Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1992, Page 16, Image 15

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    New support groups to begin for assault survivors
By Hope Neaiso'n
t f .■'.ki n o x*i \ u'
: iis.i Wittier brg.in I., .n:
svviTing (hi’ i rms lint and in
trig on t oll tor women who
timled Iniiiiodialr.i In tp getting
to ihi> Imstpilul after bring
r n pod
Now the l .mu : ■ it. : lent
will almi be helping .% tlh one of
Ih' HrW Hi I k!\ Hitppot! groups
Hull Sexual Assault Support
Servlt os w ill be storting l i b 1 7
(Jin of tile four new groups
U nlllrl . : I f,l‘ i >
« (irop'in group for ill frsnuli
survivors of m*xu<i! **s*».ju11
Ollier groups lfi.it is ill ltit of
fi t < >1 itlt o oli’ .1 i 0 is i i ii *"■ • ii
group lor u union \s hi vs rn
(Wllesles! UN l.hllclfr'li .mil sriCi’sl
survivors, .m upon group lor
mi ii wlin h.tvo I'vpi'Miosi i-i!
sexual ass.mil. ami .m upon
group lor v. orni-fi \s ho .-have
born sexual!) s.iu . o I aflll.
raped as adults
\\ .irncr sun! liui i'i.1. isi. i f.i
cilii.iior vs ii! Ire to hsi.-ii ,,ni| tri
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1992 3:30 - 5:00
POOM 20* - IMU
M <1 fO INI IMU : • l»<n*
iiviM* -ah."• *•
if hi i ir, (f r tlx* )i I ii >f 1 ftx* ftm of J< if* ir«*i<* (*i; x«r ‘ fir j
(< help !h* Women. I'tu t.iif.ig
if;;: them ‘-it.in tin if ii '-ling-.
and lntcf.it I
Since tfe group is ilmp in
sl-i s.jul ,i lot o[ wtinn n who
li.ivi'ti t l.iiki'i'l about their S- < i
oW-s Ih-Iiih will prulwbU i onte
lie r s hi j w tl j ! ■ lot ns.
ll i ' fiSis iij.r i \( rpi tl- [iff
U ,1 i
\\ fiirr s.i id :jp i .up w i H
offer a momentary (xjosi io help
some women who aren't in a
it ;!u . ir ruafi'i lifij; program vet
I w ould ri i iiinttiend these
svjiiwj)'. tsit pi-npii v\ htV .jri-ti t
-iish' is, sii.tki- -i s imisnitim-n! to
■■ smnM'hni; vc! ritui ; ni-oil In
. k ■■ ■ !
SASS votunliN’r r uonlinator.
Its'.. (:i si; -1■>-! ni un 11 k' it',.
uthi r groups iii.il rwpiirf *m in
Irfvii'w III. drop-m -.group is
ojx n ’•» ti!l t\pcs of pcopU
Arn ttumi'ii vxsih urn type
s.i M \Usli .iHSillill ( «|H (unis'
!. :!. ; . r.i: , •-! xurv uis nr
ixnnicli whn li.iVi Si's! lu'CM
r.lpi (! nr U .III.. !( W till ere
r.ipi l live v<'.us ugo.' s*"- soil
Engine Service
1(XM) S Brrirlsrn Rd »H • I ugrnr ()K 97402
One Block north of \S lllh • Nolan lnd I’I.i/j
Specializing in German Autos for 34 Years
• Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen •
Student and Faculty Discounts
Rock, Poetry, And Videotape
is best known as
the lyricist for the
Grateful Dead His
latest book of
poetry, Night
Cadre, has just
been released in
paperback. His
previous book, A
Box of Rain.
contains the
complete lyrics of
all the songs he
has written.
is a well-known
poet and has
written many
volumes of poetry,
including Gorf,
Jaguar Skies and
Rebel Lions. He is
also a novelist, and
a contemporary of
Gary Snyder, Allen
Ginsberg and other
beat poets.
was the keyboard
player for the
reading performance at
Beall Concert Hail on the
UO Campus at 8 30
Saturday. Feb 15th Tins
performance has been
taped and the video. Low
Lion, will be available at
the booksgning at the UO
*-1 L'-W l I : L«i
3 ■ 4 pm
The Video
. '
1 3lh And Kincaid
Open Mon-Sat
Ph J46-433?
llhlet -.lid SASS tflM idl'd lO
have the groups no tii.it slir\ i
i tip. isexu i| assault i mi lit re
i r;\ r mure support
' It s important for people to
i,: m tli.it they re nut the ur.lv
i.hr it's happened to. shr said
Collier said tht groups not
. a., . j 111', s111 .1:: : : h.r ex
pressing feelings hut .siso roll*
IllOltl i-,
Seeing other survivors ol
rape .iiul mi estwin> have dealt
with their feelings mu) .ire now
sin.eesshil provides inspiration,
she said
! his is w here the healing
i nn iiu iir.'' she said "People
i an get their feelings out in an
open and safe environment
\\ :aa, sa d her work, yolun
leering t an he demanding, hut
it s worth it
"It ( an he hard at times lis
lening lu these women's Sto
ries. she said But it s re.ilh
rewarding You leel good .liter
wards like vou reallv made a
different e
\\ a! in-r said she is also in
\ - h. ed ill org.ini/ing Students
lor SASS, an on i ainpus extern
si.11: o' SASS
Another student involved in
Students tot SASS. Kristina
Value said thev are presently
gelling oigam/ed, but eventual
. . h>: to wor k with other
campus groups to promote
iw.uer ess alunit sexual assault
\Y e i< rung th.d 11n( e w e
gel tin- hull rolling we will be
show '.:ns arid making pie
si'i'.tat his about sexual assault
Is in she -.a id
\ atm said !lie niain thing
they need is more student in
volviirnenl. especially those
who aren't already volunteer
ing lor SASS She said there are
currently rune students in Stu
dents lor s \ss, and the group
i ould use more
Students interested in Stu
dents ha SASS or the support
groups should i all i.rin Collier
a! sASS oi l T'M
\ti i ; INt.S
SluiJilit llijilt. lliuil Jin r l t* t M III 1111
(.UntiilUlliMl ( > ui I I tH ii
I twin lot Sjtit-d M*f»* i** ■' *
Hull \ jlrnltlM* * fdfll
M- •• ! t.v il:« 1 >*!.. « r Vt
A«..,»» \*-af }’a« .fit Stud.mt
-j : A . . I
t% • .it
.*m uwimrtiUl (mum
t .5 .> frufrt ‘u> !« ’ it > ?ti .-«»•
On^aitii vti.ik>lu>|i 4j '■»
: . * vj i! C I; K ■ i ■> tS.il UjH
uni*} !fnii: \ mi in fi if) (iiwn ,,‘OH
[ \f\
l luf (<iit4ln Mat* «h
11150 I, rut?/aid
I h* V il jI I < .»* I.MiiiN ..I \ Mall.'t i*l
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