COURT Continued from Page 1 pend funds this year A nrcent memo issued by tin; !!•( sup ports ItilK interpretation of its resolution Hills, who is ,i former li t member, stud spei ifir st ipend nmounts, vs hu h .it i ornp.iny .ill Ilf budget request. .ire only guidelines to justify the tot.d .iinounl requested Hills f urther argued that fort ing the A St'() to hue the Ilf! every time'it'changes post lions and redistributes stipends, would'in hii.'i! s! . !i s11 nmrnmuinl, which she said is tr.i.filion.idv lUtononiows in tins arena ( im-.t11..i;iin ( :>ur! t hief |ustn r Steven lin^ts j . • ! the fiilltiwmg.'hypothetic a I sit 11Jn tu Hills ti. demonstrate the desire fnt sun;, kind of s\ stem of i fi*■< ks and balam i s lie!ween ’.in! mjis and the IhC Supposing the ASUO I'resliienl is elec! i ii ..n«i takes (Ai r ,i budget fur salaries ul Sl'»i is to |jr»-s'lit :!,.it president from saving ()K. I ll pay imsilt .id that mnlie, .if.i* i; ! p.A .invbud\ else' fid’s sod the. Would never happen bi (ailMf of tin liutiiv. ami responsibilities g<> With I V1' 111 I V i f • i f 1( «*. iimf tics .HIM’ of .ili m mistruti ye advisors and assistants who wool:! prevent something Itkt- from happening King disagrees You (tin- court) are our lust line of tin !■!«•-< whe n it c omes to uverpuvments ami .if) those little things that go l>v most of the st ■ loots * ,og s s VVe Iniv< no 'vv.iv of c f■1 * these joik' We h,iv. no w.iv of saving. You're overspending money Stop it ’ BRAND Continued from Page 1 re i(i v !>< :s.j’ o M'ii In Idfm ■ IgHl .. pniril, n lli'i l .1 SI billion shew! bill In II si.;li- ! >; !;:■ I l 11!i»the Leglslnluro dev el ops .lilt fh.ill* revenue soim os. higher oiltn .ijidii could sufior ,i i’ll pen rfll (Imp ill sl.ilo salos i.iv .l<; us (df i 'CM ««%; r> Mill ing in -i tuilidM tniro.iso. re dined .0 i •Id llio I inivorsUy. df I sills Ilf iidl ■ .lid n ll (motel y llio i niiiioi of stud nls •■ofvod by On gims public inn) univi'fMlirs loulil lie cul in ti iil, ( mating .in i'hl ist".. (iut hUoii.iI sv'it'm ()r• >;!»n 11u-h .1 promi hIMorv of C lll/fll M'lf PIlipO .S PHIIpIII people like vi'i;i ..iiw! nif gelling ins 11|veil in k"\ mii-s itn 11 h«*lji 1 iijv shape (In state >. !.: lure In- sa\ s in 1 hi’ letter (kin f again is i ha s 1* .111 op |f ■’( In 11 it\ In t.ik< -st ! i 11 .1! Hi. gras so Sols Irsfi .uni If ip mu I.ilr If.nifrs urnlc i -.l.iisil I lit will of the people Sin ki 1 s.i 11I ‘lull m riling; If the governor and legislators is 11., .if t• 11 vs .1 s if make .1 Si.inilmg in from of Johnston ii.ill with a tear in your ' w i !’. ! i-asr the situation she hrialisr tile del istoll to < u! the higher cilui ation budget i on.' s (rotu the stall- ( apilol, not front Brand S*n kt'l said rnanv students IV • w rappi d up ill single r s. u s like !)iu i urri-nt debate i iv«• r lilf presence o! Rt) 1 ( on c am pus i hr \ need to tflkr SI i ||H 1 .! !. ■ ■ a. at tlir hip p turr. she said Si a ». i 1 said shr tioprs pi-opii vs ;1 take tin- linir to write ,i if a t. r bn .mu' Roberts and the pi s hi! ai i; an avvair r! t:. ■ I unipaigl! and are i \po tlllp the letter "if !he\ gel only 10 li'ilers. there «ili In- .1 huge problem." sill- Mllli's letter was not. sen! lo international students. students in self-supporting or riimnmnl tv * !.;s .ifiiin programs, and s!u d.wilh non resident status w fi .d address hsft'd l ilt Ii-Uit t amp.agn will i : -- i ‘ ■ * lor printing • I pi slagi paid lor bv thi* i'lmi-r s,-l\ s .Miimni Advocates i*r i.o.on ‘.1 i os w . • The most reusable pieee of plastic on eanipus. - - • «* ‘ fc'te •» <»«♦»*• 11k I/A/ ( ii.llt:: i <>./ a luAt : v : A V , ,■ . „ • , , ;• i i ■ i -,M .imutk'd li i .im wik'li' l Hu r M hi ! .isr . r \ I ■< i !! I it At ■; iitv>! I< • ,i| •( A Ik .1: • Ihi : ||n the r\|V!lMVr \\,i\ to « .ill M.Uf I' >UU >>11 MM wln-n \«»u • r > I: i JttcuKI ,iis. U* lui k • .ill till' *I>K .< r I .1 ' '■■'ll r iki With v ■ ‘H . .i: I* ( >’ aim- uiu" \ i uv \ ul ( tlllniv I ,m/ Mill II llw.t\N hr r'lHM U\1 !. > (hr 11*1 lal >U m ;u r . ::.r I r\|v ’ I ft 1 MM s .1-' vmi srr (heirs A : r vs .is 1 ih-M nbc the I/A/ r, (it I,/ 'I ! l.tSs , . :r i.;r c: iVi l>'1. ::'.r I ;t I nj|>| rnsabk* (.cl an 1/A / ( ailing ( S » 0VI | \t. l)~2K. o. • S - *- , . v - • S . - . . a — 4 VV \\ AT&T ET ALS ln< idcrtta! (w (jiimmillwr vs ••■«•! .*• a! m» in ih# KMT Hn*r4 K -m f*i 4 f budget for t h * A »» . a t» 4 S.: u j * n: * f > r M»1t o r u i’tcwrv4!-. n 'H I., Untv»f*4ty Cm* toi:\gfi an,! 1,‘fi. vanity Mudrnl Senate w.i; '■■’*night at A 4'. H<*. m 21$ A linn OSPiftC «nil rtwwn :<>*iay at 4 p m a? lb,.’ K .n- ni* l *nt»r 1-lm Amvfwan Support ( mnmitlr-r r,«l ! -..*ht ai *• ?’ KMt - C«d4r K ;ir, f ( hr i*t tan S«:km«* (>*Rani*J*l*««» vs •J m-t !: 44V (tor! 4 JO U "> Ml pm in KMt. (amimy K-iom 0 \ nr« r(i>u|> f ■ f *- • 1 had a family m*mbor c Mpba Phi 4 a v the t Vi R o o rr aRh . •-! Planning and Plat i-inrnl K ' . > )Uu 1*.. n K 0 M : i’ s > . . • si.- i >>i Si nviun*; ( unipit* t lusjili- I * *4 < hi isl TERIYAKI ALLEY BEBIM RICE.5.50 CHICKEN BREAST STEAK__3.50 YAKISOBA NOODLES.Ig.3.50 sm.2.50 TERI BEEF..„3.50 ACROSS FROM DAIRY QUEEN 1306 HILYARD • 345-9555 SUN-TH 11-6 • FRI-SAT 11-7 PHISH LITTLE VILLAGE HIATT IRYCOODER NICK LOWE