Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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Primus to psych out Eugene
By M ng Rodrigues
Emerald ContfiDutOf
Lrs (lluypuol !•> serious
when hr describes Primus'
sound as progressive, freak
out muslt " Then just .is
quit klv, hr gets a (letter idea
"Let's.cull it psvchedolh pol
('all it wh.it you will I’ri
mus. defies both tradition and
i alegori/.atiom. prompting dr
scriplioUs from thrash-funk.
f u sion-con Ins ion and tvs istrd
br-ixip nirt.il to 'looney tours
I’r r h ,ip s one r r i tit hr st
summed up thr band when
hr said There's so mm h go
ing on bi rr you < an only
throw your hands up and go
along lor thr ride a fun
ride |
( Tun prist ng on a 11st and
bassist (daypool. guitarist
Larry l.alonde and drummer
Tim Alexander. the free-final
mg, improeisational Primus
style has won it a i ultish le
gion of fans
When it opened the 1000
hornet oming gig for Hay Area
eompndres l-aith No More,
one t rdii noted, " Phis night
doesn't belong to I NM the
hand's gonna have to share
it "
Their audience, l.alonde
said, is unlike other sweaty,
slamming crowds "There
aren't too many bonehoads
getting drunk and not know
ing w hat's going on," he said
"IPs fun. tool and intelligent
We ward to tin something dif
So why (io Primus fans
t bant at eat h t tint ert. Pri
tints sin ks '
People w ould court' up to
us anti go. You're cool,"'
l.lavpuul s.iitl We'd answer.
\ah. we sink Well, it just
caught on When wed say.
U e re Primus. 1 hr y d go
CoviHWy P*O«0
Primus, featuring (l-r) Tim Alexander. Larry Lalondo and Los
Claypool. will perform in Eugene on Thursday night
You suck. Wo didn't know
il i! was .in instill or not
Nov, when they veil Pn
mils sin ks. we go I ley great.
I hanks!"’
Primus begun when (lay
pool picked up .1 buss guitar
us u teenager "1 remember
seeing llns bund at a junior
high m hool talent show and
liie guitarist started playing
ttie solo to Hamblin Man."'
Claypool said "I was 1-1 tie
fore I hud [lulled enough
weeds to buy a guitar Then I
irritated my relatives by play
mg while they were watching
tie later joined a local
hand. Blind Illusion, which
at some point Included l.a
londe Yet. while playing inl
and oft u itli tli.it now ills
bunded unit. In- was uImi en
turt,lining notions of uli.it Is
nun Primus Over thf years
und ((curing another guitarist
and drummer, Ins idea took
root and the bund Primus
tint it u st 11 mg ftil loss mg
With l.aiondc's /..11>11.i and
(iraleful Dead leanings. Alex
under s ei lei tu ism (l luticse
IIIUMI , reggae, jazz, i lussi
I a I a in l b mg vs 11 h w i Id
drums), lyrically. visually
and vocally Primus style
bis more in common with
cartoons than any thing else
We re cartoonv. (.lav
pool said Our songs are like
tales Irorn the weird like
< urtoons witii inusu
We re all pretty goofy
Turn! PRIMUS Pa b
University Housing
University of Oregon
Possible .openings are anticifxitod for the 1992-93
Academic year at the Carsorx/Earl/Walton Area Desk,
Hamilton/Bean Area Desk and the University
InrVRiley Area Desk.
JOB OPENING: Pali Term 1992 through Spring Term
1993 Applicants must be able to commit to working
tho entire 1992-93 Academic Year Training will begin
Spring Term 1992 Jot) descriptions are attached to
COMPENSATION: Campus single room and board
credit and a cash stipend of $1465 (X) (9 equal
payments) An hourly rale of $5 15 will be jxud during
the training period
QUALIFICATIONS: Preference will t>e given to
qualified individuals with U of O Housing expenonce
The Senior Desk Assistant works an average of 20
hours per week, divided tietwoen desk and supervisory
duties The Senior Desk Assistant must live in tho U of
O residence halls and bo registered for a minimum of 8
undergraduate or 1 graduate credit hour(s)
Candidates must have an accumulative GPA of 2 25
and tiave received at least a 2 25 last term
APPLICATIONS: Applications are available at all Area
Desks and the University Housing front desk and are
due back to any Area Desk or the University Housing
front desk no Liter than 5:00 p m., Wodnosdny,
February 12, 1992. Applications may tie screened on
the txisis of their quality Only completed applications
will be guaranteed any consideration
University Housing is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
institution committed to cultural diversity
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