Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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Fine arts professor Craig Hickman shows his award-winning program Kid Pit in action
Professor’s Kid Pix wins award
jA computer maga
zine ranks Craig
Hickman's creation as
the top kids' program
By Carrie Dennett
i 4 .'ail A' ••• i‘>‘ ’ 1! '
( rai>4 Uli kman. .m assistant
professor of fine .iris, notii oil in
that Ins then I vear-old
son Hen became frustrated
w hen trying t o use t h e
Macl'am! program on the fami
ly's home computer
I noticed that for him. the
process of making the pu tore
was more important than the
product. Hickman said T.ven
when fie would print out to
make a hard copy, lie had more
fun just watching the printer
Hit k m <i li bega n w or k oil
what is now known as kid Ihv.
a computer paint program for
younger artists It was recently
judged lies! Children's Program
bv the editors of M.n I ser mag
H 11 k III a n ' S son had d 11
hi.uities clicking onto the i or
rei I Mai Paint menu, or act a
denta 11v linking into another
window or program kid Pix
prevents these problems
kid Pix is also more fun Thu
program features a variety of
miiiiii! ('iii'ii1-. in 1.1 u ill n g .1
scratching sound when the Kid
Pixs pencil tool is used .ind .1
dripping sound when the p.nnl
brush is in .iction
II kids want in destroy ihi'ir
1 reatiun, llirv r.in do so l>v del
oriatmg .1 lirci fill ker on il or
hii n is hi ng 11 !« the li lac k
Hole "
Kid PlX IS user -friend U .1
mtisi lor young children and
helpful lor ad u 11 s. loo. link
in.in said
when von gel 1 HI■ vs pro
gram, it s Inn lo play -iround
with it. Hu kin.m said You
don't iv.ml to have to look ev
erything up m .in instriH thin
1111 km.in said his creation
was meant lor Ins son. hut he
e\pel ted other people would
want to use it However, he did
not expert I the program to tie a
i ommeri nil hit
Ihe first Kid I’ix program
was a hlai k and white public
domain version, available lor
tree Idle second version the
one sent to Itroclertiund Soft
ware. Inc was in color but had
limited si Hid ellei Is
In a rare mow . the soltw are
i ompanv Hroderhund which
.a tT.es thousands of programs
1 rout 1 realors wanting them to
market their soltw are act opt
ed Ihe program immediately
Idle current version was re
When you get a
new program, it’s
fun to play around
with it. You don’t
want to have to
look everything up.’
Craig Hickman.
Kid Pix designer
leased in March l'W with ex
pawled spec ml cl feels created
l>v Uroderbund s sound depart
The program received a 1‘1'JI
:\/jc I •nT h d i I o r' s Choi i e
Award, known as an laids, in
San I rant isc o on fan 1 J The
l.tfth judges said Kid fix "is
not just Mail's best children’s
program l! "s ,is imaginalivelv
conceived and well executed a
piet e of software .is vse could
find m unv < atogory. period
The program has ret eived
fiv e other awards, m( hiding a
British III in ational Tea hnnlogy
Aw ard and a Parents l dunce
Inundation award
itroderhund will not release
- ale' figures, hut a spokeswom
an said industry lists of the lies I
selling soltware show Kid fix
near the top in the home and
rei reational use i ategorv
Workshop for graduate students to find out about:
• How and Why to Plan Ahead for Graduation
• Applying for Graduation and Your Oral Defense
• Tips for Formulating Your Thesis or Disseertation
• Submitting Your Thesis or Dissertation
With lb by Deenier, Assistant to the Graduate Dean
& I.isa Duba Biedermami, Student Affairs Coordinator
WHEN TUESDAY. FEB 4, 12 (H) - 1:00 PM
'Continental Breakfast from 7. <0
l unch Monthly Fridas from II U>
Pinner 7 nights a week from s <0
Surulas Hr uni h lt> 2
linsert ,tr%i ft*ir .uxytime'
( Vk'hi at mg »hii 20th year at
754 KilsI 13th Avenue
4HS I 24k.
I’.kiIk l Imvcrsily offers .in innovative, sear long
Fifth-Year/M. A.T.
program lot liberal arts graduates leading to certificates in
Social Studies Musk l oieign I anguages
Math Ari business Idikaiioii
I anguage Arts Science I lemcntary lalucation
h-i .i ' tr-~. i'-(MI (t JkhiOir/l*1 • 'I'UHiif ait) VlmaiMU P*. if* l m»nis!> *4'
< * £f \fci> | s«r»l t «>vr < Hr|ein 'i'] |f> ,* j{J I **•> M' V-l F*.tfi, I luvrtnt* s« ! » **'
finmtfc* wt»! >/Apf>U j|**i Mjrvh ! I*«’
Pacific University
() R E G ON
Please recycle at these EMU locations:
Glass F ishbowl, Tront Desk & Survival Center
FJaper: In front of Suvival Center
Christian Camps
Summer Staff
You are invited to meet representa
tives from Canby Grove Conference
Center, Cannon Beach Conference Center,
Camp Tadmor, Camp Harlow, Reachout
Expeditions and Warm Beach Camp
TODAY, February 3, from 9:00 am to
3:00 pm in the EMU Lobby.
Sponsored by:
SK Christian Camping International
Untied Slales Division
Lifestyle Planning Program Presents
Taking Care of Yourself:
A Series on Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention
fhe lirst presentation ol a lour part scries will hxus upon the Ass.mil
( imlimium ;uul the attitudes ami values perpetuating rape m our society
Topics C overed:
Hie assault/rape continuum
examining our value systems
1 inpowermenl and assertiveness
Challenging destructive attitudes and norms pcipetuating rape
Panel speakers melude ( ART. Speakers Bureau. Sexual Assault Support
Sers ices, Womcnspacc
Tuesday, Feb. 4tb
7:(KI -'9:00 pm
Ben Linder Room, KMT
r„. rrjh the IJf'IUf h gtjm, Vaimi HfMlh Ctr.lr'. I '/" IIJrjtht l>rjn <StuJenU