Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 18, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Tyson case reinforced stereotypes
Having already snff«• r«■ <i
through the William Ken
nt'ti\ Smith rape trial, I
wasn't planning on ac tively fol
lowing tile Mike Tyson trial,
other than pic king up bits of in
formation from the night I y
However, as tlie trial began to
wrap up. 1 got sucked in hv the
disturbing messages that the
media kept playing over and
One of tin1 worst w as the Tv
son rump's argument part ot
its a reep” defense that I v
son was such a lewd, i rude
kind ot guv that she should
have known what In- wanted
i.vi usr me' hven if the sure,
vor had i?i-eii privy to some id
iais i min nils (a tail tii.*t was
both alleged and disputed hv
varying witnesses), so what
May lie it isn't tin smartest
thing in the world to go out
with n guy who has hurled
it . n suggestions your way.
hut sinc e when does naivety (or
even stupidity) Justify the vio
lent .11 t td rape7
llie answer is simple It
doesn't No means no Any
[)ese fs jit ions of the rape slit
v iv or also said a lot I believe
sweet' was used about every
other word
Yes indeed, she w as the pet
In 1 victim,' an ol d Ing to a
I eh 1 (i New siveek article, in
contrast with Smith's accuser
1‘utru ni Bowman
This perfec t vu toil IS a
scholarship student a! .i Roman
( athollc college and the "all
American girl ."
I'alrtc ia Bowman, in contrast,
was (gasp1! a single mother
who : e.p’j went to bars some
tunes and (heavens') had a few
dr,: s -
i. \ c u se m e again, but I
thought rape was a crime ot
Every woman is
different, and the
statistics show
that one out of
three of these
diverse women
will be raped at
least once in her
violence So what's vvith the
(!*•: fi < t v ii.tim hv |>i''
I huti• Ui delye into reality .
h u t ;i i i-S I w o m e n .1 r i’ ll t
sill ft \initij* t ' utholn in!
iege students livery Woman is
il l!!rrirnt. .Hid t l|>' st.it isiti s
show ihiit om out ol t!11>-i• ot
;:Kv' do I T so. w 1 .nil'!; w ;. 1 be
raped .it i.'.ist urn in her li!'
M m .1 ! i.| iSHtsi o|: thl’St* • * H'it'li]
os ts w :U in’ - iimmtUi'il -fry bus
hi)nils, boyfriends. • fates or vie'
(Ini’ newspaper article saiii ot
Tyson's i onvii tion. "!t didn't
matter that tin1 woman was m
whi't!n• r in' w.is si■ v.i,i!!y i■ \
pile it with her ami other eon
! ■ - . I - it the Mis 11 • ■ ■ (
Aim rii a pageant
A rs it (ltd ()r it w oiild has e
it tils victim hadn't been so
A recent piece by /.os to
gt !i■> Tm:i-\ i oluinnist Am Mu-’
rav .iski'il how Ty son : onld
have heen so out ol touch with
reality as to rape an lit veal
old beauty queen with unpei
i able ai adruuc cnideillmls
Tin-, was no bhnlx) (rum the
pages of the supermarket tab
toi(is no groupie. Murray
goes on to write Tills was a
girl of such spotless record
even the defense lawyers
i ouldn'I bud vs dn s !■' mar
It '
This sentiment spells out at!
too well tile beliefs ol ail too
many pewpb .Sexually rxperi
rtii r.i niirnen ran "I be raped
Win ;, j >r< m i u!i :r C dog ('.urn
soil W .is .|sM-'.l tt il.lt Ills must
rlli't t iv o rv idem r w is hr said
i hat Wautllul HI UMt old kid
w 11 Iv .1 p u re hi .i rl Slit- s i
V ml n ()>■ r s.ui vs ; l h .1 lot .>1
1 mirage ”
I'hilt "was Ins txst rv idrtu I-'
.So vvh.it happens to |hr tape
survivor who Is oldrr, inaylx/
h.is boon around the him k 1
trw times and is not so purr
This si cn.irio is mure 1 uni
in ii than one in iv’. ’ 1! think • s
jiri i.vlTv In i aviso HO jii’ti out • !
women li’i-d to .'*> have Ii id
sr\ And .dim 1st no pi n rut ol
. , d irgr women Is.iv «■ had s. v
■To 1 >11 that off. there are
tn.iivv single mothers. many
woini'ii who 1'iiiov going to 1
I'sir now slid i n main vvum
i n vv ho enjoy flirting and mam
women who have had a low to., 1
in a in ilii n k s on mi vis 1 o n
Th"s< - Woini'ii or a • ■
tWr at ivape hurts tin's.- vvoin
nd j
first as intii ll a- th*' so tiled
women: Will ll:'. v ai! go tin
v ■; - Wo.:
On V ask 1 d
i don't know whether list' so
. te!\. tin 1 out Is. tlir inrdi.i or
iii thfrr an- 1. ■.polisibU' for
these almirddn As .1 membrr
ol tlir media iii|m II. I cringe at
media-hashing, but i tall it
w hrn 1 sis- it
1 was appa i led In what I saw
V;g/l//,/ir a Irw Fridays ago
whi ii limy referred to the I v
son trial as "aiiollitrr in a long
Si is- o| mis tort urn's S. 1 r the In >s
A mislortunr' 1 in sorry, hut
bring hit by a 1 at is a mistor
turm .Suffering tbr v!< atb ol a
lovrd onr Is a misfortune Be
mg hauled oil to court lor rap
trig a woman Is getting what
you dr serve
( .//Tie Ih'nnrll is ,111 av>m i.itr
< Jilor hi! llir bmrr.dd
OCA twist
! hi- charges uf mime a ailing
and (hanging of meaning have
turn flying between ihe (X:.-\
and ttie "liU-rals siru e the !»■
ginning id the (XIA's petition
signing campaign to stop the
mlluoni e o! homosexuality as
morally OX and socially OX in
all brum lies of the state govern
It isn't uncommon In politic s
that two sides call each other
mimes or distort meaning, but
the OCA s twisting of words
and vagueness ol its real intent
is sickening To deprive some
one of his freedom in this coun
try to choose a way of life and
how lie lives it is denying ev
eryone's right to Life, Liberty,
and tlie Pursuit ol Happiness
The biblical evidence of
Christianity to prove homosex
uality is morally wrong is
unempiricully based and lias
Infringed on our rigid to free
dom of religion and not to be
prosecuted for religious or athe
ist beliefs
The OCA has begun a cru
sade to prosecute those people
who choose to live a way of life
that is within their right and to
prosecute those with different
religious views
This can only bo viewed us
timing .1 religious ideology
onto filbert .irni it it unconsti
tutional At an Ament an. I
have ,i fight to ( house Ills fell
giuut heln-ls tiiit not to tilt' >■
them upon others
Let’s open OUf eves tu tills
flagrant violation of the ( ontti
tut ion Ufirl the OLA’s uhjef lives
to deprive us of out rights to
Jon J Eggers
Thank you An is Harris {DPI
leb 1 I J' You sv i ole evil 11 y
what we've been arguing .ill
along The t niversity is lacing
a huge funding i risis and it
looks like the situation will
unis get worse, with no thanks
to students like Henry Oherson
Congress is currently finuirz
ing the bill to re authorize the
Higher Education At I ot lMr>
This happens only once .-very
five years What Oherson
doesn't seem to realize is th.it
Oregon needs to have students
lobbying Congress in Washing
ton. I) 1 . March 5-H for USS.Vs
Legislative Conferenr e
"Ke authori/ation" includes
issues such as financial aid
funding grants vs loans. <ii
rvt l student-lending 11• j• islat tun
tSunon-Uurenberger Util), high
cr education funding. Pull
Clr.iMt i-ttliilcrncnii, minoriiv
scholarship programs, Hi
. SSA w : ► ii li\t-ly and rl
fuctivelv un these issues I lo
gon s i ongfessnien need tu hear
in,:n On g,.r;'s students, i! is
i.nly . , i v.lt..,» -
those personal lllbbv Visits
(jin ; -.nil. Hiiggs lh- .mil ( jm-.ii
l ut ion i uuri haii i- made il verv
difficult !of (logons '.tii«ii-nt
leaders h> i-i i this word to 11.(•
This is a i riln al Little ill ()re
golds In (or) in. r st.l! will
soon lace another round ol
-i.. !,y! i .Is \s !i.. chair of tie
Norliiw -si Reg:.,n of : SSA.
.mil as ,j |;ersull who ll.is spent
all ol In r student-vat alton lime
the past Ia years (in ii\ lolls)
working ’ r no. e: • itv s 1 u
i•.: s . slip ;! ,I eiii;i ,1 . •:,
act 1-ssihie ii -—! hue me In
think i,. it It*v - •!. .oh > :.
these issues is going to Waste
he-cause ol a "one word sein.in
' II ,i I [)! I.ti i e Win; h vv a •
fixed (in the lorm Ol a resolu
lion) tluntig my ten- I ' trip to
1. A
Shoila Shekel
J (ifom must
■■J t >«> oviir 5 1)
< JM (Vut coupon
ud* | uir < ust< 'mm
N' ’ t l ) • H H 1 v\ I \
wK i ittnx < >tfiits
m Expires 3/3/92
I hi t <>unlnj\ St-s/ hiyurl*
n n w«k» n».
fVV wki »tl 4v K • * W« »'.t
1 WUl f ft w tkitf i I Vv t I
f ft m *kkt * ffc VUK in 1
of the
Hu 4 H •. ■ 'll Hath I iiki iiil ilk m«hp init lit uu J, nt n. v» i|>j|i i u tl»*.
1 io % < f ' 11 . M >! . ■- Ml si » u rt | ill! y », 4 • |»l 1!1; i; -i i. >' ■ ,, ! i I!' ; - (
i hi ■< : i ;!». I'/1'.' O 4^-iM. tuo. \cm
f iu-M ! lu.fnlate-. limit K eithet 4ft un.h i e t a.luate iluih tit .it lit.
I , ill*! I * 4 4 11 u Itim i 111 . 1 { 'it » l • . I it f i > •«.: - p t ft fill til lilt > • 't
' Ih ! i . .»• .* mu ^mtlii’ •! I. * It. i t. f til 4a ‘ •' t t < » : t lu.it. Ui.lt til
ji t!,, ' ui - t f! v eitfoilrd (of ,i mmomiifi . (twee iteijtl luKiM (tr4 Iflltt if)
tills 1 .1 .1, 4> • l.u. ,1.411 : 'til < ' ( I till (ill! I Ml 4|*|*lu
4!lt\ III., if*. . -*1 -« 4.1 till. '4IS.Il •
I he < h . it l>4if\ I metal.I i % pihlufn .1 l*N 4 n -n j *<«»f 11 i < »i pn 4li« >ti
rtlihh ,« ill 111.! ptt.1- ti(U I tin I IM V i-iiiv Hu | *t 11 ii 41 s pup t th«'
< >1 )| I % l«» p< • >V J.te , .hl. 4(1. 'll 4tt«l tl 4tlltM r I < tlu. U ll! ' III all 4-.|» V t ' ■ *1 IK * I
pap f piaii-ti h\ l>iii»- a ijiii|hi' au.lteii.. vs 11! t nc* s cthlxial an.I
4ihctUl|tl}’ lOtllflll
I h- Hlit« >i . f tin- ( M >1 « !.. ■ I JH .<t . t. > 4 I. II pi on '..■lunl.it li. ■ III I “I
! |)itei t-. >< < hat t > p-ii'.ilulit > I ■ ■< all .hi tial • ■ p i .i I» n-- Jiul all ..lii-ttal
II mil of . »f I he nr %* tpap’j I. i in I I! i. i - June ,J 1^*7.’ it. June I 4
’ 4 n. I . pt: . . .1 I hy an ■ * i> IK iii'ti p 11 *! fi - »m \|f li I *> ■ Julie H I hr i •. a
? p4iiI p mil. 'ii
hit 11 *.le.I paiti ■ .it. m It I pi. fc up an applu 4li*>U pai ki I w|,u It tin Unit ' 4 I
i } I- npt ii allhi (>HI (i > >ii f .1. A in Suite * * I MI . * » all * H ^4> I l
I• « i ■ « ml. <maii. >tt
( . .iitpl.leil ap4n 4li. mi> mu't K teliu ne<l l< • the (>1 )l ii.ui«l<>( l>ueil«»n
} t". ■ 1 j> tn M..n-ta> Maull 1. I '/’h’ \n imJo nlual w ill l»« • ; leu teil l»y the
I li.ai.l hy Apt! I 4
I Hr l Hiii , I ntrhii.i ti -i/i I .j.t.il Oppufu/tf/v / mjtltnrr
i'!*i t < m in i t/i*; /. »>* iini il w. <if . u It w, ill \ ttivritf nt'tipLti r
Oregon Doily
4<H) I r h Me mm 141 I mmi, I'll llu* 41 ^'4, I up tie, ()n ^mi ‘/7 IH4
Thealer of the Gods