Give your sweetheart the stars this Valentine . Day with a special Romantic Dinner at Cxxonut Joes Lobster Tail Buffet IruJudf Pm- -in.! ‘) R I’M < hjy M [■>•! . ■ ; ! •• • H..' - h»v ( P.irh: » > 503 342 2000 Graphics • T V PI SI TI INC • PASH UP • tArOUT • DtSll,N • COKSUI TATtOM • CAMIHA • TIMBERLINE Due to the record nurrfcef o< poetry subm* worts lo 1 iiiilvilmc this tal *e are unable lo dif* .' | I(s AND < .11 I S \ . * • H ’ » UTM • i-r'. * *( ; • AV >< . 4^*. ’ •• • CHOLESTEROL SCREENING ) GIVE YOUR VALENTINE A HEALTHY HEART by keeping your cholesterol in check!!! TUESDAYS 9-11:30 AM At Health Education in the Student Health Center Celebrate NATIONAL HEALTH MONTH CALL 346-4456 for more information. Sponsored by L ifestyle's Planning Program, Student Health Center A testimonial from a few of our fans. “We just love out Thursday night outing and sticking ourselves to a wall/’ Roger and wife. happ\ Velcro Junipers, Mist> the cat is still a little milled. • ROGER AND wife with Misty Guidos 13th & Alder 343-0681 Velcro Thursdays Football player cited for assault, trespass By Gernt Koepping ! j*watd Rt*;» *tm An Or't i;->n fonttiiill pliivct u .t1- { ili'd VV e,j r. exit a V \s .tll luurth degree assault .mi! firs! degree trespass alter being .11 't ‘is*’il .>! -iss.iulling a I e male ! iwverxiU student S.iluriiiiv morning ■Das n! SI. i !. M.tss|.\ .21: been .hi w•.i■ iI -i! entering the tin!', H- lit K. VIII K If si 5! 1- 1 Illicit .it around 2 20 .! m ms I > t> n ill legedh drugging tier from tin! ■ 111,! sir I k !!:>.; led nsuit Iple .11 mi’s V.issi y v\ i .ippi'.ir m Lane ( ii luii!v S )isir u i (.ouri on Feb lit,!h t i i.i: i1 ■ ■ ' t.i.iss . \ nils, il. iiii .lii. rs ti.ii t ;irr> a nV.ixi tiiuits S2.S00 tine or one seat in ■, .1- . mil'll Mon i.iv from 1 tootball itsini tm j i,, 111 . spokesman : itn ISirr s.,ui i onHi< tlng.mfor i. pom Daggett. MasseV ,,n,i ,i w11ness to the ineidimt .s pi !a e ,ii Hon until V. ■ .. Vi el :; m- o! ! tie l.u gi m j ; ,1 i , Pi | ir!mi lit s.i i,I i)agget 1 : .! i.m, , !,. ■. „i stall it Mas - ■ , ' ' . ml", f , ' I ' ' k e ii; '.Sills : ■ two rti-1 ss isetiire the jiittijjwl assault , j p,,.,, , \p.. SI'V elite.',',I let home with km s hut did r. ! know How he V,:)! t hr kr \ s V .!•> si , thru entered ' h .■ ; ompi.unanfs room while she was in heij mid (old her lo gel up anil lidk lo him police said 1) rpel! told |n i! |( f> she asked him to leave and he replied he Would drag her out of bed il did Hot >;••( up and talk to him, in ( ording to polic e Site did no! get out of lied bill , ilked hi Masses t<>r a lew mo merits. (lline said Daggett told ;: e M-, ■■ |‘S then hi aim angry, grabbed her In the ears .n.i threw her against tin- w all ,.i ; efil:a;i; to pi;! i i e Mas so i tli.-li struck he! several times ‘with a closed list and .in op. oi'd hand Daggett told po 1 n i A w itness heard thi- < ultimo and , i nie: ed Dagget I's us in where, according to po re i , |;i.11s he s a v\ Massey .!r.k• tie. woman The witness the! he ;pe K S.ij».uu s»' StuJwil ()i v.4in/^l ton ' :Kf»{ % IS p m u 1»,« I jiiti I*tumiiiii i, and Plat i'kh'hI 4 K Mi . ,\7 \ •. tjifurntalioft iixtHtiiii 10% OFF ANYTHING IN THE STORE AT POSTERS CD'S CLOTHING 57 W Broadway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall Regular or sale Price SHOES CARDS GIFTS Create your own { FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS from your PHOTOS® ARTWORK HIGH QUALITY IMAGES A PERFECT GIFT Shipping Available • Volume Discounts kinko's the copy center Campus Location 860 (AIT 1JTH AVI IUCINE. OR 97401 >44-7894