r EDITORIAL Nuke reduction plan best Bush idea yet Oik.i! you sift through the frequently garbled syntax und Hit; hyperbolic rhetoric, some of the Slutc* of the Union address actually makes sense Sure, the quick-fix economic plans are still up for debate;, and no one is quite sure what Bush rvnllv wants to do about health care, but his proposal for deep slashes in nuclear arms was clear. It Bush has his way and Boris Yeltsin agrees, the nuclear stockpiles of both countries will shrink to a size not seen sinr e the early days of the Cold War Yelt sin's plan is a little more ambitious — 2.(KM) to 2.SIM) long range missiles apiece — but it is heartening to see even a little change on the part of the White House gunslinger. Bush's plan halts production of the B-2 bomber at 20 planes, or 55 less than originally planned. In addi tion. the MX multiple-warhead ballistic missile would be no more No more orders for nuclear-tipped cruise missiles minor, rartmi dis mantlement of submarine bused ICHMs Anil so on. Quite a laundry list, and one almost too good to believe The past year has been one of the most eventful in world history. The dis mantling of the Soviet Union has effectively end ed the Cold War. Bush, in his speech, proclaimed the Americans victors of that wildly expensive. 45 year simmering pressure cooker Victors perhaps. If George Bush economic devastation through bloated defense spend ing is a symptom of victory, then yes. the United States did come out on top The United States is still the same country, and we do have an economy (something the former Soviet Union cannot claim), so in that regards, we did win. A hollow victory, that is. The runaway arms race crippled both countries. With the economy the way it is. and the Soviet Union no longer the "evil empire." the only logical course is to cut defense spending and slash nuclear stockpiles. Bush's plan isn't a radical one. The United States and U S S R, still retain arsenals large enough to waste the planet. The strategic triad of missiles, bombers and subs remains the same. The B-52s and B-ls may not stand on 24-hour alert, but they are still there. It is wishful thinking to expect all nuclear weapons to be beaten into plowshares. So much power in such a small bomb makes for an attractive package — one that will alwuys be around. But if the reforms go through, the doomsday clock will slip back another minute and we can all breathe a little bit easier. *ruUy m 'xlup^xiwrUfy ol Un>var%4> • *?) a* S*.'*« 300 of l ft) Mwmorwii 1Jruoo aril .4 *1 ol ;r*» Ai*oi wtiwO P*a*» !»\u { '▼•«'■ rt*1 •%■ iywitltt jycH)**^ 1 'Vi uniam^M '•oxjvaJ o' o%«* O* 5>4*>»x4 * Atno t d*of m Chief Chnatoptmr Bid • Managing l ditor fj: fcu l (Mortal t ditor 1'*''* l.Vran G.rajihtc a ( ditor Ji»l* P«.H#fA lA--"~y lUi'uy iki* <3 O-A/txxv ***., Ka/ir I JLry*on JuV.oOy Kwt<» J*rv» ur i '»4>'• ' KvJMp;> 'g K '*:«>-•• l >**& lA>p« F**Mr»oo C^-trnr PoM^j CopyldilotA (>a• t ■ *y ktv*» I f »*J Mag*** I'.i - ifcvvonor S*.w m KaV>y Photogi Apti«rt S«an Potion Aa»o >.a H'O n ktitk**. To"' t imk. *• HiVtthv R'kiy C.1'*«*• •'« fi.>» D ^' r S‘.*w* Va Sv"a'’ V*> Tof> r Vwon Viu Cl*i*rf*d ktt. A.*.•«*,-- .t A.a . -T* S'u a t oron^O Butin*** * 1 » 1 : «i >. ,*» »jkJf AaT> C&' > ? Production j xi V% u r*ni« \v i'\x*t£n4Ax S.t .f .1 • i'.\v * I r**' ► ' v « CVtV j 1 * • i IWta! *» •■ ti ■». I «»•* M ot’fc • .f> M • •• U,i“ *.V J« H. a »' w* ■«»• .- •■ A n o v „M» *» v .i*) TodUW a — \ Gtf^fAl Mi'tjgvi * !> M «■ • *av«ni«ing uirvcior r >• **«i Mioom fkjftin*** Off* • 146 S51 1 146 5S1? o v r'ruuut *« • Adv«r1i«jng U»»rfi*d Adv*»ti»»ng 046 371? 346 4343 I ~ 11 1 -=_CK.-__^_( „ - I HI.M&OLCilNroN — PtEKSC\ MUST EXPLAIN MV S»t£OF 1UATSTOW!' OPINION Yeah, but how many for a Manson? I THE FINE PRINT 8V PAT MALACH ( ( I I's offensive It's obst true I ll's oulrugisius And It'll I he m finer ret,ill stores in Mas No, tins isn't ,m .id slogan (or ii new S Live Crew album Ibis is what Marlene A Young, executive director of the Washington. DC based Na tional Organization for Victim Assistance, bad to sav about a California publishing compa ny s plan to market "True Crime trading cards lit I ipse enterprises Ini plans to print trading turds embla zoned with artist renderings of famous criminals and even a lew law enforcement types In all, tit) different cards will be printed Half the turds will tie pu t organized t rime figures Lifts four of the cards will por tras serial killers and mass murderers All of ibis |tist when you thought sot lets bad gotten as sit k as it possibly could When Desert Storm I’ro Set t ards surlai ed. I thought (or hoped) perhaps the apocalypse was |us! around the i timer but alas it didn't come, and 1 actu ally broke down and bought a pat k Now I in the proud owner of Syrian I’tesuienl Hafez Al Assud's card describing the pis otul role our alls ” played in the battle L'unnv. but 1 swear that just a couple of se.irs ago be was one of those i osvardls teriorists " 1 guess this answers the question ul what it lakes to turn a terror ist into an American hero one good w ar I should have realized that If Hafez could gel a trailing turd, the opportunits was open to just about anyone But Charles Munson. Ted Builds, Kit hard Spet k and the latest addition, Jeffrey Daiimer' A little hint lor those of sou not up to dule on sour serial k 11 lets Stas aw.is from the gum that collies with the Uahmer t art! ) There were several questions whirling around in ms head, hut the main one ssas ssas sun ply wliv' I (.ailed the lias area and talked to 1‘eggs Collier, one til two people vs Iso authored the lev! on the I it ks ol tile t ards, ,ind she provided 'iimi' un We mainly got the idea from the f.ict tli.it during the HOs n was vers tmv\ decade lor serial killers, Peggy •'Hid "It, was wry timely. espei tally with thu movie Si In nr ol thr Lambs coming out lieing based on hd Gein Well, Ols I’eople have be come fascinated with socio paths and have created a mar ket lor creepiness But how did the authors decide just what qualified a person7 Did they set a killing quota? Well, no I'hey h.ui been in tho nows .1 lot So llmt was one of the qualifications, she said "An other one of tin- qualifications w as |nst that the t iiso itself was interesting Kamon Salcido w ill he in there He killed his fami l\ Me went in there just simply I reran se he's ilespir able You get the creeps i raw lies And each case had to have something a little hit different in it. she said "I guess variety would he (a consideration)." So creativity is just as impor tant as quantity That will he good news to those aspiring killers who don't have the pa tience to extend their careers over many years like led Dun dy or John Wayne (lacy Jr Yes. the whole concept of i runinul trading cards is abhor rent But I’eggv tells us It's also popular We've been getting a lot of orders," she said "With the controversy that just sprung up the last week it's been crazy I he editor will l>e on Sally Jes sv Nil fuel on the lith of Febru ary and Maury I’ovii h is doing a show probably (today) witii one of the owners " He.ivy orders from whom? It's been the experience of the company that most of these specialtv items are (bought by) adult collectors," 1‘eggv said. Ihev're (purchased for) their collectors value." Collectors value7 Well, what is going to make the individual cards valuable7 Charles Man sons got to lx- up there, right? I don't know what the hot Has Eclipse ever considered rookie cards? You know, like mug shots from the first time the creeps were arrested for petty crimes. cards are going to bo." Peggy said. "If I woro guessing, cer tuinly Zodiac is fascinating Phut's almost i ik.i! u movie script. "Till! Oroon Kivor Killer is fascinating jusi bocauso be hasn't been caught yot." she said He's suspoclod of killing three people in one day." Which, in the sporting world, would he considered either a trey or a hat tru k "He's gotta have some sort of value whoever lie is," Peggy said Has Eclipse ever considered rookie curds? You know, like mug shots from the first time the creeps were arrested for petty i rimes We discussed lh.it,'' Peggy said I w as just kidding! "So far it's really kind of hanging." she said. No pun intended "You'd have to handle it right, and we haven't really fig ured out a way to handle it that's not nsilly offensive." she said Not offensive?!! "We could have said he boiled their flesh and he had sen with the dead bodies and he kept the heads in the fniez er." Peggy said "We just skimmed over all that." And don't think it's not ap preciated So what's next for Eclipse’ How alxnit a set of Nazi War Criminal curds? "That's a thought," Peggy said "I hadn't thought of that before " Sorry I brought it up. /’.if Muluch is the Emerald Mn nag in# L'Jiltir