TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 102 Student court to rule on ASUO stipend raises j Complainants questioning whether ASUO had the authority to raise exec utive stipends without IFC approval By K rsien Lucas Court wit **i vs :: ■ I ss ' f i .sliuhinl Tffs (in.'hidiru: , p. tnhsxion In-forts raising mumber stipend* .-[ 1 ir■ i ;..m ills Mi \i-, ,’s ■■ .,tlt ills Pun King .uni K.irl !*• uni .uni from ASi U Hri-siiluM Jt-nmh-r Hills .1 : .i.. King ,uu I I’ollii i urth ;iti* U that i Ii r • • mi \St () -Vi ii 11 v < ■ has.- ■ :. ••••:; . d King ,,I :i.| ,iUu risjufsitsi that thf . . rt muki 't . r.-i ip. ASI (i AHirtnulivi \i lion (loonimcBobby Li n am! : ; ■ t As; () L - i'n-M.inlii - Ur. :i m ... i l!,.s r. whirl; i*vciM'thil 11.i■ I !■• .ippmVr t iur ili,.si- positions In tin il l I,is! spring 1. i. , iiirt-ii’ls ri< t-iving SIS pur mouth Mis li t i vs S125. Wul n was ft p. r nth Her li i approved stipend was •>. at Hills ..mi that vvhi-n slut (..inn; into oltn «*. she (-.mated, i II.i 1 t: i ill; 111., 1, d sryri.il ; -.Birr. wlni 1; .1 In i ti. thi-ir siIs She also s.inl she It'll I Ini lli tiff Jit urn i i .\ . • : Bills tin.it not explain w tiv V- O ; ff.ins ( s 'i.rdili.iiijf I hcri’si- Du Hr.iv.K was p.r.,I m- :• ih.iit hi r monthly siip.-nd Dullrjv.u. son ,-!s,n\ rmlf-d up with St.J j iiu in than she should have roreived Bills ..... i : nth w.is still invfstif.iiini; DuBr.n u 's is, i p.ivmrtl'. hi::, point based uiosl ot tln if jlgunifiit .iiMUr.t Siii i; .. on ,i iil4-j.it inti'ipn-tjtmn ot IH Resolution H. ,, ' .' So f. Willi is p f. ! O IIY who t. : to, tin- U-i; m whole or in part shall !■•• paid a : ' Lit, til in tti.it authorized in tin- IS ( :•...! the .ntfiit ot Kesu! • •: It is :. ; • approved .i total \St () - pend s i , If.ii Sliis visit Bills sail! the w .:: not sand the stir..-mi t.iuig. I ii ml. In, \ s ! (} vs ;; ,*,. i, . i ■ . * j 1 - • COURT f Kidsports coaches have a ball j University students en joy tun of volunteering in children's sports : ■ . • 1 ; 1 \\ , : : ' • . n . fir s,iid Altrr lln* ■ isc k i- : n. \ nij.; B; !' . •• : v. • •inti end Sums tlMins hiiVl! She l 11,11 ht-s Selling u! [his k;.!-. un ill. -,,m esc iml i ilun't ihi- v.ihn*In (h.il i1 ,i SI 11 k I lit; i [s. K11 h i 1 t . - :. s umi itir„: ; : .igrntjs lii'ipulifig utf h,n mg >''«> . v. i. . • .si -..cl U- .. . , • In! h.iv • COACH! S I'.;. Ci>.n n Hi.ni H. " ctf .1 .1 iinii duiin.j a kidspoits practice Myles Brand Brand seeks help in letter-writing campaign j Students urged to write Oregon's lead ers or face tuition in crease Ry Ca" t‘ but thus lilt .! Hr.iiii ‘..ml siuilt'isSs will uis I .hah ' .k :>•. !i •. • n- * i i i : . .ut'ic 1 : r«-;i! a <■ ’ ; ■ . i > > Ti, ;ii.ik*■ ‘.la!- Ills .iw.ifi' ol .. a! aii mi I hi- ht-ncl u!l(l Si ■ .i ::i la !,ik' ,ui .11 t!v»‘ full- m shi'if insure. Hr.uni . .. ...! 1 line. I‘ ■ 1.1 V la ; s ".Oil .ali n!-. . -kiMi; liii'in hi V\ fill! !:. I III •• !i III Iht- ii ih i. Iif.ini! ‘hi 111■ a!s : . Arili' (.. ■ \ It.*: li.u.. !<: ' • . anil '.l.itc i.'lh'.lahll '. ill 111' ' ■ ■: Bruit!-! tv .mis s!. il.-nSs to lull legisi.ilors la lull an mini ill.Hr- s111 i i.ll I-.I.i Mim and t rc.iH: ,i ri’ii • tax f■ ■ • rt;i siiririi> plan 111.1! a. 'if ; i vi>!(‘fs this Ifi.LHM) . V ■ i'it-. ’ ll- si-nl I" ... .i i . ;: 'V hmpim.1-. i at: !<•! .. : ■ hi : !fh l.-l . liotf.iihuts In pan tlii- h-llrr .impnign a - .1-. Pi.it! r In gladu . i :T ' ! O lirtils ■ in k. ; .in intern in Brand's ■ n.! and .1 lurnu r Irgislulivr n I u r stall K c p li.nl ■ ..ml Iciii r . mailer i in- legislators ami elided !':( nils respond In Idlers be . . .. : .. die lime In i 1111\ lake tin ' ' \ -.be said .1 ; i' ii! 1U i;h I'd# I m n seem l.ir awa\ . it is crucial " a pet la I session be ( ailed : i the Ollier presi ! • (Irejjnn Stale S\s '1 . r bdiii aliori are al ' BRAND P.igu 4 MR. POSTMAN Media critic Neil Postman said Monday mght that universities need to depoliticize and deprofessionalize themselves to be more effective learning environments. See LECTURE, Page 7 UNWELCOME CALLERS Many members of the University commu nity. from individuals to student group: find themselves ham- • d by obscene v d threatening ptr no- eUs Sec CALLE RS. Page S SHAKE, RATTLE AND ROLL T- o most yaluable players for the Duck " : i .ketba 1 te tm u■.t might be the •.v to wo beys who o' such underneath the v te ) team's basket See I ROM THE SIDELINES.' Page 9