Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
said ; 1 s. emed !Ik'1 a good ih‘
because it Wu.l.dtBl il.ir
row my options
\\ . ih .in underg; .ni cate d
intis’ in forestry. Sullivanwant
till to " pursue n.itur.ii n-souti e
management from a iegabend
1 hr University attracted him
mainly because of its ex, client
reputation for (■ttvironiuclvt.il
But lot .iltun u -.s v er v mi
[lortahl. too," Sulhvum said I
.ike tin hug i: ( iiiiumin it v
Plus tuition uas 'mix . heap
Sul H v a n w i n t I n '• •> ! a wj
si !i. .ill i \[ici t i eg a kuni tif at
i.n mu boon .imp I)<■ ;found
ins c\pc< la! lulls -,\ '*rt• tai r i
i orn t I A tvp. ; .lav for him
begins •.’.111; a class a t U) i t •
liter: has a break uni if ",f f- ill
.lining which he readsm the ii
brurv After his t 1 if) t fuss. he
has lunch. After hint h lie
works at a Springfield law hrm
as a law clerk,or he (Milks as
the editor of the luunuil ol i.n
vinmmrnUil f an mul l.itig.i
lion In the evening, lie tries to
set aside time lor even I si and
then similes Into the night
I'm a night owl. Sullivan
said "I'm rarely in bed In-lore
Sullivan estimates lie spends
an eight hour (lav at sc hool and
studies at least four hours i very
1 am y cry. y ery busy.” Sulli
i an said But it's a diliereiit
kind of tm sy ness it rum i o I lege)
(Law school) involves a lot of
extra -curricular activities
Law school student Elisa l arson cn/oys the sun while studying in
the Law Library
Su!!11 Hi .u kih .w ledges tlv
he raf eU ( mripI e I e s .11! his
reading on time
1 do .IS 11UK (l .is I ( .III ; - 's il l
In.111 said Bill voti 1 .in to •1 =
eel eierv thing done i !i. hrsl
V e.ir es pet I.«11 V . Vim (eel
su .liltpeil like \'i Hire Meier
going lo gel il .ill ilniir
Su 11 i Viin 1 I It'S this lie.11 \
sluiiv load as .1 ma|or ddlerom e
hel'.veen Ills u n 1! el gr .1 li 11.111*
i e.irs and l.nv s< In ml
I have really had lo applv
myself to my studies Sullivan
said Law school lakes mm
milmelll II recpiires some 111
gemous planning You have lo
know where to eul 1 orners
! bird Veal law sludenl I'asn
tj;. >’• 1.1! i ig'n ■ U 111; i li.'ii hr
\ ir v ill s'.:i fjtiifi lln* 1; lilvi'tsitv
V;H ,i(ii:irni.i .ii Sanfa ( t-i. .mil
,i !:..is!i : s i t ‘ g I1 ■ from 1 a ir
sill* is i'ii strang* r to rignmus
.ii .iiirlnlt s
1 .:ss si Iii iti! ; if r fi i;, itii V
fnirdiir and imirr !m usnl than
i ollrgt Quinlan sail) "It s
linin' curu antrutixl
Thr rn .iilrmu pressures can
lake .1 loll all <i student's si« ;,il
Vau give u|> .i h'l al week
mi) irn;' Sullu in siiiil Vim
might h.ivn to lisa thn Weekends
fur i .iii lung up ur fur outlining
,i class As l.ii ,is suti,11 life
, ■ • LAW I,.'
Continued from Page '
inundations. L.lh’ said
A 1 oh f> memo issued to ASl O President Jen
infer Hills ,1111! (in (.onsliltil ‘Hi Co .in In. \ ii i
(Ihairvvom.in Sara Podge supports '.hr ASl ()
lie memo re,ids, in purl. " I he 111- decided
lh.it the interpret.ilioii ol Kesolutum 8 .mil the
term highei rate should be that u group mov not
overspend their total affix aled stipend line item
.uno.inls Ue fell the! programs si. add have some
aUlonomv within their groups to alter their
monthiv stipend amounts as long a-, the total
amount of money remained statu
Resolution 8 was revised Nov i'ril hv add
mg the fol low mg sentein .e, I he lit. may not a;
Si a ate additional lunds to programs who over
spend their stipend accounts
; he ASUO has tie prerogative to make
. Ranges w ilhin a loe- Item. Podge said
King disagrees We re ol the opinion that the
students, through the 11 t should tie the ones to
set the stipends and not the executives them
selves he said It s unfortunate that the II I. has
dei sded to allow stipend earners to establish and
adjust their own stipend amounts
Ring said neither he nor I’ond received a copy
ol Podge s memo
Hills said that lieieuse ol ASl () stall rearrange
menl eliminating one position and combining
two others some stipends have been changed
St..' ! hr- t Mi Sl.is [lilt *-VI I "led till' . 111 p I i v r<! stl
pend anumnl. and is ,11 tu,lily less lltall tin' up
[ if, I V i d S 1 '( 1 MU she Mllli
Our un.I. islanding is tli.it ymi t an t spend
uu-r On- lirn- item ainiunl she -ml We gut
t iinltniiiitiiai til that from die li t. i hr llltriil of
tin ruli- w .is to prut ul< i.:11j<,11:11y
ilia! .io-.sii! promuh iist.il responsibility
w iliiin tin A S t O. Rond s.* ttl ..»! liit- jiohi v
finite > do at t ountabihtv
I'iiii ) furtiler t unit sis 111.it tin- li t violated its
,\ !. yu it I -111 res . : • I , •.it ■ ■ s r, a ! u l i 1 'I
which trails I hi- lit shall announce prior to
v,-. 1 ol i uti VI .It its guidelines lot tin- ah - a
tmli ol ill, nli tors Resolution it H.n ametnf
, it \ov '
liiii-s \\ ,:iu| ! ! s, • r v I Hunter \ S i () - \rt ,
toe t ttoriiinator dec iiletl stipend amounts iieltire
n rsotie was hired. Bills said It\ (ill* ic;e. Hills
In i sell : ■ eiv es SHOO a month, less than tin SI.'',
in tile ret .om met id a Hull last yeat. she sail!
Ol tile charges. Lee said, 'To me, tins is an lire
sji, r a.: t 1 i I ■ i omia.atlt All they la ell tu dtl IS spend
in inimi 1 - ui! the phone with tin ASl'O or the
Ilf lo Imd out liiat Kesolu lion It has been
changed situ,- Sail and tu ..nil, island how line
Hems approved
K my afid Rood i l.aig, ih.il Watsuii, l.ee and
|)a Hr.iv.it liavi in it.'-d VMM). Sdi’U 17 and
Soyh Ol in in erpaviiieiil respectively
A rotmaiK red ro*e v«so with bo ted
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Newman Center Events:
Res loin Hill, a irlired professor from the Ihusersits of
Portland. will tv giving j series ot i.ilkn on Christianity ami Its
mg ihe Sermon on lire Mount on Saturday. 1 ehruars I Sth. from
') .1 m uuiil 4 I' p in at the Newman ( enter (I.SSO I tnerald
St > Isersvine is united
I he N\ win.tn < 'enter flSSn Rmciald St ) will lv sponsoring
a eh.trt'sm.iiK nuns on Fridas. I cbru.tr> 14th t he prayer and
piaise vision ss ill sent at 7 40 p m and the mass u dl st.ut at K
pm Iversohe is tin tied
of the
Hu th.I »aily I merahl. llir imlejv mlenl Mu»li*nt newspajvr ar llv
I ni\. i ‘.if v >>f < hr^'D i* i unroll> ju •. rpltoy ajvpln atom I « live position •»!
I .lift* I. * ilk- I'W.’ *> 1 4. jJ.-mu >e*f
| )«ktamtnlale* Hunt In- either an umlei >i ailuale student at thr
I norinh enrolled j.* a minimum of m ifcdit h*urs | vr irrin in three of
ilk I mi at 4.1. tun .juai in % of tu* <« her term a* I «111«*« *« a graduate student
4( the 1 njvnvily enrolled f>* a minimum of three iffdil tours |H*r term in j
three ( the hur At a tie mn quarter* of' hi* .« her term a' lalitnc Ml applu
anlj ii»ri U m *.*1 a.a.lcmn standing
lli. (>» e \\. *n I'aily I meial.l i* juMished h) a non |*ofil i o»jk*ralion
vs lm it ofviafe* indepr iklenlly 4 llir I mvcisil) I Ik |*ftmarv jHuj».se of the
( )| )l is t«i |K> >\ nle e.hn at ion an*I training f*« stioW ni" in all A«|vt t* *4 ne *s s
pajk i ^H-iatiun h> seising a . auijus ainhen* e with news. editorial ami
advertising v * intent
11k- I <111.>< . ■< iIk- ( >l>t v*tio rejK*t * it • a leu j»ri son v ■ duule ■ i It.mi.I <>1
Dire* t.#i tia* r e vjk»ftj*ih»lity for all editorial ■ qvi alt* >in and all >*lit«>iial
con! cut >>l ihe new'pajvr letm *»f office is June *>. i‘M.\ i.. June I'**'
and is |Hi'ic<lr<l t'V an orientati.•« pern*! from A|«il I*4 to June H lhis is a
pan! [motion
Inter sled parties shstold pu k up an application pa. ket. whn h i»u hides a
j, 4. .1, \» ripto n ai llie (>I>I If. nl <le• k in Suite ‘•••IMI •* > all Mf«5Ml
i 4 iik* i i nt or trull <>rt
( uiplei. il apj4n at tons must U* retw ivd to iJie OJ )| llvu.l “I I )ireet**< s
l»v < «> p m . MondayMan h J. 1 An mdiv idual will tv *ele. L-d h\ the
It uiii hy A|h »l I I W:
l hr Orr\;><fi /J.n/v / mr tail if «i/r / qu.l/ < *y\uu tumt\ / m/>/o>er
u/u/ it hm-tini a rm/re < ullurtilly <U>rr\r wt rki>Uk r
Oregon Daily
MMI \ 11> Memorial l nion, I* <) Hint \ I I npm , ( >r i pon V740 '
Those sire, are the uncommon folk