Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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lfi02W«ometteSr 345 2296 )
From the heart...
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an I 11K M Hrlwrrn 1 >«k and W ill*m<rllr
Four groups get budget cuts
By Kirsten Lucas
* me* aid R»pof!e»
The Incidental l et' C.nmmiltce allocated
i'i'ij ul budgets to five student groups this week,
two ol which were penalized for the fisrui mis
management bv last year's members
\! Ihursifuv s meeting, the Interlroternilv
( mi ii iv- i S7.HJ" an 1! pen <*nt decrease
Irum this yours SH.hoo budget I he group re
quested Sit).‘.155 I'he AS! O ns ommendatlon for
the Inter fra it rnitv < aaint il vs as So -r< I
I'he Asian Pat till American Student Union re
ceived S(> 177, a 1 -t lipercent dirt tease from this
year's 57.7-4 i budget AI'AS.U requested S7.1H2
\Si (i financial analyst Kayrnotvd Lee t iled
poor finuni ml niaiiageuien! in previous years and
a fab budget for his recommendation ol a more
than 1 7 pen ent dis rease
The American Advertising ITdemtion met a si
uniat fate Thursday, when after receiving its
SI._’();{ 19U2 ‘j) budget Tuesday, tin- group was
re ailed to answer to Imam iul mismanagement of
last ■, r.it\ members
\< i orthng to .1 !i-ci>4t*> producit) by II (' member
Ann I eig. money that should have been spent on
sp- ik< rs and liims was Inappropriately trans
ferred In !«'-iin .n counts to cover travel expenses
and food
After much deflate over the act olinlability of
student groups lor previous members' misdeeds,
AM' received vBO, a Jr> percent decrease from
tins year's S3 MO budget
In addition to Thursday's hearings, tile lid. also
heard apologies and exc uses from the Oregon
V long Hand wh:; li vx as /eto-luncied last week
when it mails erlenth missed its si tieduled hear
Acting band director David Booth explained
that he was unaware ol an OMII mailbox in suite
four of tile I AU', where notification of bis hearing
was delivered Booth said tile band was pafticu
i..r 1 \ coni erned aland the effed of lid!-zero-fund
ing on the organization's current search lor a new
Turn lo IFC. Page 5
Con: rued hom Page "
I in* fuh* oi Inlelligunce is to
ptoV I< 11 pi >i 11 V lll.lkcrs VS lilt .1
ohereni and ubjet live analyst*
of issues liint thev .ire engaged
m or shou Iii In- engaged in he
Intelligent e em|lluvees life
.11 i min!.liste lu tin' eveuilive
.mil to the Congress and report
i i in iiiii-n, Kerr i. t mi
tr.irv Hi the peri eption that the
> . 11/ .i i, ins work i ii ii-peri
• li 1111V and outside the lavs
K .:i.i : .:.11ii. i, in 'in
tiers to Ik- i rtlK al of vs hat they
n .i t ai* ui S the ( . \ Most vs I it
ers and journalists are not ( lose
enough to get an ureurute pie
rs I VS s ask- •! .i!> . i x l ! .\
i.!m • s vs in. ...; i. iX' ml
against tile organi/attun. such
as ill Sto- kvsed .lli.l i’ll. (Up
\is't Hi (Itsili jsse.l them as
. : ■ ;. e . k ;;:. ■!: i
Si rr 11 Idod si v ■ r .! .;'.■ ■ 11ill's
l : . i.. e. s!.. ! lit Hi; Allan
vs !:o helped organize the ev ent
l : -I K. n s i that p< up!e
will VS llte ailiell the ( IA .in
..snails iiiunlnrnieii
There are a lot oi si Hirers
:. s' a vs .s;.,.':.,:. s
Ad.tr : K. rr
la. : vs Wanted ' • ms ;ti
some of those sources here
In.. v..a didn’t vs ant ' ■ si. .: • .1
jiiatioriu with thi in
Ad .: '• . ■ s :
eiall i.iltloli of the tie. esstty of
the Intelligent e organizations is
:.n older, and listed a htanv oi
ah,.ses from the mining of
harlmrs in Central America to
thi !run (.(inlr.i m .mii.it
Ki'rr responded hv saying
(In s ,in' net essary. bill .1 reeval
u.1'mn ui thf roll' of intelli
gence is in order in light of (hi'
i ■ r i . 1 k 1 i 11 11! (ho Soviet Union
un,I tli' i'i : of the Cold \\ ir
H" Souk issue luivs i-vct. with
Allan s list
I don't want !u 140 over the
:..11S til 1 win that you've tie
Mu I Ittii i would say that vvh.it
,0. ;. a r g II II ; 1.’ .V I tli IS I S
jiiilii i and in other o! vour
installin'. I don't agree that the
( l.v v\ as Itivolv ed
Kt" r w a i-.. - ask< d atiou!
t.! A : uveft activity
i think the t S guveminent
net ds something between <1
dt[iHim.ilK mode and the US
military to influence events
.tSro.id h s.ml Now there
Many win tlisagree with
that, that we should not influ
eiu ■ events abroad But our In
fluence abroad 1 - not and I
dor. : think anyone 1,111 believe
tl: .' . t Is .1 i vv .1V s | list a mil I ig
riant influence
id: unni e m the human
;n;li)s area has been very hinda
' lit 1 he said
A student who identified
.::.sed as , :,trrner Army Intel
gt-ru . ot I i( er said he w as
tt.iiln i to th 1 tlk the Ualholit
( i:,.rc.It is an evil tori e and
Americans who oppose t S
[null V <ire subversiv es
U:.!..., siiid :
Ir.innwork ir. vour mind, when
, r lit i (>uf 11r v ki . . Si.i
v njor. and vour officers s.iv
it so. so! lit
Mi -tv vvh.it do you do* ^ou
s.e. U 'll that's par! of HIV
lull t i]ues!ion
am] DAY
drama A
30% 1
Rea $29
Rea $32
239 E 14TH
it." ho said
' ltlvcrylhing you do is funda
mentally illegal. but tlint's what
we do. so you can't question
it. lie said How can you fight
to change it, when that policy
is coining down all the way
from tin’ president7"
Kerr said he wasn't sure that
in was responsible for that stu
dent's at t i vities. but the stu -
dent responded that Army In
telligence is under Central In
telligent- Kerr saitl he didn't
think the student's tiest ription
w as accurate
We tie not condone illegal
activity Kerr said "It does
not condone assassinations li
does not condone the treatment
i ! people as \OU tiest nhod
Kerr, who is retiring next
month alter ttj years in Central
intelligent t-, suggested that the
-,-\ ersity invite some of the
t;i-«t't members of the organi
/atmn lor <i different perspet ■
Leo s.ud that it students want
.mother toriim next year, he'll
Wo.-k to help make it happen,
lilt' In doesn't think other
sp .:k- rs will provide iinv more
,i.: -a mat: at than Kerr did
W put a it>t of !line and en
ergy into getting Inin out here
and now I w under tl it was
itiitt'i it lie sa id I ti iti n l ex -
pet ten, ', aliswe! ail the t|ut-s
titms, tint I did expect turn to
at knowledge some of lilt- mis
takes, and he didn't At least
students huii the opportunity io
meet film and express their
feelings, so m that sense. I was
glad li w as tii ne
19th & Agate