SELF SERVICE COPIES ALL DAY EVERY DAY Tice Copy Sltop Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sot 10-4 fWtottnn f A f f V' 485-6253 Prepare for the April GRE Kaplan’s Prep Courses have helped more students than all other courses combined! Class Begins February 23 FREE Diugnostic U O. Discount Call 345-7496 X S1AM IT II. KAPLAN t I jLr hjpbn ( ►» lukr V*uf ( hath rs SPORTS Pac-10 leaders USC, UCLA roll into town By Davi.' C’ arboc ' »*: <» On g ■ s.- iuM w. > mn-i 1)1 ()•*';■■ :. IIP ' ' l l ' i i un! I:' W f,ll . tin- U1 jI IVVII !•'.:!5)> ill !hr I’m ifn 111 mu ll r.-ni i Uip. wpi 11a--. ! No ! i : \(.. it 1 in Un- i'.n 10 .mil Hi I mil ill. ‘.v l i I vim! Mi ill .it ! ii..;! tnmgh! .i! • r. Nil i : (.1, \ m i 11) mtu llrtl l. llfl S.i! Iiriiltv .if t || 111 I f ()• gun i.! " i 1 J tonight •• >! imi• i cuilij !»• .i hunibling ii I hi* i’ru l.l!,:-, .1H jlll'.llblv 'll' llli'll *-l 'Uli.ll llllisl Mil priMl'ig ' ill (he I’.ii 1C) 1 SC IlllMiiill Its l;i>>t t ight giHiicv .ifn) i (itiimui**. to iiiiiw ip lhi* milkings On-gull rn. nil 1 Ji * f 1 S' Ip-nil mi .ip mir 11r!m <1 ,il the i i,.; 111*. in mil, hu 1 in*1 him g, iu.I 1 Sf Im i ii [ihi\ tng I lii-i .ii-ui in hiivi ,i winning in.iki ,;|> .ihi.iii Hp'". M- *..i nl. rcfi'f r I fig > ’■ l ■ :: n ■ I f I A ..: i I i ill; I t l.l! V. V !i Ii II V .a < riiryn i .i(i,ihi*■ nl hi-.iinig anybody ‘If you worry too much about (USC's Harold Miner), then something else jumps up and bites you.' Don Monson, ■■ i\iskc:ba' a .ie" I r>M'ins. .in' ini. ;i* i miisr b\ guard : 1 Ml mu n r u I ig ng .1. -5 points arid ' 1 (• .i s;,i!!.« >ur is surpmi d with the ,s •, : h is ; rinr.’i I'ij tins year Tin- big stir p r.' i. :> ihi- ua\ till- rest of t h i1 teats has fil‘*V< (.niijiof h i-' p laved *.!rs .: 1 . v- :■ ! . r.1: - i ■>; \points illld :: ■. ■ itnl : : .r«i Varum S.i.'nir-r-, !..)-« bri m . lorn underneath with right p .-.nis .itiil <';>-•)! rebounds per gumi' i s( list s .i three guard lineup. which i i i;; hi plav ill II. iiuiss i.lvof However. - ,%.ts ■ ;,| Hi. . .s' when the two teams met earlier this season as the Trojans stumped O-i-gnn Hfi r>i> iJn< ourugtng lor the Dm U is (he pla\ til freshman ha w aril j- P holler against Oregon S-:..1 • l! : m orrd .line points, grabbed 1(1 in tan is alii) gave Ur,i\ ; i ante: Stott Haskin fiis underneath Ag.-inst (In- Hr:..:.-. . Don Munson will likely star! both Potter and tenter ( : s Patter . : jrN and ,,,enter I t 1 A s hf-.i ot t. it : Ml s.'Murrav ti-'t Rodney : i: an ! t. :u ! 1. n Mai i.ean Wallenbom showing her best stuff during final season By Jake Be'g Who ! V* I \\ ! !l l .I::. I ■ ii ( )ropE 'I l I" [>!■>> t i.isholhu ! I. she Wh'.ii l Mite tvhut I o vpm I lour tears tutor. 11«■ r team mat. s .m the ones !it etpei E gn .il dungs (ruin tin M inor It's m v so ii 111 r ho.i sun. U ; :i h,o>! ■ . nilgh' . .t i I make ii In host And she H.ih I ho \ uni out or \\ oli . ■ t )ri poll h h id Sng scorer .met hot 1(> point .it orugo is seventh Im sI in tin* fu el fir ill t ..nloioiu i She* is also tin Dm I s top rol . milder M t on a g,imoi and In I- llrnm shooter, as her Hi pelt etil nffl < v i** fourth m flu* t onfrr V. i I '.?•••' J J V, : . . ■ ■ k • h I ’ r liisJ Visit lo hr! iiurnr stair in .1 , i .: k urn form : • i r.;: i-, nn;hl vvhiTi Orv^oft IK’ 7 uvi-r ;mI i > if. !f; l'.it - MM jii.iys \\ . i 'lit. , i ni S' .,-t l i • ..! 7 in !!.»•: }n . . S.,1 ;;: J . i v ! U • U. V.itr ? in h t i>■ .n 7 p m \ : i ) .. . k ■ pros p r r < i i M. has W .i I irnhiifn s g. uur :' s.ii !. \\ ii)t nlKirii ~.ud h. rf only disappointim-nt has in-. !. no! tn'Mift .ddr to p 1.1 V with oft injured train in airs i) r bit i * Spurt ;< it and Sar a \\ . .1 - - ■ ■ ;:.«•! v!. J n st'.iv. *41 i!" !f.. s!: ilii a; h i .iuv vs« euntil lx- mi much turner.” \\ , I * • • i* tl'.f l.iurks injuries : i,1 !. win! Ii.imi'I (ilijyi’ll ,1 nunuii H i tins I’m 1(1 M'lisun. is cxpi ii' i! to return in some ; j. ,ii ; I \ ! i s U eekel). i tu till' Oregon lineup But sinee S|s11;s ii !: iuiureii her foot !i) lute Dec emher it It us been U .. • 1 : ■ .. .utinj* tt»e w .iv Ii if It,. 1 tui Vs Alter \\ .illenhorn si ored .i ij.m tiijc11 in .i 7 ) 57 loss to S: mil ini .si SilurH.iv. t iiiii :.,,! . e '. ; ... , \ , n i )i : e \ jin ssed ri ::■;•! she would nriU ! ..e in i,e e \v,>ilent).irn one Untie time See i \V.i I. ntmni ! iu ni.iii she's , ■ : ■ r \ ..n tier voir said ;i . : l h o i) u ( k probably happy II Oregon vigils ,i j; i ■. r ,i s!,i n tournament, \\ ■ i i. i : : ■. will Im- .I big rt'.i mu; :! ii - I»:i k-. aren't playing ,ii;• t liit- regular simsud, only H i I.-: !',.:: .mil follow senior Mann* Smith won't got .i shot again ' k now mg niv luck, thoy'll>I\ go to MCA As next yi a 11 wo ilon I this vinir." saiil \% ; .■•!:■ v\ ho was part ol < );■ g ■ 1'iii ’ NIT champion i [••.illy w ant Ii> go : i! I hi in'! to got m\ In :pi-s up too much $nni oknkral book DEPARTMENT six < >ni> n ( x >k BREAKING BARRIERS A MEMOIR Bv ( arl I'. Rowan Ls a witness ptirticipant. and outspoken leadet t ari 1 Rowan has been ,il the jxilsc ol our nation's storms race il lations since the l‘>50s t 'otnpellmg and lunl hiituic Hit .rimy liurrit r v recounts Rowan's rise Iroin ahiccl poseits in Mi Minns tile Icmiessee. to a i aicct it tbe loielroni ol posset and change In esc opening detail, the pri/e-w inning suiter tells ol his struggle to I'ccome one ol the t n st til teen hl.K k Nas s ol I icers during World War II; and ol being one ol ihe lust block reporteis on a nujor newsp.qvr in the ll>Stk. sslvie he stunned \iueitea ss ith his es|>iscs on tlie Jim ( loss South kosv.ui continued breaking burners ss hen he moved into go\eminent tn l‘*M He served as arnh.iss.tdor to I inland in the kenneds administration in !‘)AX, and under lYesnkmi Johnson in 1‘>M he became tin- lust black eser to sit in the ( ubmet and on the I' S National Securits ('ouncil \s .in intimate obserser ol the politics ol power. ( art I Rossan reseaJs information on questions that still haunt our nation • I >et ihc I III csjs'iha- the ileath .1 M.utm I ether king Jr • W !:s tint I’u- e.k-nt koa eds g. to Dallas when tic knew the trip vs .is perilous ’ • W t.s .tul I sn.t o I.-tins, n sontiiiac the Vietnam war when, as he told Rowan, he sujfvited that his mlelligcike reports weic ptions ’ • And whs del ihc nation ■ capital tolerate the corrupt admmutntiofl ol Mayor Marion Barrs ’ Intensely eandid. Hreakiru; Hamers is an illuminating esaluation ol the progress ol race relations in this countrs as sscll as a piercing studs on the dcstins ot our dccasing education and health ss stems E 13tti & Kincaid Op«n Mon-Sat Ph. 346-4331 How to get oooxxx from your Valentine... I huirt-Sluifwd ( lioioLih or \nuiretto b" Calces $ 10.Oi Ih'iirt-Slui/’iul „ Chocolate, L Ahttotui ■ or Sugar w Cookies '$1. >0 each 3 for $3.95 /1tf’horia ( IhhoLuc l ruffles iilso tit inhibit i ai.i, < ki;i;k MAKERY ( lassie liakitifi 88I E. 13th Avenue \e\t to tin ( () Bookstore 484-1662 Mon-Fri 7:30-9 Sat 8-6, Sun 9-3