Techno-train system mav rail its way to U.S. Eugene may be closer !o Portland lhan you think Try 20 minuter. Traveling between the two cities on a regular basis can cause wear and tear on com muters and the environment A new technology has been pro posed that could change all that, making it possible tor com muters to reach Portland from Eugene in a meie 20 minutes via mass bans ! Currently. European and Japanese travelers enjoy the benefits of high speed railroads With speeds that exceed 125 miles per hour, these trains car ry people as fast as airplanes, if not faster Frances TGV (Tram a Grande Vitesse) is one of the more successful examples of this technology Associate Professor John Baldwin, acting head o! the planning, pubic policy and man igement department, experi enced the comforts of a high speed tram while in Japan The surface ot the cotlee would bare y shake, tie said The trains are magnificent T hey carry a iot of peopV center city to center City it's cheaper than airfare, tun. and safer Wail There s more A Maglev (magnetu ev oni tram, yet another technologcal traveling machine, use-. She force of repui-.ion between post tive and negative magnets em bedded m the track and in the tram As a result the train is suspended inches above the tr ii > ,i •,mouth. sieek Od« Presently. there .ire tew Mj ; mv tr ims in existence worldw te. and truer speeds and travel distant «*“. are limited The health implications ot tins system are also being studied because ol the strong electro magnet., field created And now there *. news tor us there has been talk ot bui.dmg the same systems in the United States Federal money has been allocated so that studies < an con< ;ude whether high speed r .i a-id'or Maglov trains w .Id be ■ ■ table tor Amerx in travelers ' • e question now . whether it is feasible to bu ilt such sys te” • the N irthwest M iglev is not m our definite future, ox cepi as an airport mover, ’ said f d Immei, state rail planner lor tho Oregon Department ol Transportation Realistically a tram between Eugene and Portland will not be built before high speed trams between major cities are in use Right now. the Northeast corn dor and the Los Angelos/San f rancisco routes are the best bets tor high speed rail sys terns according to a Depart moot ot T ransportation study The study also concluded that the Portland Seattle corn dor doesn’t appear in a table ol the 33 largest inter city air travel markets I mu t> I l< MNs l’i. IH Emerald COMPUTER PROBLEM? NEED A NEW SYSTEM? We have the best prices and the best service! At City View Television and Computer, Inc., we repair both IBM compatible and Macintosh computers. All w-ork is performed by factory trained techni cians and is fully guaranteed. If you are in the market for an IBM compatible clone computer, we have the best price and most reliable systems to offer. CITY VIEW TV & COMPUTER. Inc, Sales & Service oqco w iiih Aup OPEN M-F 9 30-6 00, SAT 10 00-6 00 683-3518 NIRVANA • PRIMUS • PUBLIC ENEMY • IC'E CUBE * z z 3 9 RECORDS New and Uvd Recnn j\ Tape'. ,r 1 (.[1 258 E . 13th 342-7975 NV'IACI aoa • A33HVIM ooa • 3NVHJ/I03 NHOP ~n § z ;r % -6 i* H m z. z C/3 n 03 o z