oW'e c$> eop w o ^rts on ° ^ . 60^ 01 r a0d'eS WP^,,te»'09^ . * *£!*-» '00* & ,oQ° located 10 Blocks West of Campus at the corner of 342-8666 125 11th & Olive W. 11th A Ave VALENTINES v SPECIAL for one month membership 'Regular student discount offeredl 189 West St. (inside Pacific Nautilus) 485-4475 OOY WORKS Give your automobile a little love too. . Bring it to European Autofor quality service and repair 0 BOSCH BOSCH AUTHORIZED SERVICE 1917 Franklin Blvd. Eugene 485 - 8226 C. r-» v. . . . . ..... < ( ,t ir* VA-twirv.• • P-uhfn irv 1 ' 1 QCi 1 Doth Honors and slutted animals always make nice Valentine s Day gilts II f * ove? Maybe love can’t be bought, but Valentine’s gifts never hurt anyone a'ent.ne s Day is the per lect time for unchanging * gifts Whether you wish to bestow a traditional bouquet ot red roses and chocolates upon your beloved or celebrate in a unique way, remember it s the though! that matters most The greatest Valentine gilt I ever got was a ttomemade card and a aallodii that he picked out side my dorm on the way up. said University student Joanna L evme In (act the very firs! Valentine card was homemade In 14 IS, wi u> the Duke of Orleans was tm prisor i’,l * e ■ ' iov.r'g greetings to ’ ‘ w Je • > ard form ' ’ ■. p' u tie oiiiinuod in the 10!!- century Kings yed p t wile vemes for the t paramours Or e the print.og ; an ve f, however r ards b** came available t a r d and Gifts 1308 Hilyard St . you can f;nd some of the loveliest cards in town I hey also sell confetti in the shapes of cupids, hearts, *s arid os tor 75 cents a scoop People like to put some inside the cards, said owner Vicky leppmann When the card is opened Ihe confetti falls Out It you want to tie more original, you can create your own gift by filling up tms with small toys and chocolate hearts or truffles Tins sfarf at about $2 75. and mugs ' lieu* with Euphoria chocolate hearts with a balloon bouquet sell for $1 1 95 ' you re 1O0* far esOtlC flow ers Bfoor? • ttf .’ Willamette St . otfe's ma y .at-et.e-. For $19 95 you i a pu'chase 'he Romantic bid .. • .-.'chids .i".r ged 1 a bas O !-«*• flowers ' . . d e di , ■ . • of par adn e •. d.if'od s and star g.i.'ef Ru"" ng at about ‘The greatest Valen tine gift I ever got was a homemade card and a dajjodil that he picked outside my dorm on the way up.’ -Joanna 1 > vine l ‘mvtrstfy ili+tr/v $4 SO per stum me birds o)-para dise and an- /• ■ .i' : Bowr a Msqvtrl rarn.i! with bows on the stems "Love Nest' is a mo/e natural looking ar rangement with miniature carna tions and a bird in ,i nest made with grayish moss explained manager Laurie Brooks Headley At Eddie's Flowers, 1400 Wil lamette St , you can arrange for a balloon basket to be delivered for $15 And it you can t afford a doz en roses for $50 you can always pick up a few stems Books make great gifts too Both the University Bookstore and Smith Family Bookstore, 768 E 13th Ave are featuring books of love poems, love songs and fic tion Most people i ke to y.,e chocolate or pastries The f ail Creek Bakery 881 f 13th Ave, w se heart shaped cookies for $1 60 If a .cso feature Six 1 ' r ej't - soaped cakes for i ' m e I ' . • tA I to S n a’ e At Pr t- P86' W > ... i ;• ' a ooubie a me scoop sundae for $2 SO through oul the whole Valentine weekend Other interesting gifts include * i ry chimes tro • Cobblestones 1 75 f Broadway or relaxing na ture tapes tor $10 95 One suggestion I have is to mane your owe i ards with home made pape' To make your own paper, shred some paper tpreler ably used paper) arid then put in a blender w :h some water until it looks ne i p^ip Spread this mix ture on a screen The water will drip dow and yc„. c soon be left w t' mitura .ooki’ g paper Cut in heart st apes it yu.. des re Df ed tlowo", or homemade . .• ■ Hural a ter • i Coo- ) a ■ . - ant r dinner for two can be n re tun than going out Or bane si" .• o'ate chip 1 dy ba' r d !fes tor ch P' !' v p. . r- ' a- are die- s < K mu J;mn FREE FOOD u. >■ EUttl* ot tha Bands hie. Niqhl ALL NEW AUTHENTIC MEXICAN RE STAURAN EL GRAN E’AV LIVE MUSIC Every Night 9 15 2 00 FOR TWO $2 CFF LUNCH v SPECIAL v Otter good thru Feb 28th with th s ad Dine in only , uu wF* DINNER FOR TWO /LiiJttMitC ^Oad Open 7 days a week 344-1091 685 E Broadway 0 ROCK SOFT 0 8 8 EUGENE jj (On Campus) jj 1122 Alder St 6865069 OPEN MON-SAT flr==Jr=Jr=Jf==Jr=Jre ITr^/E^crircdJcr-irtL ?J.L JJt ‘It Me Where Ix>ve And Romance Are Brought Home! IO< BRING IN THIS AI) FOR OFF FUTONS FRAMFS a ii Keep this From Hie T^eurf supplement C ,)«>$ to f r> l.»v ■ • > Ivarf beat • toss* »rd ar® >rt ».»>** ' !' ■ -.up; . : ‘i »ve this to win prizes! I 2 MEDIUM PIZZAS with cheese and 3 toppings' CMO#CI • • A» . A . • I iplrtt 2 16 92 5* v. . •‘tv.'.H. L___ —VALUASU COWOM —. _ _ CRAZY BREAD 99'^ E ipirei 2 16 92 Y J y; ?$£:*■> __ VALUABLE COUKW_. — .J CAMPUS • 1930 Franklin • 687-2848 When you moke pizza this good, one just isn't enough.