mrp t, *J t , Shelley Heecher. acting as agitator, and a Sate Hurt volunteer train dogs to attack aggressors only when the runner commands them to do so SAFE RUN Continued from Page 1 Kent her M'!'. .1 letter (rum (dcrmanv m the out-ofdhe country pile,' limn asks which pi lr I lie Kansas letter shop Id go in Settling on (In' Midwest pile she cm use herself in answer the phone has been ringing off tiic hook An outpouring o! letters from people .c ross the nutimi who support tier scrvii e flo.nieil Keei her s mailbox following ,i rei tint .irtii le on her program in f./urri our maga/inc While being interviewed, sh. Iranlioallv tries to organize and file ail ul the letters .iti.i .inswi'r the inr essant phone tails Keei her started I’rojnt t Sale Run in 1'iHl and has been running the non-prolit service out of Lame (anility ever since AI if:..ugh she started w ith only a few dogs Sale Run's popularity has skyrocketed, with chapter houses all over the West i ,st. (l.uiada and Alaska Sate Run is a service that nulls trained piotecti in dugs to women who Want to mu or walk'- willii.ut fear of being at : a ked ; ..'the nr j\ service o[ its kind in t t. ■ e ■ iiu! .1 k dogs, Ken lie; said. S\ i don ’t e\ i n know the word at !.si k' tiiu.- it s : . ,i . n \ I'.ilenl It s only ■a he' ; ; !e a: being violent that the Km i leu owns Aft canines that she per and volant- - rs it (in pm .hondA,:'.- K dogs at Civic Stadium Tim lees she re It's, v el V unitpie how we work with the dogs. Keel he: s ,id We tram them ; . lie: K on I V ■ O '■ ! ' ! e ' ,1 lid ' ’ ' During training sessions, the dogs learn to listen only to the runner b\ prac tiring ill realist it situations Two trainers i ailed agitators wearing protective pads all ' in . mm. . !'he owners ol the dogs tell them to go lor It. and only then does the dog charge lor the agitator Its I'^hli'nitlg, said agitator ami i nivcf. v -isivlm'il Don Druhnor Learn ■ : . > i mil UK .It!• «iill dogs Is fust mat if,.; l: .my th<■ \ stand, their liodv lab guagi ;h*v communit ah* with you d so., y: . ivs to liston. !; ig his .ius't you look into i \ .via n tlii'V .in about to att.u s old v •. on they ir<■ s.i\ ant N . .. :•', (ji.ii,•; ” I s v ; t Run dogs arc botirdi-d in van o I V • s > .: d up to two dogs at tlli'ir rest ■ 11■t tor y.: > a month, women vail jin k tlii-ni up .it thoir i onvrmem r at the i sly i'.. otcr houst' S I.; d - XtldriM AniiiTSOtl is a I haptri lions, >h,nicer and houses a Doberman nan i Sam SI used primarily by three or tour runners ini hiding herself, and one of the women i l ines bright and early every .day at <• a m i'll ■:, t up and get Sam ready lor his run ai : hen go hat k to sleep (or an hour brion runner comes hack with Sam again Anderson said "It's a great ser in i a: : ! works " Tin nvenirnrr and se, urit\ of haw ir 1 so.,; < omp.ininn ss ho ss ill run ai :s pace and d.islam ■ and who W . . : 'e; t them d tli : essays makes this , . desirable to many U i" H log-.. ! always (ell the need to ■fa das e. l w rlh a male law . ; .;!i,a HI. dim saa i ' V\ : 11.1 the s .;- H, logs, i can run anytime 1 want, aiis w h svant. and I ( an go by IIIs sell it wcn lerluI organization," she ■ i n ! sale W ith the dogs he, ailse ' . \ . 'idly, hut I also know that tin dog w go for someone ssho is about to Her, r said the number ol Safe Kuti viiiiiiiii s ( ontriiiute greatly to the pro gram's a i ess and survival brum agita tots wi train the ilogs to i.hapler house .. ,! s to props ssho Work on tin husin end, thrs are all a pari ol svhat . . * ■ de Kill! sle Slat Not.’, is. .' i ( Indite. iseet her re, rive-, a pnyi ln < k from S i' Run in ! imagine Sale Run bring a't to a ■ I:,; HVOI Kee. her s.litl It takes .ill of tin ■ dunteers. and their molisalion tor don tins is tin s Ilk, to feel tie s are needeit tie' personal s.ltishll lion -M»* t The owner ol a German shepherd points out the agitator before releasing fus dog Aimltlt1! .ispei ! til S.iftl 'Hull is c;t|ni ,1 uilliiiui brine .i'r.t: i. not thinking 1l1.1i i 11 it ; 1 lj 11»1 i; : women t .mine w.iik til Min .iiiiiii* .it night, he sniu it ■ .i ri :I! sliilement .ihsHit 1 nit mu iet\ tin I to fiiijy would be t ru/V in ill. more tinin ‘I.<100 full"- line, t o : IV. . 1 1 I,.', il .Hi .it!.I: k nil ,IIU n!V .-.b. use- the si'rVli e in its 1 1 lltslo f V State zoning regulations may push Safe Run out Dy Cotleen Pohbg '■H-.nd Report** Project Safe Rum, l he mi lionallv known dog training operation. may bn tor* ml to move its main headquarters elsewhere unless county OKU missionor* i atno through with a plan to overturn state zoning restrictions After listening at a Tuesday work session to testimonies ol people who said the dogs pro vide them with needed protee turn, county commissioners agreed to seek changes in the state zoning rules that prevent Sale Run from building a hoarding training facility in the county i or the jiast two years. Safe Run touodei director Shelley Reel her has tried unsuccess ■fully to build a la; IfIty but has !,u id a ill. k uall o! /lining f Kerail, the meeting ivus I1.1H1 pt isitty . R< .it tie: said Whits going in make a dfl e< iter < u r rent i V leases -.pace at Civic Stadium in Mu -n- to train private and Sale Run dogs, but says the space for a facility is desperately needed to act mil p an y t he g! >wmg demand Reel her siiiil she reeejves many c alls ,1 day (rum people iv intmg tsi start chapter houses in other states, blit shi had to decline them tie cause there aren't enough dogs dot* to l.o k of boarding space Kbim hot also said »Ih> re tciu's tails far donations of dugs either from private fame lies or from humane societies, hut she can't take them he t auso thorn is no facility to board thorn all l.ast year, county comm is sinners had approved her pro posal for ti facility in Dexter However. Hie Land Use Hoard of Appeals and Oregon Court of Appeals later ruled that state /toning rules prohibit dog training facilities on land that is meant for agrieultural Use I acted with the possibility of losing a nationally recognized business in the county, com mission* rs agreed to do their best to keep Sale Hurt in the County commissioner Jerrv Rust said he will wage a lull eourt pr -s to create an ex t opium tot the vnii e dogs He will propositi to Salem to ui-ik■■ an ■ • p: »n tills lie.: greyhound* that m- raised Oregon s land use system, (aunties ill,i Ken her said she has hart other oilers (or her headijuar i, ■ . i.i be it: Uashmgton state and sh can't wait around lor to/i mm h longer 'll first goal is to keep Safe Run lu re, hut I'm not sure Inns long too long is,'' Keoc her said !l i see lip set viccr going on here jus! a lot ol talk and no at I ion then W tt'll leave University of Oregon University Housing IVrformers needed to work as Resident Assistants! Featuring responsible, outgoing, enthusiastic, and caring individuals A Cumulative 2.5 g p a. and 2 years college or Junior standing are required. Pick up tour application at the University I lousing Office (b-4277). Note: Mandatory informational meeting either February 11, 12 or 13. Feb. 11: Carson Cold Room, 7PM Feb. 12: University Inn, Main Lounge, 7PM Feb. 13: Bean West Conference Room, 7PM There will also be* a voluntary informational session from 12pm-lpm in the KMU l obby Feb. 5 and b. Application Deadline is February 17,1992 An E^ual Opportunity/AHirmutive Action Institution Committed to Cultural Diversity .--- - .1 1 1 '■ - - --— - .,' RIGHT#! 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