WALL ( qntmucd irum Page 4B language the messages on the Wall of Love" are a great repre sentation of many people com mg together to express the-r love Here are some examples of the creativity shown on the wall. Kathy A year ago it was a paper heart and chocolate hiss es This year, the real thing B Dirk. Here's to games tartar control toothpaste any anything saO with unsenousness Love Jenn " Lisa a! AAA store loves Da vid in the A’t Depah • ' oow" stairs" Happy Valentine's to a1 of my Gull Buddies Tami. Je t a me David Jones Timberime Greg I oved my brand new spark y You i ked my tight 'black' dress. Die musical was wonderful. But the mountain was the best1 I love you Your #1 Baby " Pamela, I love you Five years of marriage Urns March Ann Marie " Turtle You make my toes sweat Pue Amy. Only your b' w im" can turn, m "e so blue l ove Ba Sll. Brandon 1 eong Wr . yc trong arms embrace a i my m d ! 0 ' m w On e *< ' RECYCLE THIS ' i . PAPER. away Love Bernadet Lorah. Lorah. Lorah You in suiate my hear! and keep ! warm Marty To all my PNC Executives and my delegates Thanks tor your hard work Love Dana Leoper " Hi Felix Kapan telepon Your baby YL Dear Mr Pout I < ce abou! you a 1 She ' me Much kive T Debo'ah l do • ■ ire what you trunk or say1 I love you1 For ever Your husband P a z a z D an t b e so • .ed Love Va Ab: •v.*.«*•'.* • Day If you have • ' idy '.end son mo you i»o ate .• ■the r> ; • rxi ■!■<. • • , I t* ‘ "*» »• Vl*f . I .hh\ I h »vi \( t! For Your Sweetheart A Gift Certificate cO A great VALENTINE gift for the special people in your life One hour's soak for two, only SI4. 1663 Garden Ave (off Franklin Dlvd } 345-9046 GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-7912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eug*n«, Oragon 97403 CLASSICAL GREEK CUISINE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES! INSIDE THE 5TH STREET PUBLIC MARKET. 683-3835 COME CELEBRATE! ON THE HOUSE! WEDNESDAY IS CUSTOMER APPRECIATION NIGHT Here’s thanking you for 5 years of business THE CELEBRATION STARTS at 3 pm Sf lM 41 > 2222 Centennial Blvd. 343-4734 I KI ATI.Vi YOI K SI’ICIAl I’l KSON I ()I< YAIJ WTIXl 'S DM" Whal l*> imu- ' What t>> ^ct ’ Heir's the lic.il11 UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRODUCTIONS 1991-1992 Season ROBINSON mi: vi ki: K pm ( urtain THK TKOCHI.ES hv I Jirgcs I t*h 21. 22. 27. 2X. 29 A Mar 6, 7 AS YOU LIKE IT hy Willum S h.ik c n jx'.irc May X,';, 14 IS 16. 22. & 23 \RKNA THEATRE SI ( ONI) SEASON HOME I' K( )N I h\ K. .uen V. .sslci <' 11 -i r [ i J' u i n |-'cb 26, 27, 2* 2‘) A M ir 6, 6. 7 Warning Siii't'c light in uvc i I.Al (MUM; Wil l) and I H ANK Irvrning of imr at tsi hv ('hnsinphi'i I >ui.mg Apt 15, 16, 17, lx, 2' 24, IS SI XI All V I XI'I 1CII I ASCI At.I A SI [HI C! M Mi I K 1 Till: INJUSTICE DONE TO 1)01 ERIE or IT’S MV STORY & I’l l. TELL IT MY WAY!!! on i Tig in j I v. ..tk hy I Icnivc ( htik May 20, 21,2), 2X, 2'). 50 I 'NIVI kSII Y I II! Alkl i*R< >1 )C ■(TK »NS I ICKI I INI < >KMAI I< )N M> >n Sal 1J Uj pm in-I pm k' '1'iwon thcalic I i< ki-1 I *44»> Student I k kd' < s ah-1 11 > nrcm S4 «> V-N ri'J V 4S' II - ku ti- »n« $ ^ ?I * WAN ABI i ( »< K )I) SI AI S Sill \\ All Alii —