This Week's Luncheon Specials Nasi Rames Indonesian Combination Dish / inuuut". Kice bweet ana spicy Egg ' Chicken and Vegetables CHINA BLUE $4.75 Rice w/ Teriyaki Chicken $3 65 879 E. 13th • Upstairs, NexI to UO Bookstore RESTAURANT Iry our dinners. too! CLEARANCE SALE ON ALL 1991 MODELS CYCLE-31 REPAIRS A CYCLES Come in to register for our monthly drawing and check the weekly specials' 1340 Willamette 687-0288 '-hiiirt *I\uifie Imerieiin ShJrlent 'Union c t xtwwmora t f/r \nru;Y!Mini of 'J’wutire ('’(V.i* '///<■ Internment of ‘lapanese .ItneruatLs "The Color of Honor: The Japanese-American Soldier in WWir Tim documentary reveas the three it:** kn ah lie* the Japanese Am«non internment trie 44Jna keyimenta. . *r.:ut lean *• n p.ithe ! valiantly in Europe amt eventua y became the m.,-.t de* >rat<-.i n i-tary •*' '■ In U S History Japanese Amerk jn l.nguisll wr -!**• < «ded top s<* 'et Japanese military puns and wife General Mas Arthur s ’secret weatxjo’ draft resJsters and army protesters numbering in the thousands who were wining to go to federal prison In order to challenge lire constitutionality of the < nm entrati: .,n ramp*, c,i*f i.n guest Prolraor frank Okada of the University of : ,*•>>r. I eve l At ; ed Art*, tepaarient whose late Or lire* K,en was the .luthsa of the tre a::y a i.nmi-J Out* f» 1 fro Boy ‘Iue.'.Iait I etmiary IS. I%>'>J at Hillamette Hall 110. r m. the Co/or of Honor is p.nt of .1 week lorn) series of films jnd tiist ussions commemotjtrng the SUfii Anrnversjr y of the Japanese Aniern .in internment V. W*. • •. . ' i: V' • : f v .7 t ’V...- • S * * f ■ • Ur* *<•«.' PHONE Cormued from Page 5 . ' ,s:: the , don't talk Of i .ill .being : . .ill again .ii.i iinilng tn Oregon law i stung phone t alls .ire anything the ! nxtom : i ■ h ,m- -am n! I i ttntm Hard fc . ' 1 S \\ i ’ ( ,i-.• • f i.h-ni. !> a ; I’fiyMiii ('lisiumefs have complaints ranging :■ who i: mg up with, at saying a word ' .: • S w , make death threats V* ■■ ■•'the nielli targets (,I phone harass at. ! ve;-, !, -,\ e port the .!;■ tents, said Hev ( did) • tote- prevention sp. lalisi V ■, ate terri.ri/ed alter receiving such " they believe they were sin ; : ... However, nos! phone ha r.r .■ r• : t. ■. .mtie;s rami.a: dy i : i .. . Si > \.it S"tV 1( es Volunteer . a d .:... ,aa! ■■'. ' . r v ■ s | it. ate tier assniei:! is a lorm of assault i th ok : ■ ai: itiva- id pm at v ( oilier s I.d It 1 all tie a Vet , !r ghtehmg .: 1 V as ion of per il!., i it i d tie j . :s..!» is nutting .nto votir liv - mg ro an and verbally assaulting you ii ::. .i.■ ■ :il i ! a er is i<, si are and ton , ... man. then !. may eventually practice ml;. r in. it st it .... hams o! sex uai assail It. ('oilier sent ‘It can be a very frightening invasion of personal space. The person is coming into your living room and verbally assaulting you.’ .Erin Collier, St' *u3-! A$s3utt Services Phone harassment is .is traumatic for the; vit litti .is . :her rnmes such ms theft ami assault, said ■ ", ■ ( nty \ tin Witnass S'-r. u is Program. It its.,, ks .in individual’s feeling ol saletv and s-s iiiiiv and the fai t that it usually happens at hanc adds to that trauma." Morgan saui Mane eventually went to t.outt to prosecute against the man who sexually harassed and threatened he: over the phone She won her case. I n: Marie, ptosis uting her harasser was a wav of ti earning her feeling oi safolv I island win a lot of people don't pursue it 1 at iain't li t i' g.i." she said "I fee) good •it .1 fee c .: ing him I feel like it's ov er THREATS Con; nued from Page 5 . ( H A ! i. ► s.i.:< : i d i : • j i• now !. .i ! m j* ng Ik ;uin thi< t K A at i fir t M A in doing .1 gnat job t H \ < -1:1 s.:, 51: (I ns !>.•••• f S. !, said lti> (H \ in ag-nhs! such activities its juvenile and in direct mniradkdiisn to our ■ > ‘ U J , • ,.d i! N i; I! ui live to : ■ • ■ In , :■ .. ! i I c ■ u. We've iuel s! h.ijijien Lu us enough. We would never encour i go other j let iple to do it i.t.ilA iiiiiiiiSrei Troy Shields said In- was sur ! vs lo ll lie first learned ut the number of thri dening and obscene ( alls left on the groups aie.a e ring mm hint; : MiCst tj|,, to tin belief you ft born (luimiist'V n-i’l s.t f thought. "Hus isn't fair, this isn't right.' " s: ids *..!),! U , I I htKtse to he gat. so why art thoy doing this * i h, h.nasstug fill tiie callers are probably either i ------ .. , -; 1. . v; --, ! u ■ 11 e i , n g u i i i n ■- a tilt of heterosexuals. Shields said it.ItA v u!,t niter Ryan Stephens safd he he ■ - • 1 s the 1. Kg j i; ...lie ; allefS teal ( lltlllge a lid a a ! h\ :i do.ili i1-,\ anti bisexual :- | . • 11.1* \ hi' n a ;; i example ol change ami ibex w !>. ‘-ujijei li. Stephens sau! 'Their lear is un e idled he- els, v. • re already here CRANKS Contmued from Page 5 ton said i! .1 . .1 i!■ • r is insistent. a person niuv have to ; -.orI to stronger measures, Drayton said it .ineone is nulls' insistent on harassing . :■ ,.a s the only time the best way to stop it «1 .1 lie to get a trai n put oil your plume, lie said St.. t+ . must hie a report with ()i'S it they w.e.t a uupm. iraie pul on their phones, l):a\ton . i The tror e will he kept on until tin person is satisfied or the harassing phone r alls have stopped S West's i alii r ientilicatiori program will i hange .i person's telephone number uni t' for Iree in eases ul phone harassment This is 'iii s mplest ,md ’ sli st wav to solv - the prob lem ! pin)iH h-nassinent. said Tammy Hurd, t ‘II* regional manager People s an ret eiye infurination about having ,! trace put on their phone In t ailing (IIP a! .no ,1-i'i -!■!-! 1 Hurd s.iid In ! U'l!. i !P ns , tved 2-1,000 i alls from peo i - -1 -.' - - r i1 s 11 .1 in having tr-ties put on tlieir p’ue: 's Hurd sai l 1H to 20 peri enl of those p- ople :a illy had tin) tr.ur equipment h i- > ! Up * ■ \V I'KKK DKIJVKHY: 1SI-2799 * mi; . nmm u? >!. r l.jr,* d ,U!;wr> im n TRACK TOWN PIZZA ISO9 Franklin Blvd. 484-2799 CLIP & SAVE NOW ON U of O’s BEST PIZZA >2" OFF LARGE PIZZA I. ( 111*1 ( Oll[)< 11 |MT I'i/za TRACK TOWN PIZZA N ' . w 1 . \ \ i! u-t «!!i I sp OFF SS' ( One ( oujh-ii |H*r Pizza I TRACK TOWN PIZZA TWO FREE SALADS (w minimum$6order) No! \- : 1 : :; with any it lie! i " cldi\tr\otil\ • one coupon per customer TRACK TOWN PIZZA Nut luilul w;th any Otill l oUlT.I MM tf>Qi '.wtevEmerald mime tour own RECYCLED PAPER RCCYCUnC rad nuDcnr RtcYCuno pROCftftm PRc/cm FREE PAPER MAKING WORKSHOP IOJ P.M, WED I9TH EMU LOBBY 346-1529 REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE [self service! COPIES ALL DAY EVERY DAY Tfce Copy Sfap Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4 Htrfrttwn > 'dftanon i f