postman said Poslitiiitl S lid he believes till! versifies have sp. , lali/.ed rdu i a tint: in order to respond to the tes linologu al development that has oii urrei) eiver the last tiff-years., lie i ited Inisiness ad ministration as tim; example of ,i program has tended to professional izu universities Postman said he believes stu dents need to learn more than just ,i profession ' We need to able 0 • read ■ a d write ! i.; , i: slid read x\ :t! understanding." Postman said, adding that he would like to see a return to a curriculum of more liberal arts. Including ins turv r iigion, am! philosophy i istmaii also s.lid 0 i he y\ ea ry ol the trend ol multi culturalism and the political furi es behind them Hi' strong I y beliesthat diiierent minor ltv ami elinm groups siiouhi be included in curriculum only d their yyt-iks are ex. ellent While wattling Universities to return to more liberal traili lions. Postman also said that universities slum Id bet nine the last hastian oi defense lor the literal.- tradition W >■ s! m h;h • i: ' up .1 ; I r • ■1 . with tii.■ w : w»>r*i I’ostm.m said 1 ! print ir. iii.i H<- ix-hiM-s print tu ! fmn h mote benel'n ml In \ ''.si', v 1 suii! mediums si.i I: is txiii’v isiori. hi l.ii ; I' ivIn-v es that v ter jinplogv has hurt thi' Arne ru .it: .-due .itiuiml s\ stem "Ui- 11.1 v 1' tvs u'rrii alums in 1 ompetition s< hoo! .mil ti>!»> xis) and right now tetey situs is beating thf l>ii|t'sus nut lit SI hi ml. ‘ I’ostm.lTI s.l : J I'll-..'in, 1 n s.ini stiuirnts pi gr.nil's i through 12 spend , 1 i tuns! i I 1)0(1 In’s .n fehoedv 1 :u in p .11 I' d Ay 1 111 u ,111 h 1 :; g Pi IlOU howl'.Y)f teifV IS,.■(! ill ihf age «l i thf average Amuricun will have si*n ! mil lion television commercials, Ilf s.l id Television IS .1 VIMI.ll lor im mod iate 1 (11 at ion whtlf school is ,1 delayed gr.tti firation Postman s.ini thnl in si bool students an' taught that solving 1 oinplfs problems 1 : ■ a e a.: olten i li.illfiiging thought pro cess Postman believes that tel fV'ision is too simple arid easy tii! this !vp. t lhins ;:ig C hap pen I' istm.i! 1 .mill .: ol 'li I ■ including Amusing Oursrhrs tu ltruth He is t urrentl v wnrl. 1 n g o n t vs ■. iirii !) <1 ■ t k •• , Trt htui[Hil\ and How It ,1 / rlrvisu m \-ns Shim fits speech, sponsored hy the S.l!,;.'! ! Must! . till V howl t.t Journalism. and the t nllcge ot l'.dui iitioii, concluded lits first visit to (iregon Beyond AIDS 101 NOT JUST ANOTHER What can you do to make a difference? TOPICS: • S'.ivimilinit iour Wa\ to a Healths Relationship • Safer Sex: H ’lull's Practical. What's Sot •Personal Slones from People With \IDS • Grief and b>s s Friday, May S, 1992 6:(M) - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, May 9,1992 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Jerlinger Lounge I Di'.M 407 and H)PM 507 CRN 640S and 64091 I credit IVN I’only LIMITED ENROLLMENT Conference fee - $20.00 payable the day of workshop Saturday lunch provided Sponsored h> I tanned Parenthood n( lane Count) and 11 of O Student I leaith Services ***************** I MMtflOM) Won I 5 ,C wxc GtAMCi PUUJC MAMET © ^2. VIDEO ADVENTURE vuirrMvniPuZA TWrft ▼OtOx ufti rr »n wiiiwrwti* wowtiill 0«ti*««v $0r*Ke IAX WORKSHOP for Preparation of l N Fax Returns for Income Taxes Thursday, February 21), 1W2 3:00-5:00 p.m. FMl Fir Room Rev. arce People Susa:’ (iarv. lav \tton:cv (man Stark, lavmatu na! Sludc::! Advisor I raas \\i: e. (Yrt.iied t*uhlic \cc.-unt.un tina Zamora, t () \ccouniine (iraduale l ,S. lax Forms, 1040 NK, and instruction booklets will he provided. I’.iS’l :p.u hr-no vvilli !!u-: A !oo;:» iHsemtvr U pavctk\K sluhs. ,in>!' liter a >. „iiim is invUed !o help tinm. .'inptcic their state rax l*»nn> Sfvn.>.i .\J h» (he ( Hike ■ I lni;truti.>rul Sciskc> (ittduaU- S,!m,i| out (ill I .■ a, ijit.'i: For more information, call 346-3206 Environmental Awareness Workshops • Winter 1992 South Coast: Spring Break March 26-27-28-29 3 credits fee $225 plus $ i travel Limit 15 student: .err cjt • Study .it lhe !\i' i • knowledge jhiii.i Oi ,;>>i'.' v.iried i u.isi'e . To register lor any of these workshop or lor more information, stop by the UO Continuation Center at 333 Oregon Hall or simply call: 346-4231