EDITORIAL More worthy topics than Clinton’s fidelity Did he or didn't he? That scums to be the only question the media is asking Bill Ciinton these days. "What would you do os president?" has turned into "So how well did you know Gennifer Flowers?" Clinton's alleged marital infidelity is not a new is sue. While he was governor of Arkansas, it came up several times. But no positive, irrefutable proof was ever produced. Now. with a hefty paycheck from the tabloid Star. Flowers has come forward and said she was Clinton's lover for 12 years — charges both Clinton and his wife Hillary have categorically denied. Clinton's rival Democrats, though they would be loath to admit it. have to be breathing a sigh of relief over the allegations Before the fidelity question turned up, Clinton appeared headed for an early coronation us the Demoi rut it standard bearer Gary Hart-Clin ton comparisons arc now all the rage In a post Super Bowl interview. Bill and Hillary told no Minutes that he never had an affair with Flow its. But when questioned further on general ex tramarital activity. Clinton tap-danced around the question with the finesse of an Arthur Murray grad uate. Mart’s presidential bid foundered on the rocks of adultery. Clin ton's may do the same But should a candidate's marital record l»e a litmus test for election ■ (Hiviously not Society has no place It’s frightening that a tabloid that usually runs stories on the extraterrestrial spawn of Hollywood heroes should have so much power over the national consciousness. pas-ang moral judgments on a person's married life. Adultery is not illegal. nor is it um ornmoti It you foci Clinton had an afluir, so be it It mm; tool that would damage his abilities as president, don't vote tor him Hut please. lot this thing din Thorc? iirr lar morn important topics to discuss Rattier than wondering il Clinton slept with somebody In sides his wife, let's talk about (he economy Or pow erts (>r the environment. < )r any other worths issue. The media, with its usual shark to blood scent mentality, has seized the Clinton debacle with both lists It's frightening that a tabloid that usually runs sto nes on the extraterrestrial spawn of Hollywood heroes should have so much power over the national con sciousness The past lew presidential ele< tiotis have taken on tlu look ot .1 Urnildo episode. With so much at stake in ''IT we eannot afford — as a nation — to waste our time debating morality Decide for voursel! what you think about Clinton; then we can all get on with the rest of the program ()rc^,)ii lKillv Emerald ! 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Ill fit r V evenly distributes , ilu lull binds u. arr nut truly rriiris mg tin- samr t-duca lion SA I requirements arr unfair in ins stage of tin- roilrgr riilrs p:. a i-m, bn alls.' ibr SA ' is so i :;, and i til tu ml! v blast si and is no! a Inn- judgr ol someone s abililv In perforin in t ollege I also told ltrrg officials need ait nittalr more on the plo go ss and graduation rates ol : student athletes uni r in ,! be c ommitment to a.!.s s b jrs not rnd oils e '.lies slip uli the playing field In III :n\ t asrs student-athletes an vplulbd and usril In Une lii 11; i * University s pi.i k.r 11 took Vrs I belu-vr all the ufore nientiontsi is unjust and an other form of racism contrary lo ihr i onlrvl in ibr / mrr.r/d lr. no way do I believe blat k sli.ilrnls athletes arr not i ajia hi.- ol ai hies mg such start dards. but they must Is- glvrn tlir samr opportunities as rv rr\ one rise It is unforlunalr the media, dm hi spin e IiiiiHuttons must misrepresent my views I believe m the success and bet terment ol blue k student-ath leles and take offense lu anyone suggesting Otherw tse Lisa Lawrence Director Black Student Union Old puke In response !o Koalani Kol> i-ru arlit It on radical activism ■ < ).)/ J.ui 1'! Her observa lions .in- relevant, and vet some o! Hu people shf quoted were sounding the same old puke iiImuiI arlivssm wr n' heard for Vi‘.Its II it weren't for a 11 those nidi ( ill ,11 livltii's of tin' early fcuirth I irsl'ers, most o| the new en vitonmentullv aware would have had no idea what was happening to our forests How mam times has our govern men! ,n led lor the good of the people without some kind id protest Where would African .Americans be today if they hadn't opted lor all that tire sightly protesting*’ There s nothing better lor Hatfield I'.ukwood and their limhei buddies than to have a quiet pubiii using normal i hunnels to implicate change U ;th all those protesters veiling and s. learning it s hard lor the laiys to get down to the bus; i,, ,s .a liquidating i ear natural her Huge As lot tiie risk ol livelihood and ai itdeinlt standing as a re suit id radical activism, that’s a choll e we ail have to make Wioie we are all edui aied Iron an earlv age to be normal, prop er and productive we very rarely d at all, are taught to think freely Our normal op (tons tor tree thought in this , nun'.: v i an he summed up in si.h the parameters ol a shop ping m.ill baking a stand involves risk, ami risk involves freedom 1 don’t know ol anyone who has. regardless ol the crap they had to endure regretted taking a stand mi something they knew w as right Steve Stanford Political science Oversimplified Let me prefai e mv communis In saving i believe strongly in tin' fri'eiiom of expression but nol in freedoms thill have the potential to lause physical harm Those who think pornogra phy does not cause violence against women pick certain sta tistics that support their posi tion. hut neglect evidence that shows a link between pornogra phy and violence against wom en Are we forgetting serial killer Bundy’s last words' Are we open-minded enough to read the Meese Commission on I’or LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 2SO words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must In; verified when the letter is submitted. nographv which cites numer ous rases of evidence of tfi<• link between pornography and violence against women' (dear ly. the evidence suggests por nography r an loud to violern e against women This is a complex issue, and it is an oversimplification to dismiss tie- notion the! pornog raphy harms women Does evi dence liial lads to prove the as soi let ion hot w eon v to lent e against women and pornogra phy translate in vour mini) as 'pornography never harms women i he r oiitrm eis\ is based in the societal pressure put on women to lie sexual playthings lor men Surely, tins pressure is harmful to women Of course men will say pornography is Oh her arise it doesn't violate the First Amendment Hut aren't w r ibuve that ' Why do men need pornography' To re mind us that men have power over y\ omen' I’ll as.-, you will on that Ofle ' arn reminded ol that every day -I my lilt- Anyone who linds !!..s a bia k and Whitt issue s refusing to look at all ol the ey i (fence Alicia Ferrari Journalism Pianos away I'm krr Murdot k. you heal ino to it My next lellcr ysus ui tuully gumg to discuss the (r.i/i‘ti bus driver problem tii.it is so prevalent in our society today With those inis drivels you can never tell li you're see mg tiie c razed look of deatli ill their eyes or d theV've pisi sal on a tai k Another frightening problem that's growing to full scale is tiie lulling piano problem One i an never tell which piano is safely secured to its cables from the fourth floor and which is not Oh. Tucker, it's a nasty, hor rible world out there You have to worry about bus drivers, pi anos. muggers, the works' But you can rest easy tonight be cause you never have to worry about rape I have to worry about bus drivers, pianos, mug gers. the works, add rape, tie cause I'm a woman Never trivialize rape. Tucker, it makes people mad If all women had the luxury of wor rying about rape like they wor rv about crazed bus drivers, life would lie a hell of a lot simpler lor everyone Lisa Harrell Student