LETTERS Rights I believe society needs !n widen (hr definition ol wind mnstiiulos violence I would itu hide racism-, sexism and our inexi usable ni'glect ol the hun gry and homeless whofelie.i'rterHy' agree with Heidi bowman's loth-r of km .'•1 ,if , :it pornography in Hie I) hum ! o r I i w the ; ibjei I 1 j i ( .1! ion of Wi'ltH'i! Ill print (or nljiorw iso j .is ,, form of violence against -ill of us The victims an- everywhere. -in! al though t li«■ s .in no I readily I fit-fitifivlblir Us The % ri finis of mote direi I .is-.,mils. they are victims of \ ioli-nt •• nonelhe If tin- rig 111 of soinitoni- !o slillid lip .mil falsely \ril "life iti .i crowded theater is super si ded by I hit rigli is o! iliosi- i ii till’ Uli'.ltiT li) 1)1' .ill' so loo the right of someone So ri'.id pur liogr.ipliy is superseded by the right of .ill vyoinen to in- tree of sexual ot>)('i tifieution I I it ■ 111 - v i ■ it s 11in■ ■ ur sit pornography .is .i tor hi p! v lolem i' .ig.i i list VV oni'-l. V\ till ll is illlii'l i'll! 1 \ unjust and unacceptable. free doin ol spot'di Is not .in rxi usi' John Jordon Eugene Informing Regarding sociology student Zoc I’.irgot’s letter of [.in. J.7 in which she writes, I found it disgusting and inappropriate tile w.iV in which fill I used r.ip 1st Mil haul I’.itrii k Kv.m) was porlr.iveii as king of kids and a nice guv I !.>»;twi nothing wrong with the original artu to ((H)<•.' Ian ga) It provided valmihie fat is If sCX tologV oniv it’.ii hrs peo (a ;nf pn s anti bail >;u \ s five m .'human brings h igetfocr He iiraSfng Kvan IS bail dia-sn ! provide me vv siti: at:1. "■■ili.forma W : d> ■ 'a. - . i Xiaoy.in Yan Education Abnormal? Regarding tin- (M A s . sit l political mam aver Who Is iV msm‘ indicative of abnormal IM'lisivlor tin- free expos Moll of love liv some people, or the drive of Olliers to '.define that lov e as [si• rV rrse7 It seems to me that si any thing borders on the paihoiogi sal, it ss not the taring relation ships oi guy and lesbian coo pies blit the obsessiv e and self righteous morahsm of tin - (>< A Christopher Phelps Graduate teaching fellow Here or Togo Wiien I a igin.div sp M with someone about tioitig an .irlii le on Togo, [DPI. Jan .’•>), I was eager to share my experiences ami impressions of tile stunt, t at tail cultural experiem e I had on the ttniversslv's new ISt-d' program i if Mint ■ vju'i i iu fik us on " !i% iv’ >*k i ifi.it w.is !i i -small pi:! 1)1 tin 1 \ hinge Hnu. \ it. mtortiinate ! . an ripenem I's with .111 l'\ moli ii:'foioni i ulture in'.ti ir i til were net deemed news Wot \ ^ii•!.•;:i i n. ;i si us n'. m ‘; A 1 ' (I ui ■ ’ : ; ; : ' 5 ; : ; f .... i-ii ) in nusin inuiHin: s'.tii.- :iu . 11 . 1.1 f.1 I Hi jlh.l" c1 Oil! nothing. firiniiHl.v I•.:| • j relied to mi perv.inutjy i spent tniikf of tfi.il !n i> Vv ■ ■ k ;•••». .'! . .I.' bored mil pi :VIng y. '• ■ in'■> w ltd<.'■ waiting Ini things !. return in normal I never issi nessed mu beatings iir lurch ings nl si hi)..Is Nor' iv is i is hisk.'.l in side a I rtTU Ii res!,mrant I lies. SI etc .til el i :v J mere ! \ heard dm i! ! U f ther .more , lev re.isiin I. •; hvi v I i ign was pure! v II ad.-H: a H '. the I e v11sits c losed. 1 would !»• uri able U) giudu ate this year ; I tie i! . t V\ a al: ms mils and disturbing lime but il didn’t concern us as Amerti arts It \\ as unfortunate* that these n cuts had to in! ms ini hunge short, hut it is because nl the i uhiuble exponent e 1 find in the tsiu month* pre.rdmg the coup that I do not ngtrl having gone Christina O'Guinn International studios Environmental Awareness Workshops • Winter 1992 Dams and Reservoirs—February 7-8-9 2 credits F ee $150 plus $25 travel Moth positive and negative changes are . reat.d in a n\ < r vs tu n Jams til.uk l he nurn at How ot that waterway Study vs ill center on the environmental ettests ot dams and reservoirs I )amage proven (ion, water quality tish migration and many >ther sub)ex ts vs ill tie examined on site I (ns is an opportunity to understand critical 'ssiio ami the pro.ess ol water management dec ions Strategies for Interpreters—February 21-22 1 credit Fee $75 1 his is an excellent course tor tour guides and outdoor leaders It is designed to prov ie sjxs tin information and tested techniques m help pa Mu i pants learn at suit the environment and gain ski l is to txuime fountains ot information ( ol Us non. or gan i/at son and presentation ot nat ural and historic material will be main topi, s Coastal Lakes—February 28-29. March 1 2 credits Fee $150 plus $25 travel large and small lakes along Oregon's coast pr> .x tde an interesting and inlortnattve • e.d lab tor the study of plants, animals, history and geology Phis workshop will explore' preserx at ton and us* issues, reereational opportunities and restu:r e values is w. i. as the he-ntri. i! and v.< gi > significance of these ex. optional r\ mr.es Coastal Mammals: Seals and Sea Lions—March 6-7-8 2 credits Fee $150 plus $50 travel 1 he Oregon Coast is home to a variety of mammals both marine and terrestrial I his , 1 lab wi'l examine their evolution and habitats with at .m-site look at this ex. iting and .1 yuan eny iron merit Weather permitting, this Meld-lab coll u lude a whale watching tour be boat I' .u t tit. geology and vast recreational opportunities w ill also t>e covered Bohemia Mines and Brice Creek—March 13-14-15 2 credits Fee $150 plus $25 travel The discovery ot gold in the Bohemia Mines uea . rvat. d a rich and colorful history rq . tor exploration This workshop will not only cox cr the flora and fauna ot the Bohemia Mines area but will also explore the lower elevation Brice l reek area lor a unique combit at; *n ot si idy resotini Oregon Rivers— March 20-21-22 2 credits Fee $150 plus $30 travel South Coast: Spring Break March 26-27-28-29 3 credits Fee $225 plus $30 travel Limit 15 students, (overnight) To register for any of these workshop or for more information, stop by the UO Continuation Center at 333 Oregon Hall or simply call: 346-4231 _ •SPECIAL* I CHINESE NEW YEAR DINNER I II VOl 1 IKK RI'AK CHINKSK SH I K CDMK IX) YKN 11N('. 1 DINNERS 2 OK MORE v r<)K ;n>K<>1*1.1: sin '>;> (SOI r .s ? r \ mKKS) * . • FOR r> i'KOI'I K $:U lt.‘> ISO! T .Si l i:\ I KI'I'.SI -j t ■ it i < ■ ■ V mr&r: P»:K !•**(*<>* vr to so Oriental Banquet Parties $7.95 I.AKr,i: NKU < IliiMH A! IHI VIII 1 HIM SI IlKiM BRING IN THIS AD FOR A FREE DESSERT No« good w / any oOrr ofla I M i* YEN JING Kf • t *ur *nt 1775 Writ lith I'.mjfne 4H4 ■ i ,tV $ bib X TV*S*I&F. -- IM1M ()VM1 NTOITOkl UNI IA_ Editor-in-Chief of the OREGON DAILY EMERALD j 1U. Oregon Daily 1 meraBI tin- imlejvmient stmlenl tie* spap* i at tin i ni' nih .'M >tcij> >tt i- 4 urtenily a» . ej*4ing aj'pln ait»•n** (>< ih |*v*itio*» o( , 1 ,li! < !.* iIk- 'M j.ademn year i 11 v i U It- nandnlale* 11 mi a i Be either an under graduate student j! tin I im > t sit} enrolled !«« 4 tfuuirtuim «•( si * i ted it h.Hirs jh'C trim in three «»l tin t-ui a. jikimi tjuaj tei % ot hi' ‘4 lift trim as I 41 • •« • < a etaduale student 41 tin l lusemity enrolled tor 4 minimum o( three sredit Iuhiis jh 1 term m |||{.. I III I *U a. Adeltm i|ll4Jtels >t Ills ‘4 Ini I mi 4v I .III •< All Aprils 4fits n»nt Iv in 4«4«Iciuk standing I he Oregon I *4il> I me 1 il l is pul‘loin >1 In 4 in *11 |*r * »t 11 » 4ln >11 vs lm li ^ 14! ■■ Mi«!. fvinl. nll> .*< Ith- 1 nisetsU) Ilk|*ltlWI> *‘(lh ( »I )} i'. I.. j * 1 >s nl- - .lin 4fn.ii j in I II.11 lime I < 'I ml* Hi* ill 4II 4>j« . Is . >1 Ivvm pa|*et . jvuii.'ii t*\ - isnie 4 < 4 m po s audi in ; 'Aiili ne*s editorial ami i.lv »■ 1 living > .silent Uk } Jit.* A 11 *e t > I > 1 vs It.» rep* ts I • a ten j nr son s-lunl 1 lioaid ■ -1 j {) m , , t. 4ha* i sj n.n st In lit} I ■.» all editorial >i»ei4tion\ and all > dilonal » nl.nl ■ 1‘^U’ to him I'/'M ami 1 ■; [Hi 1 f(|ei| In all >'t n nl 41 n - n J>* II* *1 11 • '111 \ j 4 11 I ** I ■ • Jun * III is 1 \ 4 pan! (’* * Ml ion Inter rale .I parties ■ In add pu k up an ajspln alioii pa. k. I wlm h lln lud. * a n 4. lies uplnn at tin <>1 >1 ti nl -I. Hi Sum • I Ml l . ail Mr. ‘ j I I h tied ■ ml - 4 main 'll ( xnple! •! a[*pln aln- ns mu I U refill m .1 lo line ( >1)1 B ni l -I I >u f i f., • pm Manias Mal.liJ l,y'.’ \ 11 1 in li v >!* e • *1 I Kit. . / mt’.i J m ut / (>/ tunt/\ I n:-..-,, r Mw / 11 s* 1 ■ i j/ie ■ , tni ,i itu’ft . ullui til!» ,ii\ri ir »* - ■/ ip..« f ()rei*on I)ail\ MHt I r l> Memorial I nH»nt I' C • llm IS‘>, I n^eite, Or e^on *>74l»' 4 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON L_ :.,r. We don t know exactly who he is Captain a disgruntled worker we figure