Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page 1
ing lieciiuse no money wus puid direr tlv
lo I'SSA, but to Stukel for travel ex
pen sex
Stukel lx the liSSA’x Northwest re
glomii representative ami .1 mernlier of
the hoard of dtrei lots In this < op.it.lly.
Oherson claimed the money given to
Stiekitl is.ix osxenttally given to the
Bills argued St it kel was representing
the ASUO interests ,it tiie January meet
ing. Oiierson argued Shekel wax repre
sentmg the USSA
" The Intent wax not to violate the ( (in
stitution. lulls x.od The intent w.ix to
m.nni.im our memtierxhip " i lux year's
A SI () memlierxiiip was paid (or ss 111>
student firs prior to tile court's ruling
As I untie island the ruling. Ii (' funds
are currently banned from going lo the
!SSA mil payment of funds lo people
going to USSA conferences is aiding
IJSSA's organi/aiion which has filrrads
bon ruled as di« riminalory Ohm son
Thus the action dws, I hHtcye. vio
late tli«* intent and good faith of this ml
Jn tils original t omplaint. whit h led to
the Dot ember ruling, Oberstm succ ess
fully argued that the USSA discriminates
against while, heluirosextial males in its
lining polit v for the position of Affirma
live Ac lion affu or
I lie court found that this polity ton
flit with i rtteria for receiving 'student
fee money, tutil USSA Changes its dts
t rnmriiilory hiring polit y, the tourt
(tiled ASt () tan r.’111.on a member of
USSA ontv if no l!( funds are paid to
t SSA on behalf i f AM i)
Obersou .1!so took issue with ihe re
quest ol fulurt? lit. funds for I SSA mem
bership and partu ipalion
I’resideni Hills submission of .1
I'SSA funding request for lwuj n t -find
getarv ve.ir is also a violation of the (.on
slitullon <nurl ruling
It. I Is was somewhat mi onsistent in lier
response to this part of Oberson s ruin
first she told !he euurt she hail noth
ing to lie with submitting the t SSA
budget request, but had delegated the re
s|Minsibifil v to Stir kerf
However Hills later-explained the
As; O s rationale in submitting the 1 on
Iroversiul budget
We submitted the budget under the
assumption thill vs a would pay our fees
President Bills’
submission of a USSA
funding request for
1992-93 budgetary year
is also a violation of the
Constitution Court ruling.’
Henry 0berson.
Constitution Court complamant
.liter this is .ill cleared up. Bills Sill 11
At the Januart meeting, the USSA
Hoard ul Directors passed .1 resolution to
chiinge the ilisi rimin.itorv policy linn
ever, thul change 1 arirvot he implemented
until the full L'SSA congress votes on it
at its summer convention.
I have not authorized the payment of
ant IIC! monev to the USSA," Bills said
Continued from Page 1
Sen Hill IIwviT
I hc Am.i/on i onstrui lion
will l»' i umpleled m phases,
ultimately mliJIiiK .is many .is
Mi units
In .1 trid.iv press release,
I htiversity Arohitei I lor Plan
ning Phrts Kuinev viid the Am
.i/on plan will in .lie ,i vision
ol wh.it tin' Am.i/on rumples
would look like wlu n il is i'ii
II r I-1 \ rebu ill. im I ml inj; in
ureases in unit density, parking,
diiv i .ire. Iiiundrv .mil other
iimeliities lli.it one would e\
pei t lo find in .1 residenltiiI
i ompley
II net essary. the University
will seek .iddlllon.il bonding
iiulhority lo eomplele replace.
merit of tlx Amazon milts
t'nmiMlv of ft <ials !i a cl
stalled i onslfnotion plans in
Novemtirf. expressing < mu i-tn
tii.it a shrinking student- Ixxiy
would make filling lx• w lions
iri|t diffir nil
lie-cause till: iHJIlli motley Is .1
loan to tx- jiald but k by tenants
in tlir lorill (>i lent, low oiiil
pant y (ould mean bond pay
merits vs mi Id not lx- met
To alleviate lliis corn ern,
1'nlvufstly ollndills are consid
ering allowing single graduate
students to rent some ol tile
new units (inly married stu
dents and students with chil
dren are currently allowed In
rent (amity housing
It’s a reflet tion ol our desire
to U responsive to the commit
■.,i\ ir.xicfship. Williams huid
\\ i ji.iy *i lot id -itt<-Mlton lu
tlx-if m|)i<l in < hum' lh<-v .if our
ri.'i Ini rcpn-v ntulivi'H
()vi-r llir : past few vi’. if. sin ■
.Ml s'..lir and local 'leaders have
pressured the University load-'
tin hs student housing needs,
mi lading itiiiM’ <i( single grudu
.■ I - students mIh) .in1 largely
i ii lu.ii .i from existing l imi-r
-»11\ im nod housing
Ti’n.inis .1 nd islhers tiu\ e
r.liv’d min urn Unit run I fur .i
i v\ i> Ix driMiiu apartment .it Am
.i/nii, rum S142 .i mouth, will
).irnl> in is nun Ii .is S’tJii, 10
I ii r 11 -nl btdoM market rule bill
siil! ,i signiffc .mi Im reuse
ll.isu.illv were afraid lli.il
s! ii ill 'It Is won't In ablr In go It)
Si llillll ll fill gues ll 11 .IS high .is
S42V said Andrea Lnfnyette
I tsher. .1 graduate student in
journalism who lives in Ama
zon housing witli her daughter
and her hush,mil. .1 graduate
student m ari hitee lure
Our intention will he to de
\ e[op a rent sir m l u re that s
! 11 r \\ Hi.inis said U e re not
anxious to increase the cost of
going to si liool lor our stu
It makes sense to replace
Amazon, even though a rent In
( reuse is a consequence," he
Lafayette-Fisher said the ten
ants genvrulh accept that Ama
zon needs to tie rebuilt hut are
i oneerned that unnecessary
perks, such as garbage dis
posals, will he inc luded In the
construction plans, raising
Another Concern tenants
have is how much involvement
thev will have in the planning
proc ess, she said
Students will have a role in a
state mandated housing adviso
ry group that was supposed to
he formed last fall, lull is now
scheduled to he in place by the
end id this term
Plans to build 12 new units
at I'tth Avenue between Pearl
and High streets have been
"That site has the potential
for new student housing," Wil
liams said "But we want to
complete construction on the
other sites before we entertain
building more student hous
ing "
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Tic kets fm the dinner show are available at EMU main desk
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K, -’ v (-*j: t4<» 4-,‘on foi mure information
|m»li Sludrnl l man :i 1 inwl l>»day a'
t vo pm 11X11 (i<iiiuf) Room A (.aii
>4n 4 Vf*ft f i tn ft: information
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m {.Ml ‘ i *■ \ut K<«um ( (-41! -I4»> 9911 lot
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kullura Pilipinas vs. «-t ’ ’ 1
H •*: :4j la-rl.fi^or ( .1 iju \ !»».•'. ! r
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