Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 18, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Student groups need
to be held accountable
Is there no end to the fiscal mum os7
Every year, the Incidental Fee Committee goes
through budget hearings for the various student groups
on campus. And every year, it seems, something goes
The current round of budget talks. University style,
has been joined bv yet another semi scandal from the
ASUO The IFU ha.s been brought into the furor caused
bv complaints of financial hanky-panky among some
A.SI () executives specifically. complaints of self
IFU Resolution H states no one paid a salary
through student fees can be paid "a higher rate than
that authorized by the ll-'U " Tfte complaint against the
ASUO charges that JoSonja Watson. ASUO vice presi
dent; Bobby l.ee, affirmative action coordinator. and
Thetese IhiUravae. programs coordinator, were paid
more imitirv than they were supposed to be
The If"U has responded, saving the A.St O was gtv
en a sum lor stipends, but the "higher rale" clause of
Resolution H has been interpreted as meaning the stu
dent group cannot overspend its total stipend alloca
lion. The ASUO did not go red on its stipend alloca
lion, but simply moved some of the money in the line
item around Therefore, according to the wav the IFC
understands its <nvn rules, the ASUO did nothing
(lot all that?
It's confusing, to say the least Words like "fiscal
responsibility." "irresponsible complaint" and "at
countability" have been bandied about by the two
sides While it looks as though the ASUO yv.es within
its rights, the complaint does bring up an important
Where is the accountability? Why aren't groups
held to their budgets?
I'he problems don't stop there Some groups have
been nailed in the budget process because of — yes.
vou guessed it fiscal irresponsibility In other words,
last year's group members didn't pay t lose attention to
their budget Now. current members, often a totally
neys cast, are paying lor past mistakes they didn't
Thus ( rentes the quandary Hoys does the ll'U pass
judgments on those groups? While it is unfair to the
groups ss lien they get their budgets cut !>c< ausc of past
members' mistakes, it would lie unfair to the students
ysiio pav the fees it groups continuously have budget
overruns svithout recourse
To use a buzzword, there does need to be more at
countability Student groups including the ASUO —
should he responsible tor what money goes where
University students pay a lot in incidental fees; they
have a rigid to know exactly where their money is go
I'he ll'U should seriously think about tightening
the rules com erning budget allocation "Recommend.!
times" for stipends need to lie set in coni rete. It a stu
dent group overpays a stipend or misuses any line-item
account, that should be taken into consideration when
its next budget hearing rolls around
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Tell me
Mould somrbudv please tell
the students of this University
U i , tin- in nil in.il Ins ( os!
i-.ic h student S 103 jn'r term
lu*lt' at Mir nivrrsilv. willii
Mir fees ii! lilt' l HIV iTsitV of
V\ if..:>>.;!..ii un- S 1 m .i Iitm. and
lin im risi I v nl Mn Ii Igiili s
..ii ill ' .i li tm l()rt%'nn (.'n/D
mrnt.iti‘T. I.inu.if v !mm.’]‘t
U iiv iio lln jin .hi flit al fees
i ni ri'a m- w Ii 11 r funding to
gi i,.; j.ti\ till' 111! iiirnt.ll I'Ve
t .. Ml, s ll I)s I u ll i 1 a 11 V ill
; r i ■ a \r i ill ill'll .Ill'll budget Ms
ll.i li t ini tin- ! 'I'M 'I t yr.ir
w.r down $tl3.3(Xi tills ViMf.
in tin M\ groups listed In
tiir ODIUI «b 7)
W hy tiiu-s tin' If (. i I imi tu
w.iiit to help relieve tlir o\i i
im rdorung ins! id iiiui iittoii
will'll .d till' Siliilr tilin' thi’V do
nut long I'ut tinreuse tin- li t
t Ii ,i! till! v t a ii i'll t v pay
iw Inch iv mi hided in tin* tin
lion lull], while reducing fees
paid to t hr spot hll-lllterrst
gn “i,K l',4i '*u’> sui,lu,f! ’
Allen James
: 1 . ... :. I ; i know
.ill of n nerd my sympathy.
Mid : "t ■ > Vt. it to proj.lr
V'tio ii.iv (id:i itlouv price's lor
Itut dull'! worry your little
li. ,11.l,.11 learning ni.irti.il
.iris rsjii i i.div learning ll) dr
Irnd yourself without r iming «
to.i k U .1 ^ mi are right and 1
am wmug
ll must hr tin sexism that rr
stints thr talent to light the
rnalr grndrr I must try (against
.of inv m.ini uliiir stupidity) tu
hr i umpassluu.dr. tor thrrr is
noshing anyone i an do tu stop
I'lr.tsi an rpt me into thr
I ,.ni!\ . f nil'll vvhere W e
an take turns i tv mg and rr
iih/ing that ur will never hr
, k ■ :i. isr i'r.iidl till few
wti.i never have to wurrv about
don't exist, ait humans are
new ts of weak in ss
i or heads. .in.1 pniV to the gods
uf fajH’
Bryan Weslby
Moore hilarious
|„mim Mimti1 (dpi:, i cb 7)
i barges mt' with niimi' calling
Thill's limm. in the article 1
wrote about Student Insurgent
Jew bashing. 1 linin’! mention a
single name
Moore I till rge s 111 e Ul! il
name l ulling Thai’s lunnv. tin*
hist ihing he does in his per
sonaI attai k on me is call me
Mi< ariln
Moore i laims ! unjustly at
tai ked his paper That's hinny,
the mam editor of the Insur
gent. Brian Hoop, told me I was
doing a great job and I should
keep It Up
Ml ore knows what is and
what is riot anti -Semitic (of
i nurse, is e at the Jewish Stu
dent Union do not) That's fun
nv does he decide lor the
HI,li k Student l 'mull w hat is
rai is! and what Is not 1 Does he
det ide for tile Lesbian, lias1,
and H. vuul Alliara e what is
and is not homojihohii '
Moi : i.Ills that one half ol
all Israelis are not Zionists
Such a noil statistic, such a
journalistic blunder, such an
absurdn\ with no support is
n, : Im,n\ It sintw s Moore s ut
ter ignor jn< e of Israel, Zionism
and tin Lavish people
Phil Zuckerm3n
Defined rules
Disi rimiriation is unact opt*
aide, unless VOU have a good
reason Let’s not miv words
Both i amps condone and con
demn discrimination as lung as
there is a good reason
ihe administration allows
exceptions to tile discrimina
tion rules lor tin1 military; Jen
nifer Hills allows exceptions
(and funding) for USSA. ASI C)
alio w e d e x c e p 11 on s for
Saferide, and last nut not least.
University Housing discrimi
nates against homosexuals !>e
I till Si* til gl 10(1 tc.lsons
II vou don l believe me, read
Page l <>l tbe ODE (Dei ‘1,
l’Mil) Next to .1 storv con
demning dlst rimination is a
slorv condoning it'
(iurrently. the rules on i .un
pus state vers clearlv lh.it there
shall he no tolerance lor dis
crimination I always thought
no discrimination meant no
discrimination. But. there are
the good reasons
It we are going to allow ex
ceptions to the rules, we should
clearly define what those ex
captions would he (dearly de
li ned rules would make it fair
for everybody involved If it
wasn't for good reasons," we
would eliminate the adminis
[ration, the military, Jennifer
Hills, rss.-v AS DO, Suferide.
i Jnivursily Housing
II we don't all live according
to the same rules, the only ac
( epluble exceptions to the rules
would he the ones "1" believe
are justified.
Mike Pritchard
General Science
No consent
In response to Bryan Westbv
and his dangling pianos/martial
arts solution to rape How hard
do women has i to light ha. k
tu-fore Bn an West by will < all it
Yes mart nil arts (an help
even the confrontation, hut
how die ':Ve IS it really when
someone twice your si/e and
stronger than vou is holding a
knite to your throat?
You cannot blame the victim
lor the la< k of martial arts class
es you cannot blame the vic
tim AT ALL Kapo is still rape
whether or not the victim
screams, lights hack, or is com
pletely paralyzed by shock and
There is no judgment call to
he made on, Did she scream
loud enough or fight hack hard
enough7 Not by you Not by
anyone It there is no consent it
is rape Martial arts or not
Leigh Wheeler
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than
250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the
writer must lx1 verified when the letter is submitted.