EDITORIAL All is not good at the University A recent study on the experience of black Oregon! an*, highlights u problem the entire University, as well as huger,c and state community, should be aware of: Main black students and faculty members on Oregon i ait:puses feel isolated, frustrated and alienated The Nos ember study , led by t huirman of the state ('.om miss ion on lilac k Adairs. Robot t Phillips, ini luded nearly 200 interviews conducted at five state cam puses Among hiis findings. Phillips found black Univer sity faculty members frustrate*! vsitb their double time load of mentorship and instructional duties due to their small numbers The professors also felt they were viewed as having lower-qualitv intellect, making it harder tor them to get research grants Black University students said they felt out of plat e and alone, primarily bet attse there are so few itlat k students, not many classes on the black expon ent c, and leys black faculty members Blue k athletes at the University foil they were val ued more lor their athletic ability than anything else. This issue titles not stop y\dh the black communi ty. it involves everyone no holds burred I he fact that people here, at this University, in this town. have such feelings is .something vse all need to be assart- of and concerm-d about The numbers are startling Black students at the University have a 2(>‘I percent graduation rate, com pared to the 45.£ percent graduation rale for white students lil.uk athletes fare little better they giaduah a! .i H).8 percent rule, t outpaced to 44.2 pen i'ii! of white athletes ()bv unisly, something systemic, something in the University, is (iesper.itelv wrong This study has done the entire community the favor of bringing to light ah issue most of the "mu jorit y " rai e otherwise mav not have known about. Noys -:;'s tone to u< I This study has done the entire community the favor of bringing to light an issue most of the ‘majority1 race otherwise may not have known about. Now it’s time to act. The report offer-, recommendations to remedy the situation at the University, including a >tudv of the athletii department to find out "why the til.uk male graduation rate in revenue-generating sports is so low"; offering incentives tor hiring more minority faculty members and finding new ways for students to voice concerns regarding bigotry, hatred and racism. Unfortunately, the problem isn't that simple. To hire and recruit qualified black professors will cost money It would be money vsell spent, but the Uriiver sit\ would have to pay the incoming professors what they are worth In that lies the problem. The University faculty, in general, is woefully underpaid Long-time professors would not take kindly to incoming faculty getting substantially more money than they do. Instant resentment, and no closer to solving the problem As long as the Oregon State System of Higher lain cation continues to underpay professors, the I 'niversity and other collegiate institutions in the state will be in a quandary Hiring qualified professors of any kind — is nigh impossible it the p.tv is bad. Hut while the money situation might be. tor the moment, unsolvable. the other suggestions by the re port need to be discussed. finding new ways lor students to air their views is a good step Nothing is ever lost by talking things out. While some would debate the degree to which they ex ist on this campus, no one could argue against the fact that bigotry, racism and hatred are still present. More outlets in w hir h students, faculty and others have the opportunity to discuss their differences are desperately needed. Uhunge is not a one-way street Creating a substan tial shift in people’s society bred views requires work from both sides Only through companionship, mutual tr us! and i ooperation can anything he accomplished. SDl. THiNK Of IT A tMC^NifiCENT CONCtPT A SHIELD /AiSPACE. TO PROTECT US PftOfA ALLTNOSE INCOhMMG nuclear missiles. AN UNBROKEN SA//ELD, the RESULT op the greatest TECV^N°LOG/CAL GENIUS OP MAN. ■5 K RIGHT UP TUB^E WHERE THE OZONE USED td be \rl LETTERS Even worse (J/one depletion7 S,1IJ to SUV. I am nm surprisis! Perhaps H :;i.1 \ in d; I lit u It in think of W ! i! It W : i I hr i I hr Will llr! you |4t.1 sjj [jus yet or not. w h.it !: Jr will h . ;kr .it Hit n .m i! I \ ieveis. v ou may well ash Why ditin I we tin something' W r ' l s ’ Wiiat iif the corpora (lolls in tiir 1‘170's. vvlirn the danger w-.s (its! exposed7 i Ji.it s right !*f't ! . .Ill ftt .1 arltt It * I rr.itbir ones hat k ItlUt lar I'he year 1 was IkiUI Hut it is more larteaching Si. in tins Wiiat of • ! planes in tii' 'ills anil 'litis Wtial of coal burning at t!ir turn of the ( en ters ■’ I'his damage Isas at t uttut l.itrij ovrr possibly near a t en ters M..yl* it IS too Jail Not lor tin t.' S oil MO \\ r havr the fe snort rs to ColUurl. hut not without the growing pains, til . outs. Out what ol all the third w or Itl t on Mini's' I would not Wish to hr the mil' lo Sri! them Sorrs. you t all 1 have your i-tli ';.;s I know i: will kill .Ml pert rnl of your population anti shutdown your hospitals and vour government, he! that's the wav it is It isn't as simple as "do or don't " I'his is only the beginning Ihc t'venls lii iiiiiiii'. the conse quent t s they will he much w . s ' than simple malignant Ski: ii'NU)l)'i Patrick Kelley Biology Then why? ::i response to Ihr Mike 1-rcr m.m lolumn ihr I nu-mhi pub lished in thr I'nt) n i'dilion I dl) Ilol f lit? I peop le tlllVl' gone lo great lengths to hunt down unit divulge personal in lonn.ilion jboul ioSonju VV.il sun freeman says that Mime of tin- information released was ir relevant I realize Watson was not running for president. or a scat on the Supreme Court, but whv do you fed stealing or try ing to obtain a lake II) would not have any eflei I on her abili ty as v u e president7 it Hill' and Willson i It the troll trouble unir.il was mi ir r< ii win!, lism whv didn't they in.ski- ii known before lilt' elci - I is si i .111(1 If! thr sludfllls make I lit* * r choice I'm not saying W si,>n lias tu In .i (iod abid i:., law I.,1 (It ,ii '.hoiking. v it gimil example of j>f rim lion." Im-i .nisi' tin* majority of us arc not As ASUO vice presidenl lhough. she should have se! ... ami stirl of example Freeman is nght. Wr exist In Fugene. Oregon and liugene. Oregon, unit So On this small cam pus that t Liims to he so au epl rig and diverse and welt omlitg, particularly of those of different thnicaties iieltels and hack grounds can't we find some otie who is w-orthi ol being a leader, and not someone who made some dumb mistake7 Nfaybt Watson was a "victim id her past, her inexperience and her bullishness, but she should not try tu amend her mistakes by "serving in the ASt'l) and growing .is a per son as f reeman slates, but by admitting to those mistakes and trvmg to correct them That's flow vou grow as a person Robert Goyette Student Blind It in good to nit JoSonja Wat son Ii.in good lnends to support her m difficult limes, but it in unfortunate she and her sup porters arc blind to her situa tion in bet pri'NN i onlerence. she admonishes 'those tli.it would pl.iy in the mud rather than fo cus attention to valid is>ues' " tODt:. I'cb 5) The valid ' is sues an- the only things rule van! here, and her politics are the most important issue, not race ot criminal activities I he fact is that she stole from the student body, and these facts were used only as a vehi cle, much like the spotted owl is used as a vehicle by the radi cal environmentalist movement to eliminate the timber indus try I his tool helped expose the hvpoc risy of our liberal leaders this eliminating one ol then: from elected olfii e It is time our leaders c aim li.ii k to realllv ami moru hro.iii l\ represented their eonslitu nits, no mailer how lew people \ oted lor them Andrew Schrenk Chemistry Experiments I would like to respond to Mike freeman's column (GUI I eh (>) written in defense of our ASUO vice president JoSonja Watson In your column vou make several excuses for w hy the stu dent body should overlook Watson's mistakes ranging from saving her mistakes were small (they were not) to we have .ill made similar foolish immature mistakes We have all made mistakes, to he sure, we have not applied for fake 11) cards! We have not shoplifted The recall ellort is onlv a small example ol how the public feels about its polili clans Our government was de signed to consist of the vers best representatives of a given community On the national si eno. Americans are tired of being represented fry people who are not living up to that standard Mere at me i niversit) " ■ son's p.isi behavior has indicat ed (hat she is not the best repre sensitive of our community The l>est representatives of our community make sure they are not overpaid, do not take ad vantage of their position to re ceive extra payment. This is unfortunately not how politicians function, but it is how they should function Watson should be allowed to experiment within the student government, experiment with excellence with maturity and with honesty. Her recall was not race-based, it was a result f a larger problem a general lark of excellent e within the ASUO Luke Pingel Psychology