Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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Philosophy 101
TERM: Winter 1992
Lane Transit District
rhe same as
lir cealiuy the
\ s you*
offpr oroof.
"I think, therefore I am."
Do you cease to exist if you
°p thin^ng? How will you knov?
be tween
How can you really choose
free will and detprm ■
The universe has no beginning
and no end. True or false? Why?
QH You can ride the bus
anywhere. Anytime. All term long.
(just by showing your student I.D.)
Would you describe the service
as free, unlimited, or just a
^ figment of your imagination?
What goes around, comes around."
Use either the universe or the bus
to prove or disprove your answer.
O fci law kaw* Owna
Tae kwon do
way of life
By Man Bender
f maratd Contributor
lor Oregon club lac kwon do
team members, their sport is
more than just a form of self-de
fense. it's a big part of their
lae kwon do started in Ko
rea 2.000 years ago as a form of
self-defense." said team repre
sentative (airy Martin it is the
world's oldest form of self de
Martin says it is now the fast
est growing martial art in the
United States
l ae kw on do is d 11 ferent
front other martial arts because
of its reliant e on kit king
"highly percent of tae kwon do
is kicking, high kicks and flying
kicks that require a lot of flexi
bility." Martin said He esti
males that there are about 1,000
different kicks used
Hot a use- of the amount of
kicking in tae kwon do. the
sport requires a tremendous
amount of conditioning and
prat lice.
I fie Oregon team is trained
by one of the bust. Master jeon,
Ik-Kt, a fifth-degree block fruit
and Korean national champion
in 1*177
)t‘on teae lies iiiuri: than tech
nique. he also touches the men
tal aspec ts of tae kwon tin
Translated literally, tae kwon
do means foot, fist, way of life!
I'o many of the Oregon team
members, it is a way of life,
"It benefits a person more
than just physically It helps
build confidence and leaches
self-discipline," said team
member Chris Hulls
I or others, tae kwon do pro
vides relaxation
I do It because its good ex
ercise, junior Tom Steele
said \nd it's also a great wav
to relieve tension '
Oregon w ill compete this Sat
urd.iy in Cottage (trove and
next weekend at Washington
The two competitions will
help prepare the team lor the
Oregon State Championship on
April lHth The top four finish
ers at the state competition
quality lor nationals
Since Oregon is a Croup-A
member ol the International
Olympic Committee, il any
team members finish in the lop
four at nationals. thc\ automat
ically quality to comjretu in the
Olympu I -’estival
Anyone- interested in more
information on tae kwon do
should contact Cars Martin at
’Jli 1.007
Ducks, OSU
to wrestle
Tht) Oregon wrestling team
wraps up its iiu.il meet season
tonight at Oregon State at 7 10
The 23rd-ninked Uut ks. 9-0
overall anil 4-2 in the I’acific
It) Conference. fell to the the
litth ranked Beavers 24-10 in
an earlier meeting this season
a! Mi Arthur Court
Oregon Slate is 9-1 overall.
Oregon's l.)an Vidlek, who
hasn't lost u dual match since
his freshman year, is ranked
second in the nation at 11H
Duck 1 .Mi-pounder jarrett
Clark, ranked Kith in the coun
lr\, will face nationally ranked
Dabak Mohamniadi in u key