Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1992, Page 13, Image 12

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    San Jose State skates past Ducks for victories
By Doug Carter
Notxxiv likes homo cooking
of the humbling variety, inii the
Oregon club hoi km team had
to choke down two helping', ol
It this weekend
Sun Jose Slate < .line to i.u
gene and force led the ( old
Ducks a pair of losses. I 1 on
Saturday and £>-l oh Sunday
The weekend sweep gives the
Spartans three wins against no
losses to Oregon this year, leav
ing the home team disoriented
and surprised h\ the way San
Jose State skated around as if it
owned Lane (JounU h e
I hey hit a lot harder than
w e e \ pea I ed a n d a lot
more." Duck head eo.ii h Shane
Peters said ol the team that
racked up 117 penalty minutes
in the two games
Most ol those minutes were
awarded with 12 55 lelt in the
second period and San Jose
Slate leading 21 Following a
whistle. Ducks Nevin Harper
and Mike McHugh lound op
posing partners and rut ked up
some extracurricular i rodits
Harper was cross-checked in
t he but k by S parta n w i ng
LI I loll ( dm ng. w ho got help
Irom Tony Destro to double
team the Duck deteliseman
file ensuing retaliatory heating
In Harper resulted in a game
misconduct and a one-game
For Ills role in the melee,
(doing, the Spartans' leading
scorer, was also ejected and
toned to miss Sunday's action
Deslro v\..s finished for Salur
11.i\ but was allowed to return
for the set i inti game
The other participants In the
: mw : V i-ieg!'-. I lus spat
'flftg partner, eat h gut five mifl:
«te penalties for lighting
Blit tile lisiti nils sp.irk.eil the
wrung te n:, as S n. . -s, State
Si ureii t he game s nest t iv i
goals tu Imilil vvll.it proved to
he an ;ihsiirtiuHififahte margin
Spartan i ,,pt Marin (tennis
h i.! a hand tn both, m uring one
on a blast that tuanii the haver
li-lt corner of the net and assist:
nig oh the othei
; lie Miililrr.il II.it IV. ■ i I:: ishi !
vv l!h thri ' goals and three as
sts.ts lor til weekend a pef.lur
inan: e worthy of rei ogniltot)
It was satisfying-,'' Dennis
said We plaved re.i!well ill
both games and had a lot ol
s part a n vv i n g a n d I e a tn
launder Steve Sin h -e< hoed
Dennis sentiments and was int
pressed with Oregon's facili
Ur It.ni a good time this
weekend. Stich said This is
the mi est rink we've plaved m
ali year ai tuallv . the last two
And the series between these
two teams has been very com
pelitive over the last two years
Last vear at home, Oregon
scored the winning goal with
sis seconds left, and earlier this
year at San lose, the Spartans
prevailed in sudden-death
Bui .is of late, the Ducks have
been lorming some b<iii habits
1 vs ■ tb.f ti’,1111 !i• Ii behind t 1
tilts weekend, and Captain St oil
Brown sees room for improve
merit as i.ir us Itung ruadv to
plus is i oncerned
U r need to bring more in
tonsils to tiie ti e instead of trs
mg to tin.I it out there. Brown
s lid Ue keep putting our
se i.s t■ s m .1 posit ion to pi.is
catch (ip
A ii.l it vs i s Brii vv n that
biough: some life ti.n k to the
Din k b.-nt li on Saturday night
w ill; . I i//ling goal tli.it t ut
tile .1.-., i - . -t .' w ith >-! se< ontis
r. m.omngin the set tint) period
Brass n svs:j .-.I lie- put k 111
the iiir.d /one swoopes) in
■on tie s in lose State net With a
del. ti.h-i .li Ills bat k arid beat
tile g- o'ee ill tils glove side
Brown !• ;< to tiie 'ice ssitii the
*bot iinit. itlong with the tie
fender smut Led into Spartan
goalie ( 'lenient Betpolu e
Bet poll e left tile game with
strained ligaments anti will be
on the shell for at least siv
The in its and the lighting
mas have pumped the Spartans
up. flat liu k d'-tenseman Mark
I.letter! pointed at tile lat t San
lose had some ipiolltv players
that missed the earlier meeting
with (begun
lie s had a levs new ret mils
that were just excellent,
l.lfherl said We didn't plus
against their tsso tug goal st or
ers. \u o (joe! jenkins) ami No
ti l t ielin Is ; !11vs ri there
• ti-f «J< ' ' .«•> ./
Oregon s Damian Jorgensen bailies a Han Jose Stale player lor
possession ol the puck Ihe Ducks lost 4-3 and 6-1 against the
Spartans this weekend
Wilb (hr .ivMMaiu i' o! I )t*n
nls bnikin* rtpciUeillv tcsti'd
Uri ijufi );n.iliis. Muling Ivvnr
.mil hi-ijim^ his Ir.im ouKhoul
tin’ Uui ks in 11 un Saturday
.m.l ."i I'lim S111ji 1.iv
Dili k fjo.illc John ()'lluniirli
m.nil- y s.ivrs Saturday night,
many nl llii-m rcm.irk.ililr. but
In i ouliin'1 ki-i'j) I In* Spartans
nil tin* board all by himself
l'bi*v got to tho jhk k lirst
.mil rt-.ilU moved ii around
us. () I )onnolI said
I ha two game sweep drops
tin1 Dinks' record to f> u lor tint
year, and Sun Jose State on
pound its si'nson mark to IS l
\ wuary Oregon will enjoy a
imu h needed three work hn-ak
bi'lorv hosting Washington on
I i’h 22 and 2. I Drown said tin'
train could usr tin1 Hint* lor rr
< upuratmn
Continued from Page 12
llul Ari/unii State made of O iri*i'
throws compared to Oregon's l> of 12 and
had only 10 turnovers to the Dut ks it>
Oregon didn't attempt a free throw in
the first half, and onlv Kcece and
Stoudamire scored from the charity
More than anything, though, Oregon
suffered from a lat k of experience and .in
inability in i uunii'i \ri/ona Suit- ■> in
side game, in particular Dennett, who
had seven ollensne rebounds and was
too quit k lor 1‘utterson and too big lor
Robinson and Jordan
Bennett rtrullv hurl us inside. Mon
son said We got killed on the boards
They bad a difficult time handling
Mario inside Arizona State touch Bill
l-'rieder said He could have used anotli
- five minutes nl resl during tile game.
1 i-:' h .v .is playing .<> well lli.it I l«-tl him
Oregon also bins luu m.inv m tiring
: h.mres wilh turnovers .ind didn't l.ikr
advantage III tin Sun Devils’ I t (ten nil
lust h.dt shooting m.mils In giving up
.in .hi % offensive reliiiunds
\\ i made sunn Ireshniiiii mistakes
M ns,hi s in! If .us! die evpenenoe
l.u tor
Oregon c .uni! out Nnturd.iv iippnrentH
h.iving forgotten the St point be.itmg the
Wilde.its l.ud on them |ust two »l.iv■» lie
Ttic Ducks scored the lirst lour points
.ind mode tour [revs In the first eight
Oregon led 211 ’ with sis minutes let!
in the Inst hull iftei Stoud.mure hit .1
jumper Irom the top id tie kes with I on
lolio ill Ills l,i< e
Weasel’s World
Kraig Norris
SAyiEi and RUBBERS *3P
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