SPORTS Volleyball ‘powerhouses’ recruited By Jayson Jacoby EmeraldSj* . 1 >’ :n in’ fil krr who vsas a ivvotimn all California Intnrsi hnlastu IVdimi iua Smith Sts tuai Mas! Vahiahle i’iawr Mi Vih: iias :■ in ht• r si., .Is and is tin proving all tin' tutic. •'.•(•’.rt-gtirv stiiti Shi’s a vnry tail piayi'f who w ill . .mu ihuic unnnsliatcly in all asp.-, !' ot J’.at play 1 Ki i ruij.M'g a top- pi- y -f from an ar«a s to .' ,i,i piiwiTli. a si . sin li as l t 1. \ si'i-ins 11 k • • , a:, a I on. tint (.rugiiry said Orngui lias a histor, t slrahtig piayris hum < alifornia U r .. . Ill : : . ■! • n-aliy w • 11 . in O.rangr (, aiiinty: i .ri’got V said Hr n.inirii !. inifi Orrgon si.: S \!,n.In A I - \i \\ :tIs : • i;:d i'lWlin ( h ! nil; as r \ a ::.; . Ail tir'tV 1 : • 1 ' ' ■ : ’ ■■ rrn < alifornia high s< hools Joining !hr Urn" n.a ..iiuOr hrshn.m nrvi ! .11 w ill i. i,milv i >; an lit i in' a in. a .lit ( .... vs ho ( ol»n in p< os wit tot hillrr ai.l ’ ' k : m l w is m ill ■ !a!r st !r< {ion ;n {‘rn) Ducks’ defense not enough tor victory By Mat! Bender E • ma -' ■ An cm cptionu! defensive el lort wasn't enough to ivep an ilii vpurienced Oregon dub votfrv hail learn Hum he Ing all four of its m.tti s m a tournament lust Sunday ut Nli Arthur Court Oregon lulled to vv m u game in mulches against tile Salem Vollcvbull (iiub, the Downtown Athletic Club ofbugene and the ifugene VMl .A i be Oil. ks 115, 815 to tin Y.MOA. 5-15. <> 15 to Salem; and 5-1 5 " ! 5 to Downtown Athletic before be ing elinunaled in then sei.ond match against the VMl-A 4-15 10 15 Thu Dow ntovvn Altueiu ( lull dell oiled tile 1 vt< \ S a i gaine-s to w II! (lie touri:.merit () rego n u tI a s s ■ A team, stepped up a division to plav the ( lass A A teams 'We really iiav ell : ph< v>si at this level Vet this sea-ole said Dan l.ilkison, tin t)regi n le,im i upturn The Ducks was die lone bright spot in Oregon's disappointing ■■ Wi | i gre..t d: : Da. k piuver i.c. Ih- - ' We uidr 1 i;. mi then going offensively (t j !k ,'.i ,-n ,i,e ■ t We had u re .is i.-.ot finishing rallies and pulling tne hall aw us.' lie said Irving i 'otlei and Dave I tv*vi nos bloi king i d t); Dili. Playing against Class A A teams the Class A Ducks were unable to nab a victory in Sunday s tournament at McArthur Court sifimg .Iflt dmvn «*lnif > Must n! O:. >n '■ 'f i ami- from lh*; -.ullmg of it mi thf hitung ul H -.'.i iii M.iiim -a! ifl'" iliiuiir l li,. [jin k-, ,’n.iiii problem .IS Ul.'lE ■ * ■ ■ ■ i • ■ - ► '!'• •' : cm i- This year s it-,nit m \ fa jii.iyi rs uni in thr pm," mi ,11ul no returning varsity pi->v *' I!,; , mg !> .i k hop«- !u lari better in heir in '! tvv» lunrri.iin ills Ne\i .vi-ek tin’ [)(;( k , Will l uMlj.i :■ m a ( A tournament in Salem. ! h< !,,ii,m iiig -.i*- k :ui mi- Him ks travel in Lfavis, t ,ili! in delimit Un tr title .l! Hie I .It »L",I i\r Hit (!l lit; \ • ■1 \ 1 i 1 t na merit .. it S mi < >t 11 i<* opll imstH it*. 1 llaist .it the regional even though mine of ; . 1 •• Ili .t ! 'i- ■ '»■ ’ trip pi.iveil on hist year % tthum pinnship team > !. 1 " !. 1' , t 1 , UN. ill '• n.i the team t v e! v plans t.< host .1 tournament in April (. 11k 1 '•<>r> said hi would ill".!* like 1 .1 1 it'll III* exhibition m.iti h lit home . 1 i;*inisi Oregon State sometime in the near fu ture s/O/fV ( imlinrntiil llrt-iikfasl 7:.M( - WediH-sda) -Frida) This Hrrk offering COMPLIMENTARY HOUSE COFFEE with an\ hrrakfaxl purihaw Iiu.el.unr Hlerul Coffee 75c (\ippucano 51 (M) Hr it year at 754 l-.ast 1 ^tli Avenue M2 50*. OFF AT OVER 2000 HOTELS & CONDOS I- *.:* r> -» ■-»!•» 4 M*» i to *>0% f <*> 1000 i tu*"*)* Otv on . 4/ *<*1 w FICHT BACK WITH OUR HOTEL MEMBERSHIP TOOAVI f Of mof* info wnd S A SI to Club Am.fHin. PO Hoi 3674 ( ug.n., OR 97403 04.74 FREE $250 GUEST CHECK * , a* A?4»r'!.< l'i^v i ^^*...,^1 >L#vx. • m IM« M«mb«rsMlp only $49.95 ;*» £7 i'iWV 4 ‘«njl>} l»» 'Ml T1MBKRLINK Dua lo the record number ol px>® — CALENDAR BLOWOUT ; 25% OFF ALL 1992 ■ CALENDARS ■ *150 kinds to ! choose from l— - — - <— Lazar’s Bazar j 57 W Broadway • 687-0139 v 957 Willamette St. (Downtown Mall) • • — — - <— — «— < — —J GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Voikswagon Audi • Datsun • I oyota 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Fugone, Oregon 97403 Computer Products & Supplies Inc. MW» SV20MH/ * W5.IMI .W6.U\lh/ % 1195.00 •IKA'.UMh/ * I7V5 Syttww ConWjmitkKi - Intel 306'4S6 CPU - 1.2MB FD - 40MB HD - - 2MB HAM - VGA Color - 14" VGA Monitor - - 2 S'P.Gamo - 101 KB - MS DOS 5.0 - AST HtUAH iH Premium IL Vt6S\ iOMhi Hr*w 4H !5V1hj \ ulhurued hi alt r Twin Mead 386SX 16 Note book Leading Edge 386SX Note book •>M l i«l * n« • • r», :t«r J ' . !# 1 A #11 j' 'M ■'* tl 10*4 5W T»yk* Portland 041 PTlOna f ■> .’?toai 7001 > rwtkitn (Uvd i u^mw, CX* 9/403 >4> 1314 f If 34VJJ/I VI <>ri h i 10 v Sal 11 4 it.\r pjrt . .r ) y •< ■ •• j' ' >' ; <* < . »• » *' >