Asian party planned A taste of other cultures can tie sampled at the 7th Annual Oregon Asian Celebration The celebration, planned for Sunday, feb Hi. will in i lude traditional folk dance performances form Japan. Indonesia. India, the Philippines and the Pacific Is lands Ifie celebration w ill also feature Asian food, martial arts, arts and < rults and cooking demonstrations Spe rial activities are planned' for children The celebration will fie field at Kvhlliit Hall at the Lane County fairgrounds f or people over 12, the everit costs S2 at the (ioor Oregon’s job program to be studied Oregon lx* on ( hosen .is one of eight study sites in thr i ourtlrv lo participate In tin* federal government-* evaluation of welfare programs Oregon's Multnomah an! id the Uni versus ■■ \ . .da ban guage (.enter and the tuslituli* d ms !nr, said flu- I nn ursitv re i civud lilt- grain ha a variety id masons, llir most eetilral being ihr sun ess oi jin'i luas foreign institutes thul were la id here i luh is mi’ sixm VMf UH’ institute program. and the third available ,it the national level juse tnillio I’atheco, a well known Mexu ,ui |i iet .mil vsnl er, will be among the guests at ten.ling Curland .i i’.ll hei u's imptHil III that ill |uhn Updikes mil ur in e on \nierlfan literature Other guests include I’.it h el us Wife (irtStlli.i. a leading \|. \;. .in lelev.sio.’. i ..nun. i.l.i lie .uni writer. )iuge l'.ilhort. ,s ihu uinenturs !iItnin .set .mi DaV si! Liiirkm, .1 spec ;a list I environmental problems in V • sun The purpose o( tin institute !S !., ■: 1 nubile lb • I’, - I Mex literature with the study o| history and culture, giving turn.hers a more hul.imed pur ll,IV a. Ill Mi'Wu winch they in!' pass on to their students (airland sue! Spanish lea- hels are often proficient in one or another of these areas, but ran Is all three "In college, students learn t.erlain subjects well and others are sort ol ignored . in said Curland said the program's impart is surprisingly strong People hear about what we're doing and they want to imitate it,' he said "I've been contacted by people from as lar away as Israel asking lor Ul slrui lion Curland credits the foreign language faculty as being ex tremely helpful in making these summer institutes w.k The faculty part it ipants will include Dan ('.oidrich. ’min Ar mando Epple, |ay Siskin hue. V era no. Unhurt Davis and Curland himself Spanish teachers interested in participating must apply lor one of the -KNT*»l«<;KNKHAI. HILTON BALLROOM robyn hitchcock 0 D a 5