I fc-1 10% OFF ANYTHING' AT [ IN THE STORE Regular POSTERS CD'S Cl OTHING 57 W Broadway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall I or aale Price SHOES CARDS GIFTS „ mmmSm J Mid-Wintor Term Student Special (approximately S/3 OQrmonth) . No Initiation Fee y • St;it«! of the iirt Cybex Weight Room Equipment and Free Weights • Over 40 Aerobic classes a week including Bench and Circuit Classes • Close to Bike and Running Trails • Personal Training • Aerobic Equipment tn< ludes Stairmasters Bikes Treadmills and Rowers •Quality Discount Supplirnents Childcare available •Southsidc Fitness On the corner of Willamette and 27th Ave. • 687-2200 J SATURDAY CELEBRATION nr - I folk | §ongs_ f v’ »tunn**V §a§fiN L,yL,e> Saturday, February 15th 12-1 p.m. Ages 3-8 General Book Dept. UO BOOKSTORE 1JTH * KINCAID. OPfhl MON. • SAT.. PH. 346-4331 ENTERTAINMENT Mandolin, banjo and fiddle sounds to fuse By Co • Po* g il % bill rv X dilV thill > th sounds of iiii . .ii itii%!u 41 . iti.in - ijiiltn i banjo or .i fiildn !.v cri :.,!(■> |«i thi- oppwuimiv to It* inn to thn*o of thiv munlry s imM’ riyimvmrd musician* in llttM- rospci iivo H'-nri-s .in i ! i it vs iff sliarr ifir with t!,i itti r < : sing! v pupithtr banjo ji 1.1 v I-! ft I-1.1 i i• i k i nd ! i; V ... : V i ■, i 1V iri) 17 ii! H pm in tin Hilton liuij \ 1 V t 1 ! I VS tr< with )»<-vn nc.ir itw !op of lln t unntfv t bur's CfiMiiitn, lh<* vs itlii s If iiiiing m.ifuiolinis!. Iirdpid io i vvl>,it in1 lornii'd d.iyvg nnisn . or m v\ iH ous'ic musn . llt.ii llinlliv !,)/./ .lilif biiu'pfitss III .it; ixlnmnlsniuv hybrid nr! form t! r ism.in s t.iii'si ri-lr.isf, U.ivsp 'HI, li-.iiiiii ’. C.ris:;i so ■ i it mu si band whifi’ adding lln (tut1’ ntiii ' ,it:mislii jvrii us sion in lofin whiii is mining io I ■ Ill I ill VS I II.II SH - ’ i.risinnn piisdmrd ilus al bum on Ins own rvt ord lubtl A niisiU IJtw 'ho sih ond uni) nsiis! popular .litmus jnil out fix ins i nin p.i ny . /<-rr i (,.ir ii.i lln tJ (Irifmi.m fouturcs tto- two 11dl.ilioraiiiiii in a mix of vitirun! and nettling blm gross olid i l// ill Hi's . . I VS I; ; 1 V .... ■ 1 ' II f tv i»Os .Old II VS..S tun lo - t so a Hi I i s! . (.nsinan said i 1 ! i I' k , :. ■:!!••'■ i i 1 ■ ' have i 1 !: . r< i at. Mi!: k : 1 % , ! i i i H 1 / I n g . 1 h 6 • M 1 ir ii! k i i j« MS (if M h.t! I ( Hil'i I! I j)sjr irv musk: .uni ihi' five string banjo are alf atxmt In !h«»ir latest allium, I-'light .>/ ‘hi- //'/!/•■>’ 1 i*• ( k mil his hand .uniquely blond i--,' ’ • ► In -' s" .(-■ ■■■ it;. V ri . k s ji'.ilc .u; iijiln at and e\u I» t.ml album ‘ rut pruitd a! Ilf whole re td .. > k.ud Uc Irv 1. ■ ! -! ' (' make (be 'same kit, 1 It-, .nl tM .i r and llus • a \ i - r \ 1 u n k v ' i 1 k .ml bis band opened - t.r.i!. f-ii 1 lead lias Ww 'far, :. ■« f link said ! hi' sin ns has ira te.i-.ed Ilf hand's popularity; su (at. they have been pLiving In sell-out shows on tbi-ir current month-long lour t!( nniitir who used In If It'ii- ginlarisl lor (insmitn s 1 .tid y\ ill tom his friends < : : a . k with his vi i -alii ()( i inn ir mixes I . - gr a-, k i anility and ja/,z . 11S. j ii.issn.il \llnl i< an tunes tli(it an- Ihmud to please any i new11 Tin very rxcited about the - ; ,M,ti \lii-er, l.M! ( ultural jorum coordinator M i r i. 1 s li j M 1 ( he 1,1 I 11 I k the bes! banjo player in the 1 iHln (■ HMIlitll is definitely the woild s I test inamiulniisi ; 1 !: i duall y i : ills yvilh hi-, f i si - die " . k Is available a I I he y ! - • sill..; kUidenls Bela Fleck and the Flecktones (abovel will blend their b a n i o sounds with Da vid Cr i smart's mandolin music in an acoustic show to take place m the Hil ton Ballroom on Monday. Feb 17. ‘Slacker’ avoids serious plot while constantly entertaining ★ ★ ★ P-L M '% C\Jt T#- tiy it t h# 01 fO Li A'1 Cmjs Rat*d H Vo. , Mr. r.*■ vv'h.i’.' .1 , >. - is lt\ Dii,rr lit it living up '.|ii \ iinf pijti'Miiil! iif t.ikii ihi r.isv vv .tv out thin v. .. ; ■ r S..II kl'f !l V!)!! itOl'l ’ ! ■> Il'Sjl.lflMt’llltV siTHHIsiv .inti liun t sit> stsnifth • , . ■ '' YVsliiv k‘ r almost II; V e! .1 s|. . ! \ > = it obey Us.u tilv doll : ii IVI the dr.o .1::,! de. res ul their j 11:.• 111.** Cheylend It. -dims IiIi iu vs.ish over tiii'm Will! one v\ iv i>;■ .mother ■ .1 suiie.il I' iU SSidtll these s|,n k-«;r.S iThensomething 110 ’ Ik. : isk r;.; ; 1:< lii., |. vv ' ■ i 1: <■; V. ,r Kit h-ud L .:.k : u:■ ; .mg.; v ivy w ise and hiM inating 1 tin* ! h -1:11' - : :.| ! i) i i 11\\ S t -.1,1, kel -IS !y >h> ■ : : ' ■:■■■ on lor awhile Alter a levs minutes the hist sl.K ki'f might pass .mother sl.u ker on the si reft rht’ . .inter.1 then follows ill.' -.1 . oil!! -.I.u ker Needless to say, there's not .1 ( uhel eat plot That's not had suite none ol these 1 I1.1t.11 ters . .m possihly 1 0rr\ ,m : : .. e U'.ili hi eg '!-■ shnr! segments is the only desirable wav to see their v\ o[ Id The i h.ii.u ters .ire too nunierons to mention -dl ol them hut there are sortie highlights There's .1 guv who simply deserts his room .11 .1 group house His house unites Itnd a small pile ol posle,lids tll.lt give clues ,is to his reasons lot leaving i lieles , young vs • Hit.Ill who ei [el % a!: ai in; a III talll e all iiuthelitlC Maiioli n.1 pap smear (or so she s.i\s| Another vs .111.in goes mlii 1 ! sslor and .1 man obsessed with [I k i onspiraev the ones goes over his l.tsoflle books on the suhy'i 1 Hi says lies working on his own It vs'ill either he titled • ..... . i1 . i u. ■» i w!ii> tin'll- in .1 t>.U. oil tin’ll i si;' , !/IsrlN .its; US> ill! i r.itmIn .itusns u( Si tudn Du .mil ih. Smiirl' ,.n s liiMrni .mil mi v Sunn ri'ti S .. « •; i : i' . v n ■■ . I. ! i . . I'Mri'imi . Li!,., j ' Vv, .j 1 .1.. -1 * l >!li ‘ !■;■; I: .; t h '. .-' ", : 1! 1 Vi v I-. U; ! .lh it tin v ■in iv. iritis iht'iy t ri;.i'!i\i ; •. 1 .! • k-- t i ip i>! i i It.i'll i.ltlulli, i jlct ■ Vi -i. < -1 s'. ,; i_. : . .' i" k : . . : ! h : I. '-''ll'-s -if; Sill; vV'.iy.'ir .uii'liirr V.' -1 ki-'i ■ • 'ii-1 !■." ■- ; ' ", ' ?! \ I -ifSaiui Ut! 1 i5i." i It,;; >. s It i; ii• .it Uivvli ■■■.'. .. is ' . ' i Hit . . .1 ' 1 , : ■ \\ I I i , \.M T 1, Lins',iicr a.,ni J,. '.iv with li11*> tilin' Art; He mi-i.1 lit Ir.itn hum ihrsr . I : n I- • ii o. ivh.i! in- Wf tu if ifli ’ Ar>* v. ! shown lh.it tin- world ill nuiiti.ilt v is ssi i ,nrujit iititi ttiot.iih li.mki ujit tli.il l> .. mg It is lhr-.tr |»tru |l|l‘ lit! IS .1 Vi.tlllf Uptiilti' 11 til.lt S till' ! i It : 1 | ' I S w illi tlir ImurgftitT ’ \% 1! s I .;..'... s . ' a :': I.isi mating .mil nlti n hilarious him ili.il [,Ki . Ill'll I;.:- thr Ii 1 i lit ,l suit ill fri is -. in i,\ . . . ip, ■ t! ; •. ,, v "1 iifli u inf ;• it is almost .isNiitt'dly in tiindnd to hr ft,.! Its ill;: pit- tju.ililv >! h-mig jmjHt Ljlt-.i . nlifrlv \i% w tinsi* n iltjs i i r * * not shiJ|nn| by thr rvM u| s tx m ty is .aium.thli .mi «}t liftftHv worth ii ‘ >. it B, . . i J G.."’ r ATTENTION GRADSj Ross Howard & Romania Toyota, Subaru, Hyundai would like* to Launch Your New Career with a... NEW TOYOTA! • No Previous credit required • 90 days before your 1st payment • NO MONEY DOWN Up to 6 months prior to graduation and as long as year E* after. Fur details call Ross Howard, your College Grail RepreseutatiiH". at lhe Romania Super Store Jusl ask for Ross Also aiciilablc - Sulxinis l h/undais ana a huge* Si'kx'tion of prv owned cars and tracks. 308 GOODPASTURE ISLAND RD. • 344-5566 WrtVAW, EMERALD TAXI 686-2010 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT “/I.D. iWWAWi HUY USt l> Mil US I U I MAT S COOl I records! r258 E. 13THo342 7975 , ' «t»td Ut t»p«t r%K,arxl i SUN-TH 11-« • FRISAT 11-7 We Have A NEW SELECTION CLASSICAL Tapes s 0VO6O GAMES 101 (TWIT PUBUC MAMET » VIDEO ADVENTURE] 1 mm mu puza •CM mil'll* rr Huy 2 Used Records or Tapes and Get One or $1.50 OFF any Compact Disc (One C oupon Per Customer Per Day) "(Free used record or tape of evjual or lesser value) We pay cash for used Records, Tapes & CDs HappyJTiails 361 E. 13th • 485-5351 Expires 2/7/92 FREE i Sweetheart ^ ^ Special ^ People who work out together stay together! ^ Join with a partner (male or female) and receive 1/2 oil your initiation ^”Best aerobics in town” ^Electronic body fat testing 1475 Franklin Blvd. 485-1624 p .vltTllL •J%ft • *K» W *« 3 4 / * ■ .' I w I ] V mull: , r-grur iuJixn U* j bvfij \ RW8H PtfifeW i! * ihr Nrm iTH**! tn u *n « Thu Story Of Boys And Girls \ IJ.Vil.HWM Ks *=~ • 1 « '* f -1 I'ROSl’l KO S HOOKS l UUM HJJlt-LT; MU'!-! S jf t1 J f '*>t hnw»«’ •'* l»|WA*i • »< .* ”r 'l«« #*f\** Tw» '» » *u<> i Imj ;*4«*|fw» ’_* « •»* V|»1 >* Mi. »| » ■ ** GO »' (adT*vt» 'V*«»hv,»i > *>gor ***.?. A LX rjx'idi »ai«ar.n::n.rnia rt 1:1 a ■mw.ii i uj 'TWIN PEAKS HAS GOT NOTHING ON THIS PLACE" 121,1 Annual HAUL Trail Tenter An arl exhibit by (he xlaff & instructors ot tho t ( raft Ontor. fw»irr»(»:r*iJIM3lil SUPER WINTER AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALS ire$tone AMIIKAV HOMI #0« CAI MtVKI H.UBE, OIL* & FILTER $ 16 99 MOST CARS *"m”a7ce" TUNE-UPS 99 4CYL. s49 S59 99 . 69',, 6 CYL. 8 CYL. f> V * ,»•' .v*.t ’■■■>-} Maintenance BRAKE SERVICE $59 99 »?>«(.» - {wuJ i g * o ,»*.t> u> O' mi! 1/O.t jt *»« 4 ' ' ttirUt ] 1 I I mot! ears