UNWELCOME CALLS I Graphic by J«M Pasi.iy Phone harassment on the rise j Obscene calls can be terrifying, but few report the incidents By i.i ■ "> B.tv> Div her anHwpnng m.u lime, the , ills'! ijrl ,i: led hsiw I'.s' w.iv gu mi; t„ I ;j„ h, r ,hh! Iid'.v mui h i o! \! 1 , s >I he-r rr.il : bi-gun i !:■ n M ini' iilutsis! il.nl>: l’h< -n ifti“.i thing .ilnuit III' i.i'K A.is vyh.it hi* kiis-w 11 . !.■■:. Hi Ik in u hit u i igh t i tin' r \ .h! pun mi Whi :s sU : night .1 N i C i lu-4 i)u ii po'-liT hi S .III.-si .nisi -..i.t 1.. iv r Viiilf pustrf (list L), , it |,,I < 1 ii ;nr, Iwhy Hr k v\ 1 : !. in if -rs u hrtl shr ,V v ii.ig St.nil' s.iys ti, ■-.*>i■ at t!i> t uivi-rsitv h.vv; i ll h.ii k !.. piiv phufii - in Iniiinniijjohs M.u ir sin' h.r. i .s-M-r h v i‘il ‘It can be a very frightening invasion of personal space. The person is coming into your living room and verbally assaulting you.’ E.nn Collier. :»’>.. i ' St'n v ,■; ;1 V Hu l still s.lli 1 till' i ill I** liuvi- < Ii.iih'.iuI lii r fnrrviT Sin* vit.I shu •.% iii ii' :. i-r huvi* ln'i p! f i i i! ’ * j r lu.l-’ii I';! V\ Ill'll sin' turn - .'! •* huving ini' nl |.hum hur .-nm-nt Huvvi-v.-f ini iii. nt-. ...I |)hmit luir.ivsitn'ii! an* tut Ih• • fis<‘ in Uffgon I'lm [ill! i.uiunr } i. 111 < «• iii' ; , ; : | - ; • . " . i ! : -.ill III' !•• phuni’ li inissnifiil is .i very miiti-m-pnriinl i rimi' l»hun«- hiit.issiti'-ni is u < i.iss 11 ii .mi .I . t an v lug a Mum in j.iti rivi' (r.igt-tiy is it'-, an easy 11 to ominit and it’s haul to i .it. h Mimi'imc." Htrr salt! ()rrt;on s l:aw Knftirr i-mt-n! Data System. tin- state's rtimr ris in) kecpjnjt ii;i-ni \ . doesn't jump harassing phnhe i alls to gether it-, its i rum* f*'i unis. said iV; liiir !!. \ .:ri- 1.1.1>S t nmr re porting spoil.ilist Sunii! tails ,iii . o: led as threats. anti oth. ; . art- rt i onti-il as utisi i-nt phone i alls i his makes it tilth i lilt lor l.i 1 IS to know tin- esat t number oi reported t 'Si's ol phone hurussiiutitl , -i numhi-r ui reportei i .)b ... i III phone i alls roso Mi per i i | join t alls III I lit' fits! i,o. . i,; ii o! I ,lli‘l In t. '.‘I , . , ,! a: 11 i_: tin- s.illn' pot mil 111 pi 10 : n all-, totaled loll in pi. lust ;. no months of 1 -m i liniv.'tstty students reported IV in. ul ol-. ol pliont- harass im-nt lo tlif Oilit o ol Puhlit SaI. i\ li.nii July t I'M 1 to tin' i : : k Mi 1 )ona n I. OPS administrative assistant Thft'o . a a s oi phono harass muni u. io roporlftl in Oi lober, |o .i n: Nt»y. mtn i ami list' ill lano.uy Pi in ; ; oinmii (Im i 11 mo oi non I. : . .an n! tvllcII !i.o\ iniiiof . ill someone with no t ijimnunir alive purpose.'' I ■ PHONf ■' Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Alliance gets threats, jeers on office phone By Tammy Batey • •, •' The im ss,a;.'s on tlx- answering mu i hino ,irt- disturbing and lull id butt l'd just like you people in bum you're Ml k. and I hope you all (reekin' gel AIDS " ' You're Kning I” bi- put in a meat grinder Cornu on, you tugs and queers || you wort? standing in ruv kit< hen right now I'd blow a holt- through your head.'" Individuals aren't the only v u tims of phone harassment While harassing phone tails among individuals ha-, been on the rise in Oregon the Lesbian, t.uv and bisexual Alliance on t umpus has re reived a steady stream ol hale filled p|;,, alls during its years on i ampus It,IIA receives sut h hute messages on iis uiis-.y er mg machine on a daily basis, an | It's a - ad lat t that of lice volunteers d'-seilsltl/ed to tlx messages said 1.0HA C . duet tor Sue Dot kstuder Not ,i ii.i\ fill's In lli.il we if■ -i t get .i prank i all. Ho. kslailer Mini h ■' ls& part of the routine of stuffing tin' olfii e LCBA receives front one to two hate tin-ss.tgits on weekdays. ami from lour to five over tin- weekend. probably because i uifers know no o-nr will he there tin-n, slut said U V get stum; pretty nastv ones Dm kst.iiior s.iul One person salt) we si. .; ! lii he ! w ith Ak I ami pushe.i into t litis W ills kilties al if;.' fait tom Mm targeting g«> men make-, up the majority of hall’ -hied messages Lt.HA ret elVes. site saiil 1):., ks'.utle: •_1 'tie messages often £ i altiii n j ■ kes i! ..a! peop , e til i o|i a a I - ■ i tin- hamiit appe.f People also tell AIDS jokes Sinee the Oregon Citizen Mliant'.e lame into the pubfh eve. the LCBA has r, . ewe.! II. Itn ‘ ‘ Is from pet.pl. who Turn 'o THREATS P e|e 6 Crank calls can be halted By Tammy Batey When l.'dlviTfllV studnnt IIr\ to logman pit kod tip iho phono a man askod if lif huii re.it hod iho suicide hot I me logman began tolling the limn ho had dialed tfio yvrong nwmbor, hut the man began crying logman ihoit fto.irti [ho sound of a gun being cot hod anil tho man druppod tho phono Allor a few set rinds iinothor man laughod into dm phono and said, "(lot Villi I‘hollo harassment tan ho a lordly mg exponent o and ihroaion a person 's sonst: ol sot inly However, t rimo spe t ulists say ihoro tiro ways In provonl prank calls from recurring Tho most etloclive way to discour ago a prank t allor from calling again is by hanging up 1‘hono fnirassors will solflom t all hat k l! a poison says. Never call boro again and then bungs up. vtu! lli-v Collins. Kugene pnlii e department i rime prevunttnn SIMM i.lllst IPs filjc li they don't gut willlt lhl'V xv,ml, sin- said l imit' on: plenty ol people who will listen lo these lurks ■' American society has .1 i.ihoo against hanging )i|> on people. Collins Sillli U. don't give people in this sot to ts the right to It.mg up." she s.titl "It s seen .IS impolite, hut (phone h.ir.iss ers) .ire getting their rocks oil right there II .1 phone h.missel calls twite Col lins ret ommeiitieil reporting the int 1 dent to tilt police. .IS it's possible the t,tiler was casing your house to hnd out celt,till lift,ills uixitlt Von Illowtng -i whistle into llie phone is ,m efiet live w.iy ol deterrmg phone hur.f..its Iroin t .tiling again, 1 inverse iv I’ubiii S.ifetv Director ( .arev Dtav Turn to CRANKS Page 6 1 AEROBICS SPECIAL % 17 for one month membership 'Regular student discount offered! 189^West St. (inside Pacific Nautilus) 485-4475 .,, —- ....-.-yj-rr-r-,, T, i,-r>-ry^TTTT-rrrrTrrTrrrriTjrSi ■h Engine Service 1000 S. Bertelsrn Rd. »8 • Kuflene OR 97402 On* block north of W. 11th • Nolan Ind. I’la/a Specializing in German Autos for 34 Years • Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen • 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts ‘freshman Seminars PRI REGISTRATION I OR SPRIVi TERM Monday I rtday. Eebruary 17 Eebruary 21 X:(K)am SIX) pm V>4 Oregon Hall 1MI11. 199 1 NO 199 ARE 199 PH 199 PS 199 PHIL 199 ENG 199 OH 199 TA 199 Matters of Life and Death Racism m American Literature Pioneers of Image Ethnic and Minority Group Stereotypes m the Visual Arts The Cosmic Connection Political Biography A Window on American Politics Existentialism and Types of Characters Crucial Human Issues Creativity, Eccentricity and Serendipity in Science Contemporary Issues in Modern Drama Off lit of the ‘Ikon of Student* 't'4 Oregon 'Hall 06 11