Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
IFC refutes
new charges
jTwo students claim three
ASUO executives have
been overpaid
By Karen Engels
■'Tin*. Ini ilmt.il 1 in.' i .imiuilii i- .uni !)'••
yi SMlV stud-nts Dim Ki.ng and K.u t Id Viral
that tiiri'C ASUO f\.-, u!iv i • have in-i'n
The complaint charges I hut JoSonja
\\ :' II AS i ( ) \ , . pf i -• Ill ■ I:! . I!I ■! >b\
lav action coordinator. and
Thernsc DuHravat . programs conrdinrt
i-.:[ all ti-i itivi-d mum than Ihotr allotted
monthly AS! () slipi'iuis
Petitioners request that the Cimslitu
inm Court order tin timv to ropav the
d i! Irrt’iiia.’s
I'liu complaint is Ii..m iI mi lid! Kesolu
l u m H wiui.h ri ails, \u unu who is paid
a salary vvimh is lundnS by tin* lid. in
wlndt- or part, shall he paid .1 higher rate
lit.in that .mlhon/ed by tie lit
11. 1 last 1 la;;-.: King and Poi.d slit'
I,a. and Diiiir.ivai l;i\* m
u'iuhI larger stipends than those out
cried on an itenn/.ed description ol stall
positions and stipends approved by tin*
: ( Iasi year
'! In: lid: did iippnm- tin dal As! ()
-.Upend linn lit!Ill budget id Sifi.lTiti tor
! 'I' 1! >, i ! i . , . : '!; 1 i.d i'. id a
al stipend auuHint.s were only rn<urn
' ASUO iin
A show of support
Oc' ’
•V " , , '« ■■ j.tsor J ' H.Green r ! Cunit .1:s Johnson
.■(> i.hjer'e M-ss’nn Thursd.iy Qt ’ J.isivi Jones awd he
Students question CIA official
j Richard Kerr calls
organization moral
and ethical, but
many audience
members disagree
By Daraiyn Trappe
Kirlmni Kerr, (inputs' dire< ■
lor of Ceulrai Intelligence,
which mi luili s the CIA ,>mi
Mil:l;irv Inlellip.om e spoke
.a itif University Thursday
about ifus organization he
failed Ifi5.1l, moral anti oihi
(ill. ,tml took questions from
sisvfr.i! students who believe
Kerr, set end 111 oumm.mii
under I)ire< lor Kobert (biles,
is a graduate of the I niversi
Is and relumed al the request
o! L.irrt Simlh. direetor of
Career Planning and PI,11 e
mi-nl Thu t'vrnl was pUinot-d
l»v Smith .uni din •
who have lii'i-n imuiifd in
<'IA jiriilcsls ,1! ills S 'nlvi rsi
ElobliV L*'w AM () afiirma
live ,n lion c mu(iin.ilur and
uni’ id thi■ orgam/ers, said ln>
was |.. -ased dial Kerr . ami
hi sja-ak. lull w,.s disappoint -
i d in tht! null nine
I dido i think in; .111
swi ri d any oi the quusiiuns "
lav said IS was gnud to ms;
lha! soiinuili ill Ills position
wi mId i iniii' here, tail i w as
disappoint! d llial In' wasn’t
willing in reveal siaiif id ihi'
truv fuiuiri' id die (T\
An audience id more than
100 greeted Krti w ilh polite
.i | )| 11.1 (i si - and remained I in IV
quii'i, with Uii' < xi option of a
lew frustrated outbursts late
in dir hour K -rr was «n the
lA!! U-diriiKin si.,.;-■
Kerr In gall In desi riding
Richard Kerr
I i.\ r. .til fXIf.ttiriiili.trv
i.rg.iiii/iiliun (Xipulatfd bv
ttpli? id 1‘xiriitiriiiii.iry iihtU
and tntclligrni f
I think u is not onlv a
virv moral uryjani/.t!inn. but
.1 b i'tl in.' .ir.11 .hi i/-1
! ; Oil that V\ < shut! hi , US (i
country. not only In' prom! ol
t ill c ,m also depend fin" hr
Tuff ' CIA -* t -t
Law school — lots of
work and little time
j Studying takes up most of their time, but stu
dents enjoy camaraderie
By Ma-a Ve a-. '
. ! :a- i itv School id Law hu// with the chatter
, i lass \- till' last students disappear
■, i - t!, ,( hoi 11 tiiki >. no ,1 weighty si li,nt e
a. the student lounge then' is little <»! the mk iali/mg usually
' II,a in ill:,I' rgtadilute lounges, these students are ,K (Uitllv study
Diversity students, the law sr huol is merely tin* hmlil
a.;1 a ti 1 . . .station Hut In thu law students themselvrs. lhi‘
:.>■ : km: anmuntiv ih.it consumes virtually
ill| ill t lie if time
,1 :, Si,| i v .m i ill llllest lo the IllMV V lie
1- e n.itive l.nuisnitiun unci u graduate
a.il ..in liei iileil to .ittenil law
..,1 ye.us us in ,ir< li.ieolcij’lst Me wanted to
■ti ll i onsiitered graduate si hool "loo confining
and limited
, iw si i. med mure ul a hru. id based edut at ion," Sullivan
irr ' LAW P.i jo 3
The Ducks took 13th
ranked USC to the wire
Thursday night, losing
See SPORTS, Page 7
Eugene's Sexual Assault Support Services
is starting new weekly support groups to
help survivors of assault.
See SUPPORT. Page 16 I
Les Ballets Jazz de
Montreal brings a
unique style of modern
dance to the Hult
See EN T. Page 10