Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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    Amnesty speaker to address torture of women
By Ellen Shaw
£ fix*.» d Cor'!? it>uto*
Aung San Suu Kyi is •» pris
oner in hrr own hnmi! C-onsId
cred .1 political throat to the
government of Myanmar (for
rnnrly Burma). she has Ini'ii un
der house arrest since July of
t »fl‘J
Her crime? Speaking out
pe.H efully against martial law
in her country She. as well as
mnn> other women who are be
ing held .is prisoners around
the world, will lx- tin subject of
Jar ki Weber's sjhti It l rul.iv .it
U> :i() in the l:MU Iir lloont
Weber, who received a jour
nalisrn degree from San Diego
State last year, works In Wash
ington, DC as an intern vsith
Amnesty International Slut
started volunteering In a (aim
pus Amnesty International stu
dent group in 1HHH. where she
publii l/ed the group and fat ili
tatc-d 20 high si float groups
Weber is visiting the Univer
sity i impus to tell students
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<5o;n ti.H:i-:i:n2
*iimHit her organization Hrr I ri
d.rv lecture will fix us nil the
Women's ( ainpaign. which de
veloprd in response lo the
jitnhlom of gender related lor
In .in interview Thursday,
Welier i ited .1 i .isr of .1 military
unit In Peru that held rape as a
praclii e m militar i actions
Women In prisons around
the world suffer verbal and sex
ual abuse regularly Prison
guards often criticize male prix
oners lor thoir ideals. Weber
ilul when prison guards) a!
i,k k the w oinan, ihe\ nllat k her
pel- U1 Wi I' • ■ r said Women
,i r e i a I led w h. o' r e s and
sluts the\ are ollen fondled
and taped
\\ | a Amnesty lntemalioii.il
learns of Ihese rases. it itivesli
gales and works Inward free
(join for these prisoners Am
nos!v International dons not
lake a stand on politic al issues
Instead, it for uses on human
rights and works to make gov
ernments resper t those ngfits It
is (res' of government controls
bec ause it rc-c elves no funding
from governments
Weber said she hope's stu
dents wilt take an uc tive part in
the events occurring around
'There's so muc h out there.”
she said. "I want to make stu
dents realize th.it there is some
thing beyond the weekend
rnfor 1 un.tlel\ . many stu
dents are not awate of the
mum activities Amnesty Inter
national-! nordmate's Head
quartered hi London, Amnesty
International has a worldwide
network e ampaignmg lor the
release ol prisoners ot con
>t n*n< «• who have not anvocat
c(! violent e
1 In' organization also um
paigns (or (air trials and the ah
edition of exixulion Members
gather inforniation from hun
dreds of sources, embark on
fat I finding missions and write
thousands of letters to govern
ments on behalf of prisoners
Amnesty International has a
long history of suet ess
II it weren't effective, we
wouldn't he here after it)
years," she said
She i itod the case (d one
prisoner w ho wrote to Amnesty
International headquarters after
his release The man said that
after the first 200 letters, he got
his clothes hat k After the next
.!()(( letters, he got more alien
don i- malls he was released,
helped by the massive letter
writing campaign
Continued from Page ^
mg f(>und«ittofts. |>nn hcN m i stairs *»r♦ • ha/ard
ihi! IIP ness has caused muid in about lilt per
i i>nt of thi* bathrooms ami required cosily ro
pi.ii rinfiil ol bathroom fixtures unit '"many hot
water heaters art' installed with a pressure re
ft v nl vc which, hit .him' of Its position, i mi Id
t .sum* a si aiding itu ideal
The report also i lied "quality of life" eon
eras sm h as tramped space lai k of privacy
.oi l inadequate sound isolation problems
that ire not new hut are getting worse
,\ ma/on Housing Area Diret tot frank
t, . 1,1.:, ■ submitted a $0 2 million dollar budget
request f,.r work defined as "current needs,"
at t onting to the report
,n i ' opinion, to put the iat ililv in a con
a,: ; w: ill would substantially extend the
. vs i mid tie so costly that it simply is
II.,; j .ilaiiie option, (.ever wrote
l-.s.n d the props t could magical I v be re
turned in it's original, lust day condition, it
,s.,,.,d thi h tie ,1 tonstruitton designed to last
10 years as was the original intent
The Amazon buildings originally served .is
housing (or shipbuilders in Bremerton. Wash
during World W.ir I! In the buildings
were purchased from the federal government
and dismantled, moved and reassembled
The (lousing was used (or veterans attending
the University and their families alter the war.
and were intended to be temporary housing
State legislators and University officials
have been .it odds over off-campus housing
coiistrui lion plans (or several months In Jan
tout an architect was selected to carry out .1
construe lion projet I using bonds approved In
tlie 1 met Legislature
Last November, plans were put on hold to
replate and fill-in units at Amazon, and build
new housing at 18th Avenue anil Agate Street,
and at ltith Avenue iietyveen High and Pearl
streets Administrators voiced concern tfr.it
new housing would not be tilled In a din dm
mg student hod \
Sim e Nov ember, stale and hx al polltu urns
have pressed the University to live up to Its
1 oinmitment 8 build new housing The S I -t
million dollais in bonds sold must he spent by
CL tuber or the money will be taken away and
applied to another state projet t
Continued from Page 1
\t*.irs, making il dilin ull to »iis
liniji;ish tin? efhcis of
lhr t ufn nt and other weather
Sonic sii,in^c things hap
pen s.iui Professor David
tirccnl.mii of the l nivtnsily ge
ojpaphv department Hut we
ii. n't know prei Iseis how ami
why the efles Is on uf on a ({he
t>al scale.
l.ugrnr i an expect to see
temperatures cooling b> Satur
s 1.1 y. hut the repen uxsuinx from
L.I Nino are not over I-1st her
said the (iO decree temperatures
•\ ill return next vvn X
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