GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 291 2 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 s wf*r r Th*- following incident rfpito the Ulln -• uf 1’ufiln: Safel i i»rui i.ugene poller lie partincmi fiotn February r> ).! • At. ’.ii year uM Wat- ' res dent vs as taken to Sac r-si Hi art Oiieral Hospital on Fob 7 after « fight with a Phi (iamrna Doha member. according to police re ports The man hod a black - vo on! a possible! firokon arm Po ; i o suspi<< l tiio fight is linked .1 prior on Idem \bout .i month ago a group of Phi (,amnia Delta fraternity combers .walked into tin- Wat son dorm. according to police S. ive of them vs ere drinking 1992 NOMINATION FORM FACULTY AWARDS FOR DISTINGUISHED TEACHING Nominations arc being accepted U»r awards which will he presented .it Spring C oinrix'ncement to University of Oregon (acuity members lor distinguished teaching Graduate leaching lellows. who have their own competition, are ineligible lor these awards Idiis scar there will he two Listed awards and one Burlington Northern award, etch accompanied by a monetary prize Nominations may he made hy students, (acuity, staff and alumni It you wish to make a nomination, you may use the lorrn below or you may send ysnir letter/s of nomination to the following address Lorraine (i. Davis, Vice Provost for Academic Personnel 103 Johnson Hall, University of Oregon. Please send vour nominations no later than ' March 20,1992 ELIGIBILITY FOR AWARDS KkSTKI) AWARD FOR DISTIMilISHI I) TKACHING I he late Mr \ J I rsted established the Listed Award for Oistir.g;. she.! finishing v the I • iser-its ot Oregon could annualK honor lauilty niemlHTs who have taught c. •mparatively short peri.vls have demonstrated exceptional abilities to induce students toreav in .u,d n.< nxTeiy uicmonze I , feted Awards can go only to faculty who arc u iht . Hii* teaching may icuir at the uudeigraduatc oi graduate levels It l Rl IV. ION NOKTHKRN FOI NDATION PACT I l\ At'HIKA KMKNT AWARD I hi' generositv ol the Burlington Northern l;i>undalu>n has enabled the Umversitv ol (Hegon to honor a senior t.kult\ member who has achieved an iHilstanding reeord as a tcaeher 1 his award can goonh to a laeultv member who has held aeudenue rank lor at least seven vears and who has demonstrated exeellenee in teaching at undergraduate or graduate levels I nominate________________ for the l ) Knifed ( ) Burlington Northern Distinguished Teaching Award, (check one.) The reasons for this nomination are as follows: (Attach additional sheet, if necessary.) Signature of Nominator Address Phone _ PWam* induce \«>ur stilus Vuikttf hjxulh Mum Vjff beer Hip dorm's restdwnt »»sss :.inI Sold them to pour out their hi. r and all except a ltt vi if old man compiled Tim H A di-si fibed this rnan as argu mentative " The IB \ear-old Watson resident told the man to t onperalc with the K A s re quest The man complied but ■seemed upset with him for get ting involved. according to po lice ()n I'eh 7. the Phi Unmmu |)i t.i member and the Watson resident 'seemed not to recog ■: eai h other at first and even shook hands However. they ..mi U'gan arguing and push ing eat h other Phi (lamina Del ta members attempted to pull thi‘men apart • \ J9-year-old man w as cauglit trespassing on the Uni versitv campus l eh Hi. at cord mg to pi .In e reports The < Mice of Public. Safe's gave the mail a letter of 11 e-Npass on ()( t t>. 14*» 1 On | .■() It) a University stu dent saw the man leave a stack ,.! about M) pieces of paper on tin ii> sk ! the )Sl”s president I hr student said the man Slaved in I he area fur an unde ‘rrminrd .iinnunl of time and was ,k ting strangely On tin pier es . : paper Was written Kill lews Whoops' \Vr mean Zionists” The ]St!'s president told poln e the man had harassed JSll members on sev oral occasions * A < a>.r of ret kless burning ot curred m (.1 ibert hall on leb 1 !. ai r ordmg to poln e An offi i er was dispatched to l.flbert after a lire alarm was ai 11\ailed ihe officer found a lot ol smoke coming I ruin the second floor women's bathroom Inside the bathroom was a plastic trash i an partially melted at the bottom The trash liner was also melted at the bottom The officer found cigarette ashes on. the ledge of an open bathroom window The damage was S20 A 27 year-old (filbert resi dent said last week she could smell cigarette smoke coming from the bathroom A sian/Pactfic American Student 'Union commemorates ‘Hie 50th Anniversary of ‘Executive Order9066: ‘Ihe Internment of Japanese-Americans ‘A Personal Matter: Gordon Hirabayashi v. The United States* Special guest David Frohnmayar, Dean of the University of Oregon Law School win present this new documentary produced Dy the Constitution Project nils moving story reveals the commitment of one individual to the principles of the American Constitution — and his 43 year struggle to prove to the courts that his wartime conviction for violating the internment order was unjust It tells how the U S Government lied to the Supreme Court in order to relocate Japanese-Americans and kept the truth from the American people in order to gain President Roosevelt s re eiec non This documentary is narrated Dy National Public Radio s Scott Simon and will premiere nationally on PBS this fall ‘Monday, ‘Jebruary 17,1992 at 'Mttfaiwttc 'Mail 110, 7p.m. A Personal Matter is rtie first of a wee* long series of films and discussions commemorating the SOth Anniversary of the Japanese American internment ' • •*. <( / he \ ' '}\u ifu Jmrrujn SfuJfrtt ltnu*n • \uitt \f *• ; . r , . ♦ i‘-r.. •* • \( v VA 9 .'4 9 < • $<> <1 Uh 4 <•/.’ V. Duck Call / 1 is Coming... i So here’s your chance to get some Hands-on Practical Experience and University Credit in: PEER HEALTH ADVISING You can get experience in: / Coordinating events / Public speaking / Writing articles for the Well Now ' / Facilitating workshops You must apply to partcpale n Poor Health Arising, HEP410&510. Ptckupyour appication rt Heath Education. Student Heath ^ Center, or cal 346-4456 lor more information 'ixtfMtnHy If*'. #**.'%♦** f %vrwf/f+tyram Sfudnrt AfenriAttCUartor1