Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1992, Page 8, Image 7

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Men s golf coach quits
in favor of other job
By Jake Berg
£ : SpoM& ft!: -'
(bregnn turn's golf i out h
Scott Krteger will rml Ins
right V'.irs us hr.nl coach of
t hr Dut k s toil ,i y , hr s.i ni
Krtogrf submitted his rrsig
n.ition to athletli dim tor Hill
Byrne Tuesday, Kriegrr s.iui
bv phone Wrilnrsihiv
I hiilrtl to walk away," hr
said 1 rr.illv rrijoyrd (com h
I'm) “
Shawn Ait hrr. an assistant
with Kr.iegur ior unit yrar, will
r r p la I r K flege r at I r a s t
through thr spring season.
Kriegrr salt)
VV o m r II' s couch Krlli'r
Baumgartner will assume the
administrative duties lot the
mens program
Kriegrr Is leaving the I'm
vrrslty so he can take thr
he.ul professional |it»silion at
Portland s Broadmoor (.oil
t otirsi . whit h his famllv built
m I'l l 1
I couldn't afford to pus*, it
up. Krieger said There w .is
no hesitation
Krieger originally planned
to coat h through the spring
season. lint iio soon disrov
enti working .it Broadmoor
was going to lake more time
than hr- till'd to span*
The t oiii.h Mild In' .1 Iso
w.1 nlid to gi vi' A ir hrr .i
chance .it proving himself «.i
pahle of Iwing a head couch'
Barham Walker. assoc i.ile di
ns tor ol athletics. said Ore
gun would begin tin search
for a permanent t oar h this
"At first. I thought I’d he
doing them a favor bv stav
ing, krieger said Hut 1
wanted to give Shawn the op
krieger. an Oregon golfer
from 1'i'niu, took over the
head < o.ii hlng position from
Ins former i oat h Jim lerguson
in I'lii't
Step into Birkenstrx k tootwc.tr__
and find .i remarkablr
blend of romfort and
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to brilliant.
We carry every available Birkenstock.
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Lucas goes from player to coach
By Jake Berg
* nwaVI S| . /!'. t ! N /
Richard Lucas Vias doing a
radio broadcast of an Oregon
men's basketball game in De
cumber when Klwtn Helm
i ame up and tapped him oil llie
Helm, the Oregon women's
basketball -coat h. toll) Lucas In
slop by his officii ill at next
Monday to hear a proposition
Lucas' curiosity peaked so
mui li during that Thursday
night game, that afterwards he
got Heins to spill the beans
He said We need a full
time assistant, said Lucas,
wlit'i did go to Ileitis s .office
that Monday with lus anssver
basically, I said Sure
\nd sure enough, the newest
(ace on Oregon's bunch is that
nl Lur as, who i ompleled his id
igilnlily ' with the Duck men’s
team last spring Lucas re
placed four year assistant Ali
son Robertson, who resigned in
Dei ember to spend more time
with her family
And that hern li was probably
tile last one I,in as expelled to
be silling on right now hollow
mg spring term, be spent purl
of the summer in the Seattle
Supersonits and Portland I rail
Blazers summer (amps, and
l in os even made a I r I p to
I rani i to play in .1 pro league
! tllas returned to the stales
with Ills newlywed Shelley 10
days later, though, ilei ullse Ins
left knee yyas nintimi.illy fivl
mg worse and needed r 1 •< opera
turn I ie 1 ompleled a degret ill
advertising last term
l.ui .is said his ueys job lias
"perlei t timing “ II gives him a
1 ham e to gel ion k m shape n
keeps him 1 lose to the game,
and mote importantly it s
Richard Lucas
7 think he’s a great
contribution to our
staff. The players
really respect him.’
Coach El win Hemy
.i job hr enjoy n
I'm getting paid 111 do some
I lung I love In liu.' I.iu .is said
I inn y .uni (hr pin vers nrr dr
lighted In hnvr I.ui ns ns wi II,
I think lir s n great i onlribu
linn lo our stall. Heiny said
'I lie pinyrrs rrn 11 \ re sport
It s u great addition in thr
program. rspci i.i 11 v during the
gniiii s, Oregon ( t iller Sam
Wilson said Mr s always (ril
ing us evlra pointers
Thr man who gave Lucas
pointers for years was Oregon
men s conch Dun Munson, hut
yvhenryi r Lucas runs into his
former mentor at the athletic
department, Munson rails l.u
i as by a diffrrnnt name
lie'll say . Hey . there's
I oai li I.UI as. or something like
that I.ui .is said, laughing
Ducks face
OSU tonight
By Jake Berg
Emwald Sports Edaor
Nothing moans anything
when Oregon and Oregon
Slate piny.
Hut winning means every
thing when the two teams
finish the Civil War wom
en's basketball game. Thu
two teams meet for the first
lime this season tonight at
7 30 in Corvallis
Remember, this is tire con
test that saw both schools
lose on their home courts
last season The Civil War is
trudilinnnlly .1 game that
stands on its own.
"This is an independent
war," said Aki Hill, head
coach of the 0-10 overall and
1-5 Pacific-10 Conference
Oregon coach Elwin
Hoiny has said il Indore, and
he said it again. When ii
comes to the Civil War,
throw all pusl records out.
he said
"It s sort of what you al
ways say," Hoiny said, "but
there's a lot to it "
So it seems After Ore
gon's humbling 74-58 loss at
McArthur Court last year,
the Ducks edged the Beavers
05-0.1 In the CHI Coliseum
remulch Oregon has won
seven straight in Corvallis
And after winning ul both
Arizona schools last week,
the Ducks proved they can
still win on the road
Turn to CIVIL WAR. Page 9
Hockey player not afraid of force
By Doug Carter
t)r- ,;* Ii i I jb b \ ij't.i.:\
S< utt Bruwn savs. 'l . ii ; .in t
iir^ut’ witli nuiss iri tin'' spurt
IVfhups thill\ why it Mriib
noln/Js wants it pit'< » of (.old
. ' . k W.ii k l-.i i ■ r t W h■ ‘n l\u
iinjiusiiig dtlriisrman brings
Ink %. v li.'.il. 2 \() pound Ir.imi*
out onto iht; u<\ Oregon lias a
Toad the Wet Sprocket
makes a special
The Band Will Autograph Discs,
including their latest release
“FEAR”-Now on Sale for $1188
4:30 pm, MONDAY,
Listen to KAVE for details
2100 W. 11th Ave
(Across from Waremart)
!i jft • lh.il leu teams .in' able to
i ou it term I
s.in lose Mali- tms (he dubi
uus duty of dealing with the
Lincoln High Si hm>i graduate
II.is Salurdav at l> [i :r. and
Sunday a! 10 a in. at Lane
(.minty it e
Using Iks M/e tu slull, siiull
and plain disrupt the up post
tl. ' :n tin- Out it' /title Is most
ly tv hut Lieliert s game is about
It: : in . !tlie )iui k anti
combines ills desire til S( ore
With an aggressive altitude, a
surprising amount til agility
anti quit kness is apparent
Mark . an tush ! lit- put k
with anyone. brown said
When lie gets a head ol steam
going you get out til tilt way or
you get hurt
Opponents are generally
forced to seek refuge from
l.ieberl's punistiing ways in the
whistles of officials And it
anybody is familiar with the
one-arm raised penalty tali of
an official its big No Hi
Turn to LIEBERT. Page 9
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