Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 13, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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New units shouldn’t
mean higher rents
Any bone who has ever lived in the Amazon, East
Campus or Westmoreland housing units knows what
they are like Small, cramped and. in some places, fall
ing apart.
But the rent is cheap. To he exact, $1*12 a month for
u two-bedroom apartment at Amazon
At prices like that, residents sa\ the\ can pul up
with weathered paint, utilitarian bathrooms and drafty
bedrooms After .dl. the low rent allow . them to pay tu
ition and continue their education
However, what should he cbme .when the .‘musing
gets so decrepit, safety becomes a factor? The Amazon
units were built to deal with the overflow of World
War II soldiers going to college on the C I Bill. It, and
the other housing areas, are badly outdated
In IdH'.l. the Oregon I .egi.slat tire; in a time of high
University enrollment, took steps to-create more Uni
versity housing by flouting an $11 million bond Hut
along varne Measure > and
dropping enrollment. ami
I hi: l dm <*rsit % didn't need
ness housing lu top it off.
(lie s'i• treasurer froze all
new bond issues
So ss itli S4 4 million
(from sale of bonds before
the freeze) in hand the
University began looking
a! ways to spend the inon
e\ Thev found it. Reno
sitting existing family
housing was the answer
A tone line svas set -
Amazon has been de
i lared habituble onh until
Sounds pretty good,
right’’ At this (ash
strapped University any
state funding, even in the
Not having
enough money
puts the state
pretty much in
the same
category as most
college students.
You would think
our state
leaders could
relate, but sadly,
curiously, they
form o: a bond, should comi: in handy. rightr
Wrong Then1 is one small problem The money to
pay off Ihc bonds hits to come from somewhere — in
tins i a.se. rent from the housing units
As a result, rent tor family housing is going to go
up. Nobody knows by how much, but the amount will
depend on the occupancy rate It could he it small in
i rease it could triple
Zapping family housing residents with a large rent
increase wouldn't make a whole lot of sense it defeats
the purpose of keeping these students in school.
But again, this isn't exactly a rare o< current e in
this state Not having enough money puts the state
pretty much in the same category as most college stu
dents You would think om state government leaders
could relate, hut sadly i u:iously. they don't
I he solution ;s outsuie funding It the state is going
to re;v on the tamiiv housing system to pay off the
nond a lot of students yvon't be able to at! ad tf.*• one
two o.i.'.i on of tuition and rent
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Fact of life
Hr ,,il! \\ ••slln , . • .
! ■ j ■ i -1 * ■ i ■; v !;; i i ■ > > i t u r , i u ■ . • ■ l ■•
. i.if i 1 \ Rape is i Ki t ()r■ ;is
(hr I r xvt i::irn Xx . ! • f J - '•
! .it l it shouldn't !« but it is
Viiuf vtggflMion '■ .: iii.irli.ii
art* tor ill xx.innn xvtuiM ri, !
rape i on!.nils irwiiv mhrruftt
hi!ha it's l.x.tinmt' vutif prujHss.
., VV :. [i,ix '
tittl arts ( losses* Iht'X tosl
multi-. Whv s (.. . . ! :iu :
pity tor s.ili-iv thus should tie ,t
right gu.ii.inlifd It ..: [if plf
U :; x -,hi .;.! xx i >in i : i . . x i , i
l.ihf in.ii! n; .irts to : f ••■lit
fit rx tint1 jiiix sii..tllx i .ipubif ol
•: .t: : l.il .0 ••• ' \\ hot imp
; . v. . m >■ ■ -! in
,iii jf nit'ii person £ it multiple ‘it
st; .1 xx t u.tx i
ki \ : ! -. t
arts training tan prevent itii
rapes ttiui. s MAu.il assault min
i! vn (ini in.tilting arena \t
:;m■ \\ •:• . x\ uni.ii:
: a ul ml. :b.
f HI!
>.■■ iii martial iiris
i jn is in i'. .1 ss • : i i: h jifi il)
it is soi ii>tv s problem
i solution Ill’s till! ; •. il. I r!;:
■iris ,inii victim 'sur s nor bi.un
trig, but in sot mini change .imi
U Ib\ . : .
ns tti,it sou would bUimc sour
mother. sister, gifilrnind or
daughter lor being unable to
l1i’!o,i! Iiieii.se.ses ng, lillst a
1,1 j,. s: ' ■ s .in.,,.: 1
Amy Joslin
Nixon 92
How curious tl. it the (inn
;* s;i.;ri In .S. u : U at
ss)h should hr on h. -slr.itrJ h\
th<‘ (.ollo^r Kfputi it .ins I. t • 1 us
pohtu a; parts v\ )M‘ ‘in ::.
k.i : \-ht:
■ David
Unit: H.iiili, Aiti,
\ . V . s
.iiui i ni Bu :ui;
! !,, Hr
twl !
" A S A() i n! I i I hr!: ! t ,i h
■::% r. fl.-f ! un wh.it t!tr h:^h
•I i. All. turn- o! \nit.. Hill
\ \ . : ; ", ! • k . -
Bob Parker
One more time
H: . U
: ,irr\ a i it'. .it m.in- or
.n ri ., gun to tie s.tfe ’ {)bviuus
' :• i :'
. .. • . ill.! til.' threat
W h \
sh. ,.i .uiv vviiniiin hiiic to hit'
tti.it tear
o': against learning iitn
1*o i. .. i learned i have i
. li'.H than just being
: . horned to four
; . ; i ;kr i ou vs ho pliii f the
hiamet ' rape ui! tin* vH till)
K.ip'- m.iv not tie .i I.it.tor in
.: • I,: Skit it <ti\\ .iv*» . s in
! I. . s thre.it v\ hen I go
: .: e vv hen I meet a
•fii ;..-rs,in of when I pass
tot rs ihi tile street
K : s no! the fault of the
>\ : Htier sht ii.is learned
:.:ts or mil Kape is the
. so, sell
Mesheal Rice
Journalism Political Science
Dojo's world
: r"-jniuii to Ur, iin Westhy
.1)1)1. in. i
i hope Vi-'.i t ame to mv just
he. w 11.1 wed v ■ ■ i, f logit t s 1
(tope you to i i t in,\ i ,irt nt -
tp;,i:!iI-iih e_ !<:■ ■ i or relative
bet amt a victim til rape ' real*
I am iuu go:tig to trv to arg
or martial .iris senuasiv
I huvt- trained it: van mis
type-, , t arts, and the
is -,: i lu, r ! ever mteived was
thf t! : dial iin* ni.i! world .mil
side ire Ool t urnp.ir,llJ11• I hope
, ! ;uit learn that the hard
W a \
y . ia hat i in> w i. t>! ulelilth •
mi) " t!i" ; a omen has e
!i I e. a,,. basement of
tile ver p, i • tint they live
Kape , , Pit tor ot life for
w tji.it some men
: e , ■ a a ; ape
• V. :: s
Christopher Moore
Fogged in
: Bryan Wi n!
. , •! 1-ft ■*. mi jesting
1: it w i-n lake martial arts
- • :■■! .11 days it u eek lor
three y o a r s t o " o n d all
i hoc. es" of being raped. ! ask
von tins Are you so lacking in
iiiien:i• tn from women that you
must resort to this crude exem
plification of vour epistolary
talents in order to be recog
nized '
('an you explain what dense
tog you were in when you said.
one could ignore martial arts
and take her chance"7
Better yet. before you subject
us to any more provocative
ideas. I suggest that VOU spend
four days a week for three years
in a women s studies class Per
haps ihen you will know what
to do with your dangling piano.
Karl Brooks