Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1992, Page 10, Image 9

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    Committee to decide fate of owls or 3,000 jobs
PORTLAND (At*) A Cahinot
level committee intended lo i*- an
(*%( ape v.ilvr for the Lndnngernd
Species Ar t will decide soon
whether to save 1.000 limber jobs
rather than preserve flvvv.ivs for the threatened northern
sjKilted ow l
Three weeks ol expert testimony and intense cross
examination on llie issue ended in I’ortiund last week.
Sometime, in Mari ti or April, the commit too. pop
ularly known .is the (aid Squad. will review the
mountains of evident' und del iili whether to grant
what wonhf la tie hr-.i ever exemption to the D* year
old I .Dll.Ill}'' led Spel ji-s Ai I
. j lit ! .1 Luge! battle liter whether lo preserve
atliw. -.1 -. i |.gi ..vlh forests Spm ilically. the lih
.... ■ ( i . in. . will dei ide whether to al
ii ; iiiil Management to sell timlx-r
1 ■ .■! . altered n r i MM) .Vi res in
Western (tn-goti
ft M D r- ...u -aeight t* i xeillpt the sales
tl ,-u liu i nd. ian '. .! '.pei les Act Lite ! S I Ish arid
\\ : • . ' . ] I . ■ . | 1 t II- .it 1 ‘ . I s I . :p (he s.i ,i -. I 111
lat ! ■ f.. 1 i ic.nn tV». hide tron: predators
t l
(iis Committee are am ti-il m lestlmom that the -i-i
Iimlxir sales here will produce i.(KH) jobs m (ho Pacific
Northwest, and that if thr vales are not suld. Ament an
consumers will pay $500 million In higher prices for
lumber produc Is. Rut/. If k said
No one leslifled lhal the spotted owl would seller
any significant impairment if the sales were sold," he
added ’ file testimony has been very vague and gener
alized and didn't deal w ith these limber sales at till
Pat Parenteaii. a lawyer representing IJ S Fish and
Wildlife, pointed to testimony from Harry Noon, a I s
forest Service ecologist, that the owl was even worst
ed! than earlier hcdieivetl
His t (inclusion lhal timber harvesting on M.M lands
essentially has to t ease lor the owl to have any c ham e
lor recovery was probably the most dramatic testimony
of the whole prot ceding. Pafonleau said
Parrnlfau said lll.M had failed lo prove that the 21 ‘I
million tmard feel of limber at stake yvos economically'
signific ant. when the nation uses r>0 lullion board feet
To grant an coemption, the committee must find that
;! IT M had no reasonable and prude ot alternatives
11.at tin- s,.it-s w ....hi hi et onottiic ally significant and
;! . u. tils d .leT.itine would ’ouiwc igh the value id the
-•'.mill. . ;s made up df seven menifiers. mt hid
:.it\ Manuel Li.i.in '.grit ultuie St t
■ ,-d Madig.in ami Army St . n tary Mich.i'd
> on tlic panel are -the chairman of the (!otm;
\dvisers. the administrator of tiic; Lnv'i
\gent v, the t hief ot the National
. . i Am.i .ph.-tit Administration and one per
sen nomihali'd by Oregon Uo\ Barbara Roberts
Tins is only (he third lime since ihe !.mi,inhered Spiv
(iv \i:l became law in l‘i7;i that lhe God Siju.ni has
lin'ii convened to consider an exemption An exemp
lion for construction of the Toliico Diim in Tennessee
was denied in favor of a small fish i ailed the snail dart
er And the proposed Groyrocks Darn on the YVyoming
Nehraska border was turned down for one of the origi
nal endangered spec ins, the whooping crane
Loggers, millworkers and Main Slrei't businessmen
from timlier country were not given a chance to testify
ut till' hearings In response to their complaints. Lujan,
who chairs the Cod Squad, has set two more days lor
public testimony starting Feb. 12 in Portland
Lujan convened the (.cal Squad, saying he hoped it
would bring an end to the long battle over the North
west's forests Hut it is really only a small pari of a
much larger conflii t raging over federal lands in Wash
ington. Oregon and Northern California
Lnvironmentalists have won a series ol victories in
lawsuits charging the BLM and the Forest Servic e rou
tinely violated the nation's environmental laws in plan
ning timber sales in spotted owl habitat.
lust Iasi week, a US district judge in Portland
bloc ked III M limber sales in spotted owl habitat in Ore
gon because the agenc v failed to write an environmen
tal impel I statement
Lnvironmentalists said the ruling 'could make moot
whatever the God Squad does, because it covers the
same limber sales, but is based on a different law the
National Environmental Policy Act
Wii) A fibnjaijtic
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TO A 7777777777TT77T7Tm9
Miss America emcee
dies of lung disease
if (A I’) Hart
I’ ,t r k •> the I V
host .111(1 beauty
i'incir who serenaded
Miss Americas lot 25 years
w 11 h his t r.iif cm .irk sung,
There She Is died Sunday
game show
H- w.is 77
Parks who was diagnosed n
i I'tiily with an inoperable lung
ills, a--..' .in d at Scnpps Memo
rial Hospii.d in his sleep. vs dll
,S v\ ill' and 1 llililridi a I his
S. !• said M.i:k Howi ll, a 1.11111
lv friend
in addition to emceeing the
M . ■■■■ A mmu a | ...;r.ill! lor 2 5
v .-.it. Parks dso work, I m ;.i
dm, television and lilms His
stage credits du lade tin- shit
ring role in a Broadway pro
d uction id tie I In1 Musk
Storn in Atlanta as Bert Jacob
son Parks began Lis career
v\ i.iie slid young and i hanged
his name to Id a marquee He
was hired at Hi lor his lirsl
Broads asling job by an Atlanta
radio station
Parks landed Ins lirs! job as a
singer on the l.ddie Cantor
Show He later worked as a
stall announcer lor I BS from
i >1 i.) until lu t'i
Bi lor. Bn omillg tile M iss
America pageant emcee, Parks'
!; hr. - a k . allie ill !'»•« >. Vvhetl
he landed the emi ee Job oil the
:.i,liu quiz show Break the
B.e ► ‘ He gain-, d wider fame
us a radio personality beginning
ir. Pith us the host ll( "Slop tile
Both radio shows s oo n
moved to television, along with
Parks It wasn't long before he
was seen in daytime on quiz
shows and in prime time He
was host o! l'\ s 'Double or
\ .tiling" Iroin 1 05 t-1 ‘*55
He wound up hosting a doz
er: game shows, but it was js
the tuxeijo-i lad i rooner sere
•. ..ting M’ss Amoru as n Allan
:. Cdy tiiat Me i- . ec known
to millions
P.irks was iirr.i as tin- Miss
A meric a Pageant emcee in
lOHti Pageant officials said
'do v wanted to give the show a
younger look His Bring gelier
:' >] nationwide sympathy and
«i letterwriting campaign or
ganized by Johnny Carson
I bis was the (time) Ronald
Reagan who's live years older
than me was elecled presi
dent, parks said in a 1 ‘>‘10 in
ter v lew Ho (antId run the
country but I was loo old to
run a beauty pageant New is
th.it sa k or what '"
Parks mode a special return
appearance In I'l'ttl, when he
sang along with a recording of
ins signature song He received
a standing ovation when he
walked on stage, hut the ap
pearance was marred by gufles
and he did not return
Mis-, \mefica I’.:, an! Organ
i/atiou child eve utive Leonard
Horn praised Parks late Sunday
tor his rule in building the pag
eant's reputation
He was a very important
part of our history, and because
o! what he contributed, we
have a present and a future."
Hum said, lauding Parks for
his ability to let the young
women be the stars
Alter tin' Miss America fir
ing Parks vsetil on to etncce
other pageants ranging from a
tugboat competition to a con
test judging small dugs
In an endearing and quirky
( ameu, Shirks plaved himself in
the 1900 film comedy "The
freshman with Marlon [Iran
do In a send-up of Iris own
beauty pageant performances,
he serenaded a giant endan
gered li/.ard that was to be
served up as tire main course of
a banquet
He also had a dramatic televi
sion career He began to act in
the 1900s. making guest ap
pearances on "Burke's Law,"
and in the 70s on "Ellerv
Queen' and "The Bionic Wom
Parks also appeared as ring
master of the syndicated Circus
series in the early 70s
Parks is survived In his wife
of 4B years, Annette, Ins twin
sons Joel and Jeffrey; daughter
Annette !r; and two grandchil