French Creek II: Headin’ out West | INTO TOE I OUTDOORS BV JAYSON JACOBY Lusl week I started » two I>,irI series on the Trench (reek valley m the Old (utsiatles east of S.»11• in I.(isi week's column dealt wills the eastern side of tin' v.silos, and lodsiy 111 l >11 k about miiiic of I ho inlimtsllng places on tin west ern side Ur ivi- lu tin- I'runt h ( r<-i k road by taking Highway east is) Salem to tin- Hririti nbusb Kivit bridge just before <■ ot«• r tog Detroit Toko ibis |>uvi'd r-oud to the It'll and dim four mill's, whore the pavement runs out Then turn left at tin V funr lion, which leads steeply uphill Mthough the road is sleep il's neither narrow nor rough Because ol variable snow t ondiliolis il migli! nol be possible lo ri'ai:ll III' two Irallbeads I II dost nbi but it s an easy trip with i loss i nullity skis or on loot Whit bevel VV ay you go, ton linue on she mam road about (our miles (runt the end ol the pavement Jnsi after r limbing : ,v i i I oi, set II ti vi sw ; li 111 ess. lake till' SIS Olid road In till* fight The lust spur road (In* one lo avoid goes downhill and past a small pond The one you w ml i i iiilmnes almost par allel with the main road lot a short dislam e and Is I* . el hollow Ibis road through a small r leafing and past a puw er bill low i'I l< i the etui w! the toad 1- rum bei e lie ( dar Lain trail leads north and sou lb Heading south, tin- leans down !• rent h (dee k ridge to ( diir Lake ind then bat k up to the oils'f desi tided lust WOi k Mut n more interesting goal ts just orns-'juiirin mil" north IM aiiiotn N.,tma Mi • : Lius folk unit, about .Ml fort high .1 ttd lli fret .K toss i an tie rrsH bed by .1 short spur ol the m.on only a five minute from lie < nd I tin road ( dal i..i ki i al> hi sr r ll through I hi ( Jsffs. \ Ifiji is p • here, as the trail f11 "s at tuully •in old! past ii,- ;< down the Tumble ('.reek < an von Ui1 Highway t*H«* high vs t\ (railhead is justabout •• null before (lie I rt :.< h (ah ►. road junction I hit afierntite trip and the i aie to take un a i iisir day winds up tin slopes of Dome Ki c k h th< 4.H.VI foot summit this moderateh difficult trail is just over .1 indr long. ImI it t limbs in mus 11 y gr ad ua i st.% : i h h.ii ►. s u p open rot k slOjH’S III till' lop 1 In k ii rt from the broad. flat summit is i xtonsni ranging Mt If " and Ms • . " i ■ • . ’ r. i I mgered ... I Mt W .! .glon .mil flu i hli i' Sisters l.irtIi■ • r south idu' su i p northern slopes of i I. r. Ik k in . upn ssik i tixi f in v i, vs hi : i in l i Lake .si II as .in- entire l.ltlhr '.i.rtl • i. k \ to lho vvost On ext optionally < liar days lho roiling lulls ad lho ( oast Kange i an ho soon, as well Simi' of ihoso trails to Phan tom bridge, humble Lake or Kim k aro suited lor ( toss ii .ntrv skiing Hut tho\ .iron t diffti uIt lor hikers or those noth soowshoos i spo* hilly tlu' shurtor trail to I’hantotn Hfidgo As .'. :fi the eastern side ol ti ■ I rent ii < n • k k alloy Vise tors are usually rare on the rt . •;. side m.ik .:.g lho on tiro ato.i itii'.d for outdoor enthuse lists who don't have tflo time !. • . k:■ -r .do,! trips rii . wilder m >.s i .is tut rt I; i rt anl lo flak all area all to themselves /.IV so/; /.u o/n Js a s/mrls re la Hr! ii >! ihf [.me raid Byrne invited to Florida i nlversity Athletit Dim tor It,' fti::■■■' hits !n>eu invited lo vim! !hr ! diversity o! |-i,,r>. 1 '' tn -jr >« l» Mi ()mr: fj }•} A MJ kj, f A ' , ... . .J ] • « ■ • • , V : y . tj V J f. g >(«|! H. ’.JrriViJi 4» m- M2 S A( , :t... 4: \u : «.-• «■« M.• .• *N • M. } i j •%.. .r *. • : A. 4* ?»> V: I <-iav|r H. .*;% •! Hvt* i i vi? ft Jig .. .! - - . v. ... V. k H * i’ ’■ ^ -N*’ ^ ‘ 4 ' M. Ila » *. ; • • • - ■! f» IT M* Ha- < •••< H «: >J j M.!! . r> . M * Hjtkrllull I 11 *1 Ki-uml I* I u > t> f f St Hfslutt ***** {f>m * \S (•mrtt * I r'jijuf *■ .i • i ■ t «. I J l i jkup Spurn.*! ■ v i *r C >1 ' 1 '•»>! ' k S'. . 4'l ’.S ... % . a ' ■ M »-ti * l)«*i rt» v, v _: • A-’.i.i % . fain lX>ug> i »\ * . . ‘ . • .Cl V\ » . ?• . . Mtv- V. Mm » l fvt> 13 *- VS . k« - v ! M Hhi < v \ Sofia % S.-. fwJ » (! Apathy AW ’4 is Mr k V B« X H. {?* v T «wm Tt.rd AW' M I )'• . . ( ?,i/y i <• .».t*. . Si *:< ► • • '• i, ' N . < /W 4 ■ M it » v J*r . A AWi 1/t • 3-5 Si r. Havt* V't% ► . .t: • i , * S.grr-.i V; ( st. t. % : aw* n i .n •Sigm# ( h: i I atrr * Sigrf.a ( h. Rim Job aw n A ! n ?H v A it) . A h'f 14 • : !:eld ( ' . rt . . !♦•. *-.v - '*«. Mr » s • : •• . i" . i 11 AW 14 4 t ! tor* 1 ivirri v Phi J’w H-‘ ( ) - • •’ ! \ AW- 15 '/1 .i m * . • ‘ v\ : . • 1 . ' ■ ’<■ Sigma Vu v Ik?l.i 1 AW 1 V :<*) *■ !. % V ’ * . -i'. * - . ' ‘ • . s A W* 1 ,‘i. l <#» ; *M.b4a ( V; v Art h hnemif* V • *• v. » .t .i AW. i ' « is Vg I p 1 \ )'■ ! Urnai f . . 5 V (. t .i * y M- .. .s S**- 'j a » Ha,. HandM’rfc Hi. ; M. r v AH 1V« AW f 4 . . Alii « v < ha. * , : U„ v Yi.Ui.g 1UU 11 k AW* I " > 5 ». ■. ;. r \ •. • i ■ : 4 Hair (T M.-: . Itolu U}ii.i .n v ifo«rti» i •. \ > \m I he new Apple' M.i> ini' isl ;'( lassii'll uimpuier nuko it f.iMri tor\nu to niggle i lasses, .u mutes pfi •!(■( (•> and term pafx-rs .mil slid fiml time lui what nukes i ollege lift* Will Ilk* It s a eumplete ami allorilahle intush ( system ,s ri .uls In help you get milt sunk finished last It s a snap to set am! use it has a powerful 'sSiiAP rim ru pi a k es'nr ss tin h means uni i an run evei the must viphisluateil applu alums with ease Ami its internal Apple ''■ijx-rl have' disk dme reads trnm and writes s,. Mas intush Ms I H )s !■ >tnulled disks a, • ’is. v. \ e\i lunge mfiirmatH'n easi:\ with t t aiiiu ist am utile; k ' ' ’ ■ ■ ’mpiitei » « / . ‘ t -it Iii .i; ultiK>n m us hu.:: in i u|ul>ilities the Maiintosht l.ivMi II i .1.'; lx- equipped with up to |n meyaimes of R\M. so yaw'll lx- utile to run m'w upplieatu >ns at orue and work with a rye amounts of data It sou already own a Mai intosh Classii and want the sjx-ed and flexibility of a \lai intosh t II ask us about an a]lyr.iile it i an lx- instated in him minutes and it s affi udahle Id put more time on your side, consider putting .1 M.k intosh ( lavsk II on vourdesk Ve us fi a a demonstration today and while you're in. lx- sure to ask us for details about the \pple Computer bur: It II lx- time well S|x nt Intnx.luiinj’ the Macintosh ( lassie II Mic rocomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 3 *6-4402 c • v. ROSES $17.99ml \)v jv«rtangc