HIGHER EDUCATION UPDATE Professors to speak in Portland The lui.tl Wtivv w! ihange in liastcrn humpr w ill !»• tits ( ussed bv three t’nmTMi\ prolessors in .1 Portland lun< hcon series w mliT ami spring The series, Change and Continuity in Eastern Kurupe," wil; li'.itiiri! geographer Knnaiil U ixman -it Mart h 10 anti mathematieian Sergey Yu/.vinskv on \pril !•! Both have ev tensive personal ex peri nnt,e in pastern Europe .he lectures, sponsored bv the l Oily ersity College ot Arts and Si lent es. will lie at the Heiithnian Hotel. Southwest Brumiyy a \ at Salmon Street. Ironi VI 1') am until ’ IS pin on eat h oi the si hedii led days Ihethargo for each lecture is SI 5 U s top11 Nat naiism and Identity will tea Vis on the important role o! ethn:; arid re!:gioas ■.Iiegiaru:es in ! ast ern Europe m the absence of i unlrali/ed ptnver to compel V si >\ !: si-.an aspeets : ui his !i|e ill the I, it tiler Sov] et ; ’n ,t.n and w i ll pro. V ie insight into to.i >\ s Russia .Move minimal n : - o ailab. tri‘tu Sue.Keene; arts and st i ; ;a •. ass . j : ! !ti t'lhu, ,e ivoni i ron Stadelman of Vssotvi.it ion. Boattl,i 245-1 VB7; inol’drt International opportunity un j/«-s t ?«* *si>foip f\ nine la lion for Internaltonal Stu : u I ii.i{t■!:i itiV»ii»iI students vvho tili«jf.is serving tin i anijius aftd t orn -iI!,..11;)ijtiI mHii• \ r :• riu 4.il fo nominate other in ■|;jir.iI.sUl; vv ' ■"■'!rr\ 11*<*| ti• *• rA «' o^nfUoh Norn ivs \lsovilii h 4s tin jorrhH vi\ iiHivhle in thr OSJh * Si[A ; form VS * 11 I Hi ill (Jr s|in • It if : dr Hi.: ihf nomir. trihulions (.he deadline for sub si; nomin-iturns . M i h 1 All nominations will bit re hr r]i**ihi« • ' . ! i'. i meet (hr following rriterin islered ni■.«- Mtional student in good at a :n r lt> t rnp . - : ! • .wilimimly *()u' ; it an I Studrnt A\s ards will be .in Prepare tor spring break ! !i,tf! • ! I i,. ■ bli-.ik !!:f\ must have thfrlr vi-, i [i.i;,. :n i:. order said IVior Briggs assut late Uitectof of i By '.ik.; .in .il their |».i jiervvurk i -': :n .hIv.iiiio of any plannotl inivftl, inter national slalonl, . in avoid . i iiilio Ir i nln; li a at ions or tit? la Vs !l: , ,;g ..! . .Ii-tits Vv i II nee: I !i i obtain ( altlalilan VI Mit lo enter CiiiMiJ.i. hut some will hoi and finding out infor mation in ad vatu t' lain savea lot ot last minute contusion InSiTliatlonal students i an bring thrir visa papers tu thti Ot (n e ot Internal nmiil Serve es in I to (begun Hall lor process ing anytime before spn ng break I University oi Wisconsin Platteville Fmphasw in Ljtttnai Am lnirrnAhnn.il Buswwss (U>urvs available in Spanish ami in English Fluency in Spanish r*x rnpurnl All anuses appiovrd by the Uniwisity Wisconsin l*iancviU** and validata! on an official UW I* (rarvu rijX S412S pn armrstn hx Wisconsin K Minnesota nrsnienis V4S75 f**i icmr-stri for non residents (a»ts include Tuition and Fees Room and hoard in Spanish homes Fielding AJ! financial aid applies Foe further information ctmiuh’I Study Abioad Frogtarm 308 Warner Hal! University of Wisconsin PlattrvnUr 1 University PUir-i Ptattrville, W! S3818 3CW (608) 342 1726 ^ O r 7 O R k s r\ Ji I V/ l RY OF SIGN S TUDIO 1502 Willamotlc' Si 3-M 2298 Regular Business Ho.. I.n", I >, yarn ipm ?pm tipm Sat 10am 4pm J Sale socks Cur men Sale socks Cur women Sale Sale socks fur children tights far women Sale. 25% off Peb 13-22 fatwL Iff | i t k < M I I ( k S,r UofO STUDENTS ONLY * If if s Thursday and you see this man on your bus you may win a pizza party for you and your friends. 4 : N" ' u ' r>! say "Hey Sieve Tanner m pan part* - '■ * I oe Treated to tm ■ • •>!..- ■ . 'LTD Pappas Pirn ; :9S3theKAVE ' ' ■ " i."' fi ■ r ■ j "> I- A, : 95.3 KAVK rRACK T( )WN PIZZA