EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 1 PM TODAY is your last chance to let that special someone know that you still care... (And your last chance to win a GREAT Valentine's gift) : : AY! Inn '00. 1 Ml or I O \ Ux>kstoit‘) Heart Heat will appear Friday. Feb 14th Contest winners will be announced Monday, February 1 7 100 BHTH0AV GREETINGS Lydia, fit*-®'! ,ri> «*• f f - ,)■ yn.- 'ttl CM* » *•! Happy Birthday Wanda tos PERSONALS I im and l o(fy ih.fc % ■ j!* bu! con-jratt . , aul j>mnifkg' Bail of l«.< * »*»ah fha T h-* x **hJ ‘ hid of thifiv * GHt ! x. ’> « . ;r —— a: on* •/„•*» A H eft or >o .■ j t , M j AN K \ Conyratutahon* fo our 1W,1 93 aaac » P? •»K)«rti V P Pl*dg# f d V P P H • P M*mb«ithip . P ‘iltodard* Ami Tr*4»uf«r P#n h#Jki r> , I *< a K T rai y C Oarva K J*n P NiCOle •. Mi. f>#U« A Kim f K \ * RATI MM! it Th* Shamrock CU»uC comnvg loon *.Uk h t'ut yOur *- J «at txa^keit-j i playar* 14) again- tha D*i*u» coma loon" Don't Forget Your Valentine!! S 105 PERSONALS SIGMA CHI ar. t *<:; at John 14 *> ' .’93 110 LOST A FOLMO » NO t f. » LOST { i is TYPMG SERVICES A 5440^4# MOftt* y G«AO SCHOOL AWHovr d . ,».< r„> • ^ . »! .Tu'" 1 •, -«R -o ',4. . .. ! • ON CAMPOS’ I l. ViNG » tNGf RS typing ••nri< • >••1 »ccufoi« piof»*»»or>*! J1 CH. p*y* 4*4 SO 14 T Ml WORD SRI CIAI fSTS .*• -■ ' . • * «' " ^ , .*! . • ■ A. , ■>**'. . .r.f r,‘ «3 < v. t 4ft4 m ■* TYPING UNLIMITED l *’><1 l *fc»f Pnn4*r 484' 1141 i • u , v n !* «m •*» ims$ Punted texl to compute! filet JS C A NNlERlSl 747 4S0Q ifcw »J r 105 PERSONALS i is TYPMG SERVICES Typing h ••• r£j {,• c * %. • • , 344-4510 >)\ 41 nv V40HI) MUM *ASfSI. »4tn *t* v *• **4rvtu < yt l aa» k f'V ivtlM. 605 E 13th noTUTOMiG FWl MCH or :TAUAN «> ^ i '■■ .,» «i ft ( , x'vn. « 4i ■ n • GREEK MATH TUTOR ••1* ’ 10 9 'V. |>M in 23? G#>*r 1 I JO FOB SALE W$C «OS PERSONALS 1 IS YOUK NAME ON ; THIS LIST? IF SO, COME TO THE EMU TABLE AND PIC K UP YOUK FLOWER! IVm Vi.imuirn Bamw. •J., - j,i, Bradford Saudi ( 1, V„ k> h. t . » 1 . .. H :i \ K , • !, : M. dud, M ', ► v K, N^i; , - : II.-,-tor Ku.h 1. 1 r An« J« an Chutpptsl K * * . - St. , t ... K X L*-*!.. IU<> K I Kl, . k : IN . - M. K nnl.-s M ds Ms. rs Sh =i !i Mi.It I, ss . Jill ,-.-1 klV% k Hi fii't'i AlWHKl‘1 Ji Brown M i ( ! r,\ K .t! u Din Jufju* Uar ri’HJii K< iy ,lt - •. r, .• Kf 1 a D»ru. I), i i. M . h k ; K • N = ,. < \ . i 'f u . n shu-!d» 130 FOR SALE WSC 130 FOR SALE ttSC 1 Valentine's Dayt JABBERWOCKY 7 cakdc> uinij So many yynys to low... So nmn\ ways to sny it. 1308 i,n rosy front IKuri (Jucvn• Mon Sal, M Ml f» v Sun, 12 5 L UBF0W8MIMSC msCAHS/TWXXS vr Of O Slow :. * ... '.I \It 0 cams (>{ A Afir ■ .v«»n .1 AM M. 'o'* * #' Wj;cJ* *i# *«« • • * 5 ' • • •>Sup m*.. * . *•< % ‘ -J'-'* MftGd fOurvtllftp *if1*f* 'MCI . its TRAVEL 20$ OPPORTUNTTES • -<{ m( • . •*« *• ENGLISH MAJORS H# * A J »:VO f a. . •?.* T*rmU*r with } \j!i»h & LK3 f»•'■* m; • a a a' *r>» Pk * or»« up in ih* { ivghth Off“ • of *0*6 PtC _. STUDY ABROAD... I I’mm i n^ \ pit* jI ion P« adhnr* Ini m Ml M.Ain & ( /I C MOM ()\ A K l A MARC II 2 J Hun^arv MARCH 20 l’fjguo t /i t ll tltlin J k 1.1 \s.w>.4v\ r. ijnJ THINK ABOUT IT! ACT CHS A , A;. BANC-. SUMMER WORK! . a - • S' a 1 4 . ir»i|a!-,i- Hi ’ j .] I *• HELP WANTED AIRLINES HIRING NOW • • '>! ry ;« , V . C h*id t at* « Compuiir Con*uft«ni 210 HELP WAMTED Cruise Line IjmJ **<3* ivl ,«*.)• ?■ j !■. r •. t :' i 3 4 i 13 HEARTBEAT A PERFORMING ARTS POSITION POSTAL JOBS AVAilABt-t' M . Jjtt 1388 [ *• P T'Oy 5UMMI R CAMP JOBS Umpires for high school l)a*.et'.i" l Mt'lOVMt NT OPPOHluN • ! 1 ' • • * u»t ■.' >v/ .. •*. t y t r.tt na. . 'v Jipf/- -• #(.C>':S mull t-M» r«Uiffi*d to the :.:Ol Uoatd of ' * ■: to* , Emerald ■ • ■ *,v, - ,t Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 'v* • mV • 'V/sf ’ '.4/ . v . t ».•.* - '*'•• A -. 7*45W W CASH :iA\* -.v T N -;V -r 1 W-?>‘ * . •» r I t The last thing that the i I candidate said to me mk j I ‘ This a Tot ~Ovi: ; | Mm; .1 of7' | .Jtmv s tr Amer ,v -.tereotype * ‘ ’.V : ,.v r "iV’.V v.i: ■ t, ^ 7 I believe my story will: nr*Uire my i^cod name neip me find a nu^wrvj ' make my parents i^XXkl ^e! me a record Ou :*••»• At mankind t> My name is Jennifer A.t/'a 'G“ Jennifer rvitM a J” \3nth a '*•'