Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
j Local non profit ser
vice rents trained dogs
to protect women who
want to run without fear
By Coiieen Pohhg
■ • i
Shullo) Kfi-clicr sits i ii)«
logged on the i«rp<!. her sue,Us
mudd\ Irom dog prints, her hands
Safe Run
may leave
Oregon if
laws are
See story,
Page 9
Ihi•»11\ placing
h u n ti r i' it % of
open loiters tn
piles organized
by regions in
the notion
Si uttered
i r o u n d h e r
liuuso. out of
which she di
reels I* r oj IM t
Safe Run. are
newspaper dip
pings of her
running with
II u n
fnimi ii pictures D> dogs Kvun the
i.unipulcr mi her desk sports .1
computerized pit tuff ot .1 t)ol>ur
in.in [nasi her
Turn to SAFE RUN Page 8
by S*4L'< f*o*sof'
A Project Sate Pun volunteer uses protective pads while training dogs
’o protect women runners
ASUO president
under scrutiny
of student court
j Jennifer Bills could be removed from
office if she is found guilty of defying
an ASUO Constitution Court order
against student money for USSA
By Kirsten l ucas
Mi: ASCII ( imslilu!ion ('our! will tin lilt* this weak
whether ASCO President Jennifer Bills violated .1 re
(flit i our! ruling II she did. Bills 1 mild he removed
from offu e for non fullilhiient ol duties
(.r.idu.de student Henry Oberson argued ITidav th.it
Bills viol,tied ,1 I let t ( oils! 1111! 11 it 1 ( Hurt lullnj* when
sin- provided Inruier ,\St () Vue President Shell.1
Sin kel w till s.'u ' d I tn iitlelid ,1 meeting ol the 1 'rilled
St.des Student Assnt 1,1 (ioit houfd id direi tuts
The Decembet ruling |)rohibited student fees (rum
going to th - l SSA. which is .1 national student lobby
mg group
Moreover, the Bills .ehnlnistr.ition also submitted .in
Ini 1denl.1l lee Committee budget tetpiest for I'SSA
niemlietsliip ,md expenses
According to the ASCO (.(institution, the ASCO
president is responsible lor the executive budget and
must uphold .ill rulings ol the Constitution Court l-.nl
ure to ito so constitutes .1 non fulfillment of duties
furthermore non fulfillment id duties of anv elected
idle e 1 onstltiites .1 v.11 .ini \ ol ih.il offil e
I be!leve th.ll sending Shell.! Stli kel to the CSSA
fio.ird ol directors meeting is .1 violation ol the
Const 1 intion Court ruling on Dei 1 ()ln rson said
Bills contends that she did nut violate the ( ourl nil
Turn to BILLS Pago *1
University to build new housing
jThe $11 million project will in
clude new units at 18th and Agate
and the eventual replacement of
timeworn Amazon family housing
By Carrie Dennett
t " i/M'd Associate Editor
Tin- University announced plans Friday to
lnj.M new student housing .mil rebuild Amazon
lanulv housing litter a report released Iasi un i
said tin- Amazon silt- is habitable only until lono
The project will use -Sit million in state bond
ing authority approved by the Oregon Legislature
in 1‘lH‘l It will lie carried out in phases as new
bonds are sold, starting with S i li million avail
able trom the existing S-t 4 million in bonds sold
in October 1>>‘K)
I be initial phase of tier project will tx.-gin with
construe turn on ms new units in the Last Campus
area The units, i.Jhvmg an estimated cost of
S IHU.OOU. lire being designed by the University's
Center for Housing innovation and are expected
to be ready tor oc cupani y by fail 199.'
Dan Williams. University vice president lor ad
ministration. s.mi construction is expected to be
gin this smimii:! in 20 additional units im I'm
vetsity ;mi:n! land ill ha-.! IHlI) \venm in<! \g
it tit Stri-el
I'iir si million props ! intIui!• • s moving t}ir<«•
of lh(* five existing houses ill tii.it site to the h.ist
( ainpus area where they will continue to he used
.is family housing
Much of the intli.il art itteclur.il design work
on tin IHlh arid Agate units has lieen completed
under an StVi'i.OOO agreement made last August
vv ,th the .m into, tur.d linn ( T.S and 1 .■<!, Venture,
whu h has idle i s in hugeiie and IierkelftS ( aid
The University will use the remaining proceeds
Irtun the SI 1-million bonding authority to (level
p a master (dan lor replacing all I l units ot the
Am.i/on latndy housing r.otnplex at -'-till Avenue
and Patterson Street
At cording to a jan 2-l report bv the hugene ar
i hilectur.il hrm ol Marlin, Schultz ■■ (.ever, the
existing Ama/.on buildings should not !»• used
past the lU'M. academic year, with fire safely top
ping the list of i oni erns
The report was commissioned by the Universi
ty earlier this month in response to safety con
cerns raised by local legislators, including stale
Turn to HOUSING Page 4
[Amazon Housing
*•243 units replaced
| in phases
1960-60 units added
axisung urms noi oe used
past 1&9fl
•Coat To be determined
Agate Street Site
•20 new units
•3 ol the 5
house* on
’ this site will
Em» relocated to East
Campus locations
•Coat: $ t million
f*Six units in East Campus area
• Estimated completion date Fall 1992
• Cost $380,000
( rfaphkc try Pa*U«*y
Two clutch baskets by
Missy Stowell helped
( the Ducks to an 83-81
win over Oregon State.
See SPORTS, Page 11
Kid Pix, a computer art program designed
by a University assistant professor, has
been named Best Children's Program by a
national computer magazine.
See PROGRAM, Page 5
University student Mark
Russell has declared
his candidacy for the
Eugene mayor's race.