Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 30, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Accusations continue to haunt Watson
jASUO vice president
talks of resigning after
new allegations are lev
eled against her
By Daralyn Trappe
Emofaid Associate Editor
ASUO Vico President JoSonj.u
Watson, 'already awaiting a recall
election, continues to l>e plagued bv
allegations of wrongdoing, the most
recent being a charge that slie was
overpaid for her summer position
and failed to return the extra money
In addition, a second brush with
the law has come to light Watson
was cited for trying to obtain fake
identification in March l't'il She
initially denied the incident when
asked about it Wednesday, but later
said that she does not see how it is
newsworthy or relevant, that many
people have done it and she )iisl
happened to be one who got
Watson said Wednesday she is
considering resigning and will an
nount c her plans at .1 pn’ss confer
encc tentatively slated for cither
Thursday or I'ndav
Controversyhas arisen over her
positions m the ASi O this summer
College Republicans co-(chairman
Don King filed a motion with the
Constitution Court asking that Wat
son repay SCt'l 5H that tie lielleves
she was ovefpaul for a summer post
Watson is paid S too monthly for
her position as vice president and
also received a stipend of StiJ 50 a
month for work .is a comptroller
during the summer
Watson said she was overpaid, hut
that it was an accident she did not
catch She also had a job at the Com
puter Lounge during the summer,
and payment for all three positions
was combined into a single monthly
payc heck that went through Oregon
Hall, she said
Right now she said, “(KMC
personnel officer C.tvle Johnson) is
in the process of figuring out evil tlv
how much it is that I owe. and I
have the money- sitting aside now
Watson said it did not come to her
attention tli.it shi' Aviis overpaid until
l.itr full term King sold lie finds it
li.iril to believe lh.it it vv.is .in over
"If vve got .1 ( hot It in the iiutiI th.it
vvos lor 'ill nr l.t) bucks over who!
we re supposed to gel. It s not hurt!
to think I've lieen overpaid, he
AS't'O He,id t "om jit roller I r.it v
S.dier soul jioyt het k errors are not
.m iint oininim occurrence, but Wot
son sold she Is not surprised th.it the
< ollegr Kejiuhlu uns hove singled
tier out
"Obviously, right now, I think the
focus Is on me," Watson sold, mill
ing that if they re so concerned
with jieojde getting overpaid," thev
should look into other int Idcnls
King sold he is concerned with
the overpayments other groups and
individuals have ret eived
I think there were some impro
prieties in the ANl'll. olid the thing
that bothers me is thev weren't t or
reeled," he sold
King also (dons to look into the
Turn to WATSON Page 5
Over and out
Pnuto Oy 5«*ir Ho*lor.
Oregon freshman Cory Sonnen (top) won during Wednesday night's match against
Oregon State after the Beavers Glenn Nicradka defaulted due to injury See sports.
Page 4
New citation arises
By Chns Bouneff
Emerald Nows Editor
ASUO Vice Ptnldent JoSonja Watson was cited
In March 1991 far attempting lo obtain a stale
Motor Vehicles Division identification curd under
her sister’s name, according to Beaverton Police
Department records
Moreover. Watson failed to pay a Si50 fine af
ter pleading gullly to the charge, leading lo a war
rant being Issued against her in Washington.
Multnomah and Clackamas counties that is cur
rently in effect, police said
The disclosure of ihu citation comes only
months after a search of bugone police record*
showed that Watson was cited in November 1990
for second-degree shoplifting after attempting to
steal $7.25 worth of merchandise from the Uni
versity Bookstore
Watson attempted to obtain an II) curd under
the numo Teresa Darnelle Watson ut a DMV office
In Beaverton on March 30, 1901, according to po
le r records. She was an Incidental l-'oe Commit
Turn to CITED. Page 8
Student groups paid
employees too much
j Haphazard book
keeping spawned last
year's payroll deficits
By Kirsten I ucas
t e V* .Jt' I Hej t 11
Mum th.m .’() student groups
overpaid their einplnvees m the
1 'I'M) <11 I is( .11 ve.ir lot .1 ti il.i I
exieeding $14,0110 .Hid they
didn't pay it h.n T
And the numher id groups
exponent ing defi< its in the In
(.tdenlul I ee (loininittee ,ip
proved payroll budgets is ex
pel t e d t o d o u b I e lor I h e
1*4*41 -'12 year
l.asl year's worst payroll deb
i it stemmed from the Amazon
Child (..ire (lo-op, wh u h ex -
(ended its III payroll budget
by more than SS.000
Other groups with payroll
deficits of more than SI.000
were Student Campaign I or
Disarmament, SI.240. Women
In Transition. SI.0*4*4. and tfur
Mediation I’rugram. S 1 (M‘i
i’.i v roll ih III its iifi; ins eretl
hy II ( sur|ilus money. whu h is
otherwuse reserved fur spei i.il
lit reipiests
I h ii mo rtf y I ti ii I o I li <• r
groups save is lining usimI to
l ou r other groups lielu its.
siitil IM ( tinirwoiii.ui I. villa
1 .i rui.i
\S1 (J HishI (lumptrollet I i.i
i\ Maher said she's working to
reform the payroll budget sys
turn and flgure ouI wavs to
avoid di In its
Some of the ut:i ounling proh
lems Maher is addressing are
the dilliiullv ol projecting and
controlling work study wages,
the inability to catch overpay
merits before they happen and
the lie k of a< i ountahility hv
groups that run payroll defir its
I he lit, is also working on
making groups accountable [or
their defit its
Student groups receive most
Turn to DEFICITS Page 3
Tables turn as OCA video used for opposite effect
By Carrie Dennett
Emerald Assooaie Editor
A videotape used by the Oregon Citi
/.ons Alliance to rally support for its
prospective ballot initiative was shown
for tho opposite effect by anti-OCA
forces Wednesday
The Women's Law Forum and the
National Lawvors Guild sponsored the
viewing of a copy of the tape purchased
by tho National Organization for Wom
The video opens with the warning
that thu documentary contains scones of
nudity and may be offensive, and "Is
not for vlowing by those who struggle
with pornography or homosexuality "
OCA Director Lon Mahon appears
next, warning viewers that the "shock
ing" documentary is an example of
what will be happening ail across the
country if his supporters do not fight to
slop the push for gay rights
The bulk of the documentary is foot
age of guv rights marches in Washing
ton, DC. and San Francisco The
words. "This is what guv rights means."
flash periodically at the bottom of the
'[Tie march participants included men
and women, some in regular clothing,
some partially nude, some dressed in
sadomasochistic leather rugulia and
some in other costumes
I'h(! groups marching included the
Hay Area Coalition Against Operation
Rescue, National Organization for Wom
en, Lesbian and Gay Youth, Lesbian and
Cay Parenting Croup, Cav Lathers. Act
Op. "Hookers from Hell," S/M groups
and the North American Man-Boy Love
Assoc iution
In the video, (KLA attempts to link
NAMBLA. whic h advoc ates ''sex bv age
H. or it's too late," with homosexuality
The documentary cuts from the
march footage to discuss NAMBLA s
goals I he video then ( ills to tin: placard
i .irrird liv theCny Lathers organization,
implying those groups .ire linkisf
Afler the showing. Lynda Zukaltis,
vice presidenl of Lune County NOW,
said tli.it NAMBLA ( liinns a member
ship of only 1,000, and ‘H percent of
( hild molesters are heterosexual men
Dominick Vetri, a law school profes
sor. said the CX.'A uses the Bible to show
homosexuality as wrong, yet the Bible
was also used in the past to support ra
cial segregation and cast down equal
rights for women
"The question of morality differs in
different people's minds," Vetri said