POLICE BEAT The following inc idents were rep • rt• .: to the Office of Public Safety and the Kugeno j . . ,!. partment from Ian to to Lett 5 • , hr K.1}ip,i Sot!!’. . tr.iiern> '.imd ' ■ was i lied Jan it) on a noise ih iulmrt ' a; i : ifd.ing to pol u e n put is An oliu >-r w ,i% ns an. i-s tig.de after a neighbor called it; a compi-ont The (fit er said he Could ; iearlv hear e .ruing from the Kappa Sigma inrise \ I; . it ! 1 ill Avenue and \!der Ssrer! Idle house had a live hand m the ! mmi! and a stereo upstairs The hia.se \ue pres,.;. :i; : cepsrd responsibility for the noise and sold oilier house members to shut oil the music • Police arrested a 27-year-old man, wahtc i Idaho for selling a ocame. on Jan tl P,,;it .• made con tint with the man at 1 l-t? Polk Si The suspect was taken mio i ustocH a:id lodged at Lane ('bunty jail • Police arrested a matt for brandishing a switch blade in the LMl on pel) t Police were dis patched to the LMl utter an anonymous t idler re ported a man talking to hittisoK and eafrying- a long switchblade in the LMl' skylight.ar-ea the A ■ «a> i. in : \|| Vli:!r H.I1 . -i liss.'tl .hi- iir in .1 h*' h,id ,m\ wimp.ills on if ■‘ ttid ihc offn nr him to his. i\i-.i}Mins mi ihif broth noxt to him Th«* . ■ *. .. ; j>nnji stvlr tu ,.)>• ’r. -in ilv f ; i 11* his ,tnd pUrnl il on. ihr • ..! f . f . i : - «im> ( imrnit on I'tib 5 Ihr wtminn and un ■'!!11 r imviTMlv stuiii'nt wli4 ihi'! wen- ap .: ! ■ \ -i .i; W.ir. ; ' 111 U l in '■>! , wiuTi- tiii-v %yr«\. shopping 1 H.- m,m ln.d ihrin his first iniinr .nitl ii'.ki ii ; I Ihr v «,■ li st Sills Hi ,iImi tii'si ttu- vvoni.in !il l! si;i' . bin ;h.ir ,irni .iski'd hff Muitur Wtirii sii»’ in ni.in it'll !hi' store, shr found ihr iihin u.uSffig tor hi-i Shi" s.mi !hi’ ni.in toui'ht'd her h,ill ! Shrii told hrr shr tv .is hi-.iuliful .10 to it 20 pan , baseball coaching, Tuesdays from 7 to H a) pan trot k coui lung, Mon day s, Wednesdays and la,days from d to to 10 20 a m and in tersi luilastu: Athletic Admmis • lay s Irom 0 id te i ! id a m Since Os initiation in tdhl. IFC Continued Iron' Page 4 band ijjret tor the Il k dei ided to rest bed (Wills hi .iti np at 'he soon SI.IKK) in stipend allocations l.ist year ( )n /, n Vnu «. : r i ( i v rtj ti jirf i i ■ f 11 mi fiMM' Irnm lbis y00 1 be voir Ww*> ill in lilVOf \ spot i.jl rfijui-si fiif thf l-.il in Aimruan Support Cuimnit lor to M*nd 15 fTn*mbr*rs In a i unlort ni i* in Ib*rk* : \ ( alii .vas 5 1)1 ROSES $17.99 & \l»<> availiM*- jrungnJ »n a \ asc * Icrn fv*r lust 29.9V > CARNATIONS $9.99 ih)Z. I l.OWlJi-S and (.UTS UNIVERSITY. 607 E !3TH.«S'»2 WEST. 17»0 CHAMBERS .485-1261 >1 muni) 100 people toivr p.issed through the progrtitn tiinnv <>! n liuin lii'i 'line •issisi.ml ( mil h i s ,0 thet 'nivrfviu . (Mcui) stilil If >i person intends to courh e.ri ,mv level. 'they slu>u i d en roll she s.iid Thu ( hisses emph.isi/e slr.ite g‘> m.m.igi-mrnl. •.purls ps\ i holtigv >n>I ulli.'i ' it.it lung .is jiff is i.li'ni) itm[)fi,isi/is| th.il fvi’n tfiiuigh (he t o;u hmg < liiss. s .ire i iusing. tin- phyMt .il . tjiii .limn .it in ilv ul.issi s will < ontiniir io tu’ tillcrt tj I CALENDAR SlOWOUT 25% OFF ALL 1992 ■ CALENDARS ■ I i 150 kinds to L1 choose from . . _ -X— Lazar’s Bazar 57 W. Broadway *687-0139 957 Willamette St. (Downtown Mall) . - —I The Museum of Natural History Gift Shop is having a pre-inventory sale. February 12 - 16, 1992 U)'Y off .til children's Kx'ks, all posters. all stuffed animals, and selected jewelry Surprise Table ol slightly damaged items, 50‘Y or more off. I >pcn 12-5 every day through 1 ebruarv In Visa & MasterCard welcome l 'nivrnity of t )regon Museum nl Natural 111story lraw I-.. 1 Slh Avr., I ugcnr • Vln lmN •K "• mi mm mm wmm •>. EMU CULTURAL FORUM & 95.3 i/„ KAVE PRESENT MON FEB 1 7 8PM Si:i l<0 STI IM-IN I S «|« {.KNKMAI. HILTON BALLROOM rotayn hitchcock r u 3 a ik L 3* <0 0 (0 < V 3 plus Matthew Sweet 1V1U1N FEB 24 8 PM Sll IK) srillJl.NIN SI s r.KNCNAI EMU BALLR