Holiday boasts interesting history he idea of no! judging a book by its cover could be extended to Valentine 5 Day Be no nth a!! the TV commercials window diS plays and endless red and pink heart candies, mugs and boxer shorts is an ancient celebration that evolved from ancient Greece According to the Grees biographer Plutarch the holiday, Ihen called Luporcalia and ceiebrat ed on Feb 15. was a purification ritual devoted to Pan, the god ot sheep and the countryside Pan helped shepherds by scaring wolves away During the celebration, boys halt undressed like Pan ran through the streets whipping people with braided thongs Young women let them selves be lashed, believing it would help concep tion and delivery It is also legend that men drew women s names from a lottery and paired themselves with their draw tor the res! of the year or at least for the duration of the celebration The story of how the celebration of Lupercaba is tied with Saint Valentino has many versions, but the story's base is similar During the same epoch, Christians such as Bishop Valentine ot Term advocated the sanctity ol marriage and faith- to a single partner Why history can t tell, but possibly after making a nut sance ot himself at a celebration, Claudius II had Valentine beheaded one Feb 14, orra 270 A D Christians declared Valentine a saint When they became the ruling power they substituted their saints names tor those of old Greek and Roman dates and celebrations The goal, t seems, was to abolish the celebrations entirely It seems that they succeeded on the Europe an mainland, but somehow Luperca i a Valentine s Day survived on the British isles after being carried over by the Romans By medaevai ’ mes the : ■ ; >h act <-t to themselves the popular be ef that beds mated ■ mid-February thus iddn'g turthe' ne i ; to festivities Geoffrey Chaucer. author of bo Canterbury fdies wrote • :>( !" w I • Of' S i : Va'e ‘ Day. when every tow on eth 'to i *• ' make (mate! Valentines Day was a tar more serious jf'a r then than' it is today At this t me a rra- ■. ’w; mg a woman as h s Va egua ed i mar nag# proposa And cosyn. uppon Fryday •• sent Volentynos Day arid every brydde i rw .ytri hym a make (mate), wrote Dame ( ;abeth Burews to her Coysrn and future son m aw John Paston Valentine s Day rema ned an ony eye day for several centuries For those "ot re to marry or already married Valentine s w is i day tor exchanging gilts such as ga'ters glover, poetry and jewelry, often through the on lottery system From one young man to his sweetheart Blush not. my fair, at what I send ti> a fond present from a friend These garters made of Silken twme. were fancied by your Valentine Among the wealthy, gifts were sometimes lavish lady Arjbe! a Stuart received a jew.' worth 800 Knglish dollars from the Duke ol York Who knows how much money that is n today's dollars, but 800 anything must have been a tor tune a! the time So instead of ma p ng Hallmark . , *■ as Its Valentine s Day lights, came' i h -w bout a 'tie action7" or "Who •; lys opjK)*. at trai t look at us think about pe'peh.a! ; i an ciont custom 7di i.)in Itru U ■ \v PLAYS ( onnnuetl trom Page l!)B the most prominent gay play wrights whose play forth Song Trilogy won two Tony Awards TERIYAKI ALLEY BEBJN RICE..5.50 CHICKEN BREAST STEAK...3.50 YAKISOBA NOODLES.Ig.3.50 sm.2.50 TERI BEEF.___3.50 1306 HILYARD • 345-9555 Terrence McNally s Andre s Mother plays on a more serious 'one il deals with a young m in s allempi to reconcile vv*th he, lover s death and establish com mumcation Aith his lover s moth er S.i't> Sim .it'd At\1ro t>r wi I p iy from f .“t> 13 1 ‘ form.inivi -.lari .1! t> p -v. Po< Km! Tho, Per of VS op ' S' don.ilici a i ■ fill the Poor Mitik,1 A*. 'Jn^ucs Moth , Per 1,1 A ’ 1 " J . 11 Nail Specials call 741-2812 Acrylic Nails$?C;QQ Fills $1QQQ Natural Look , „ . ^ . . '^0% OFF fog $45 00 $4 CO credit for eoch refe ►’ j’ j 4n*t 2 > i-urs • »4U-gr «>r junior -.turulmg, an- M-ijwiffvi I’u k up vur jppln .111« *n .it the Urm ersit\ 11- »usmg t >ff i« e (*< -I.UV) Not** Mandatory informJtionjl rnerting nthrr February 11, 12 or M Feb. 11: Carson Gold Room, 7PM Feb. 12: University Inn, Main Lounge, 7PM Feb. 13: Bean West Conference Room, 7PM Applicjlion Dejdlint* is 1 elmury 17, l‘W2 S r- f . *. s i* : i >1 Vliin *li>f !is«i .< i* • . «nwi. I t. i. m . / ■! ! >i. rt ***> VALENTINE HOLIDAY FUN RUN/WALK Entry deadline Thursday, Feb 13. noun 1'artners rate but series arc welcome Course route A two mile course or a flat portion at UO campus Entry cost: $1 per pervn PRUES! ^6. n To register com* by the RIM offit* H 1(0 G*riinn*r itiM DAY BAC* CREW NECK SWEAT SHIRTS 30% SALE OFF BAC* HOODED SWEAT SHIRTS OFF 239 E. 14TH 344-1034