ECONOMICS CLASS: TERM: Winter 1992 INSTRUCTOR: Lane Transit District 1) Does| SUPPLY follow DEMAND or vice versa? INFLATIONARY 2) How would you describe an E2I22H? What steps would you take to negate the effects within one year? 3) Do you believe in B^V/ATi^ISIMUT1 ? Where are we today according to this model? RECESSION DOUBLE-DIPPING Is the Use the current substantiation. ending or S/P stock i ndex as ? YOU CAN RIDE THE BUS... ANYWHERE. ANYTIME. ALL TERM LONG. ■ JUST BY SHOWING YOUR I STUDENT ID. enterprise? deal? Is this an example of free Fedspeak? Or a very good BONUS 6) Compare the cost of owning and operating a car versus the cost of riding the bus. CALCULATE THE NET GAIN IN DISPOSABLE INCOME OVER A FOUR-YEAR PERIOD. I C '991 Unf lunsit Distnct Ducks falter in Arizona encounter By Jayson JacoDy » •' .*• .t " Scents Roportor Coining off its worst loss ever last Thursday .it Arizona. the Oregon men's fwsketbuH tram lini nisi about everything belter Saturday against Arizona State The improvements didn't translate into a win. however, as the l)u( ks (altered ill tile last lew minutes ell route to their seventh straight Put ific- K) (im fereiu e loss. 7t Ii2 Oregon (5-12 overall. 1-7 in tin I'at 10) had 10 three point ers to the Sun Dev iIs' three, but Arizona State's 16-poinl free throw advantage and reliound mg dominance.were the differ t-lices in the game Tin Dui ks never folded Sat urday even after Arizona State took a lit' S7 lead with just over tour minutes left in the game It took an unusual plav. hut wheii Antoi ne Stoudam Ire n two In . throw s w ith t ! d remaining, Oregon was within lour at (ite(i2 Stoudamire s free throws I appnd a rare rive-point plav that started when freshman Or Ian do Williams hit his tilth thre. -pointer ol the night a shot that twice bounced to the tup of the backboard before somehow finding tile basket Arizona State's Dwayne Ion tana, who bad been i Iiiidlv re sponsible lor h (tiding Stoudamire to just sis second hall points picked up Ills filth foul while defending the Ore eon junior on the play All of a sudden the Ducks had a ( ham e to cut the lead to line w llh .i defensive stop and a three pointer What happened instead was a prime example ol what Ore gon failed to do most ol the game rebound and make free throw s The Due ks got [tart ol what tbev needed when Arizona State t.•loot-4 Iresliman Mario Bennett, who tame off tile bench to get career-highs in both storing and rebounding with 2t> points and 17 boards, missed an oil balance shot from the baseline But Jamal Faulkner got the offensive rebound and made on.- ol two free throws .liter Or egon s Chile Jordan was called lor his filth foul File foul wasn't obvious, though, as it looked as if Ben nett mav have gone over Jor dan s back going lor the re bound Still. Oregon bad the ball hat k trailing by just five points with more than two minutes left But tin- Ducks then made an other ( ructal mistake, the one that ended the bid for their first win sun e their Pai • K) opener Ian w against (California Stoudamire was fouled with 2 lit. left, but Oregon's leading scorer missed the front end of a one arid-one opportunity F v in worse, t h e Ducks' Clun k Patterson picked up tus fifth lou! going over Dennett's bai k File foul was Oregon's tenth, giving Bennett two shots instead of a onu-and-one Dennett made both free throws, and with four freshmen n-dsliirt Orlando Williams and true freshmen Johnnie Keei e. Kev inn Kobinson and Damon Runyon on the floor Turn to ASU Page 13