Oregon Daily THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1992 University Senate delays action on ROTC Brian Hoop ] j Members vote to ! review anti gay, lesbi an policy in five years, but move may be empty gesture By Carrie Dennett i hr t ini ViirstlV Sell.Ilf p.issnl 1 I : ! ! I in W'l'li 111 '.li.lV lllill |> Il ls oil III! flv I' Vi'.irs liiv 'll lint) 111 ft'iiuivt' KOT( I Irnni i iinijius II liii- iIrlriiM' Dop.irlmtsil hiisn'l i h.ni^i'ii its imtihomo M vu,il (>t>11c:y in live vr.irs, tho ; mvi TMly pn slili iil .mil seriali* tin'ml -is will rn view !K)l) puli' iv lur lontnrmalii :e ,sy ilh liner t)r i>r> \clmini'!r.iln r Rules i!i-.»1 mg wiih dim Minin.dton .111 sailing to the million Howes er ittr mulicri is most I i k i' 1 V to tic l less . .(• us .11! • :i!|ll \ tlirc.it i’r• •• Mv i. ■. Hr.in.I ! tin- ()rt's;.»n Mute Board hi High .*f t.itui ution has .dreads ruled ti.it IKK! jn.l, v is m < ompli im tnd that umversds prrsi .!. Ids imo.t !nlius>. state board rulings ! I lli.. state tin aril diiesn t i t1.1n.141 its rut mg. K()T( 1 an-not be removed (ruin lainpus re gerdless 11! DO!) publics 1 dii cerning guss and lesbians I tie state hoard has lotllld tin 1)01) jiulh s tu he in iroinph .,i: .■ ss Uh On- ().\Ks prim.irds Ini .nisi- she firderai government allows the nuhl.trv lo ihsi rtmi na!<- against humus, suals (hr hoard mas < Inillge in hi. Mr.mil said or lfit r mas hi- a ruiv legiil opln too At U do. sd.is ■ Hi.-i tills; and ::i it'ii- past Itraml has . ndursed luhhsing tlii- 1)00 lot i li.ilige t all.i-i ih.m mums mg K(lit it there is m. iiios ■•imnl hs I he !)( HI in fiv r seals, tin It, I- do ::11 ,s - is :'’ ',, I ’ ,lii a: tiling in- -.aid dr :.d said f, m n ; ng ;it) 11 Ili.il: 4H. pills IS .Mild 111.. k ■■ 111. DOS) happy he, anse il I-, Irving to jiu'fc iluu ii Us Iwiijp't V ,.< ) ! thr tit ii.itn till tlif luntiiin lurm-ti .iw.i\ (mm ii in . u■■ in i imin.ition tn liftmls ill tin- i unit.11 i liftw i'i'Ii tin' lit) li llli! Illr i Illli'tsUl l lll il.lMl I'.slll l\ i' .III llfill iiij.; witlv is liisi rtminntinn. mu.I Stm!' 111 Sun Itriiin Hoop, tin miittiin s sponsor Do wn or .ion I iir lit * ■ 111 ilisi i mi m.i tilin''' Hoop's or i^ i nii t mot1r>n i .ill' ll for mi tmmftliitlf pii.isn out ol K()T< to in' stnppi'ii on! i in i i hungf in i)()1> poll i v ' ii is iii’irrmini'.I i.isl wi'i'k lii.it tin- son.iir ■!'» not li.n i1 ! urn to ROTC f’.icjn i CIA official to speak on campus today j University alumnus and 32-year agency veteran Richard Kerr will address questions about the orgam zation By Daralyr' Trappe l-i.\ Deputy Director I im campus iuiLu imi!s a trout th. aroint tor His appeariini r at i! result of student pruli g tin’ iithi r. .1 Uni vs >p -si!ion to ( : \ r, ( ru iter Turn Cul Her !11 si/e iind scops’. tint arrests unit srupled interviews ure often the result i ureer Planning urul Placement Direr, r ] .1 rrv Smith is put m the difficult role haring to wif,, i,t,‘tester's CIA : • r They’re playing our song . itk Sir • ' i •< V'1' .• ' ! ;- n : .vcnthi •( !.i, riflcr: i • '• •, M ‘ ' ■ !»*» i Af if; i IV ,i/ns Asian-American class reinstated to curriculum jThe course, which wasn't offered for 10 years, will be taught this spring By Karen Engels Emeraia Repcvlw An ethnic studies class about Asian-Americans will be offerixl spring term fur the firsi time in mom than a decade because uf student efforts to return it to the curriculum, Despite the University's commitment in 1990 to make .1 •'University for Everyone.” many Aslan-Amor uans on campus felt they were being neglected as a minority group in terms of courses offered Only one 1)1 the IV* courses Ih.li then fulfilled !lte "Mu', gen der, non-Luropean requirement" (ie.ili with Astan AmerU-Ufis Ironically, tfur couise. Introduction to the Asian American Lixpenonce. was listed 11! tin