LIEBERT Cont'^ued ,rom Page 8 i.ieherl's overpowering style has pr«u!■ tieen going afiout his method of assaulting uppOs mg -k.lifts during hi' l'> years of organized competition When i got old enough to plav compfliilivolv (at ago 5). my uncle got mi* all the necrs s.iry equipment and signed nir up." Lirlx-rt said Only once has arv opjionent been tailor than mu. hut even than hr didn't have my size." said l.iebrrt. who spent siv months competing on thr Ju nior B level in Seattle before re turning to Oregon 11‘luving Junior 1VJ was .1 good experience.' Li.rNirt said i got to travel to ( anada to play, hut I didn't real!' hhr the living i r r i ■ ill s When I heatd Oregon Was starting up *> team I figured playing while having a i hatu e to get an edut utiun was the best tiling for me liven though teammates are glad that Liobert returned to his plate of birth to'piny.'.they are eonstantlv on the lookout tlur mg weekly leant workouts Oregon w ing Mike Mi Hugh sa\s that avoiding l.lebert in ■prat tit e has bet «me somew hat of a strut s.i let v i ode among the Du< ks Hitting Mark is like lulling an outhouse;" Mi Hugh said CIVIL WAR Continued from Page 8 H -a ( Oregon hasn't won three straight P.h 10 road g,mil's Mine tile t'lttli itr sea son ind the Dm ks ,ire hurl ing -from injuries in a hud vsav Seven players are ei ther out or doubtful for to night's game Debbie Sport dull's foot in ]ur\ will keep her out for a predu tod two more weeks, and a hat to rial Infer tlon will 1.1'np 1 t*s11ii Smith (nit for the rust ul ti>r M'.ison Coach Hill isn't going to h't Oregon Stiitii gi\u 'I"’ Dm ks .in inch, though, no motter how injuruil thm may l>u Shu In |iartii uhirlv concurmiil about Oregon i untuf Wilson mu! the problems Wilson imiv ore all* Ihevre going to la- ready for us. especially ultur last ttniu,' Wilson saiil " The v're going to want un EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 14h-4 t Before 1 p.m. today To l^ut LJs To Work for You TomorrowT IPS PERSONALS -----1 \Z A/ I hank you Ro4>m for dll of your dedication and hard work You re a great Chapter Consultant We >if nun you' 0K7, Your ‘.Vialar* \Z \/: IAE Tfvj * '. .1 <« •' ” ’ Pi Kappa Alpha WINTER RUSH Cali Clay a! 344-498 7, or atop by our room in the EMU * WEDNESDAY. Century cj v THURSDAY Cedar B 10$ PERSONALS ] Sigma Kapp* i» proud to praaant thonr riawty initiated mimbon | fVrt> M Sarah K ■ k^' T'r*, T KIING *. . »r*> O' ;V * J 1?*>3 ookmg fur an • ■otic dancar K* u or g f utKuA'V 14? 3303 BETA THETA PI WINTER RUSH Contact John or Caaay at 142-HM or 143 IM4 105 PERSONALS S**hmg • »omwn« *»' "»o •-« n«vp SAKX! 'U**~ > p p^o* » .vxi » a V -«vr' ^ Mt jH '• <■ *V»*> r.g*i■'«/..Of* ’» ‘a ; Vv ••* .».« p to 1 pO(#*n' a UrU ’'<*!*» 110 LOST 4 FOUND LOST W tt kuy\ »I> ■ p; w ’ '.or -.5 A/^’y lot* ■ OlHf • f. .-*•«.! CtX/' Urr Ji" *'■ ' i M .* 4 m 115 TYPING SERVICES A- 144 O.’W MO«4N m CHAD SCMOOl APPHOVtD r»r » « Nfch j*o\f +J T»im pAfmr% f . o-*un-u utf , ( i? ‘ ; l p< ON CAMPUS' T yi»mg & word pr ocoating NO co*-'vtkK.W*» p«ig« ?4 rv ' .jm 4'(X*nd I fiw p S VI* W-mhctihtp, ( .imvrn K VP MrmtH'fihip Avst Hf .»#vtJ« (, PanhelUtiu . Atyvin ( hol.lfihip, Alone (. Scholarship Asst Jonmltf {) Ritual. ().uva ( Asst, !*^i I Sottf hi mh! Amy S K«n ys hf,K )*’nny M 11 w < ait Kep i (k*u 11 Vk v f’r<"4 ktmiltt K* ktH i >f SiX | r »n {) J rt ! ).imt ( I reshnian Krj> S.uah ( fHiWw WH Ktiniftt I St,tt y l Ats(, f Hist,! it*. 1(1,111. Kmyln M Irian^lc*. (, S<( f hs 4.1 S S< nr hSf> ApnJ Y VT hi I aura »« ( ikri'%p S«\ Krisit l Ki.*givif4f. Kathy I* i*htlaothropy, Jrnmlt't M S. H ijt (half, t auric* M Vh 1.1I ( ha»f A*U. IillwM-y S Aitivitu*"k ( hair Kan inn K Ac tivilxn A%st 11/ 1 Intramural. I a/a ( ) Social lm«*v Kathryn I Junior K«*p l c*>li I’ Win more than someone’s heart in the Valentine’s Day Heart Beat r \ ~ \ < > ► Contest Prince Puckler's # 4 A • 46' W ' KM H.lyanJ Place your Heart Beat at Room 300, EMU or the UO Bookstore HEART BEAT DEADLINE : FEBRUARY 13TH, 1 PM Heart Beal Contest Winners Will Be Announced Monday, February 17th In The Classifieds Weasel's World Kraig Norris jncwum • $ 80 00 Vk S, f aw Biif> j *txn BAH am 31*1 sOiStfUV ! f*£DTHi ? SAW JUSTGOwnSPLNCiTO BUfl.fttOvafc «C£S UHV OOH 7 VQJ 33 H0*£ PM3 UJRTC.H Ty ? VOJ -TF 6«, ftPW Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen Mi' *' V* •‘ r tvocn rm f* 'l0Oy U ITl i K'l’' f/ VI Mt N I >ou A ; HRf ‘ . rtyuur, in tn a itxuutj 1 ‘jtuU n’J'iao*. h'lKKO. l. HUt IIP r* fl l fl A'/ A< M 1 — ! ■ H» l*A ! YA l If l lllA i ' 11'-. ««l< •(.Jlf r- A Mft£ ^ vu * •> vrxr,ri •, X Nl , \\^r' ' // /ImO' 1 SATURDAY CELEBRATION Ever Wondered? I'm tisphreis. Inventory And Artists < >f All Ag*."' A What if our teeth vAvre black instead of whiter* A What if there were1 subma nne lines like there are air Explore The / Possibilities!/-'*, Saturday. Ivh 1 12 W 1(H) ( H'llt'rul 1 }x X >k I Apartment UO BOOKSTORE 13TH Si KINCAID. OPEN MON. - SAT . PH. 346-4331