ECONOMICS CLASS: IWliWi'JM TERM: Winter 1992 INSTRUCTOR: Lane Transit District 1) Does) SUPPLY follow DEMAND or vice versa ? INFLATIONARY 2) How would you describe an E2EEJS? What steps would you take to negate the effects within one year? 3) Do you believe in K-WAVE THEORY ? Whe re are we today according to this model? RECESSION Is the Use the current substantiation. ending or S/P stock index as DOUBLE-DIPPING YOU CAN RIDE THE BUS... ANYWHERE. ANYTIME. ALL TERM LONG. 1 JUST BY SHOWING YOUrM student enterprise? Fedspeak? Or a very good deal? BONUS 6) Compare the cost of owning and operating a car versus the cost of riding the bus. CALCULATE THE NET GAIN IN DISPOSABLE INCOME OVER A FOUR-YEAR PERIOD. I C 1991 Une liansil Oistncl Wrestlers to face off in Civil War j Ducks have domi nated last four, but a tough Beaver squad could end the streak By Joke Berg EfTwaKJ StxxlsEditor Sint i* tin* HJ87 season. Ore gon has hail no problem push log Oregon Slain around on the wrestling mat Bui don't 'expert the 1 5th ranked Beavers Id bo palsies to night when they face off against t h e 7 ) rd • r a n k ed Du a k s m \h Arthur (aiurl at 7 at) Oregon State leads in the ! r\ . f Civil W ir matchups >' 17-1. hut Oregon has drum tinted the meeting during the past lour seasons, winning the last seven in,iti lies against its i mss state rival lire Hf.iV rrs hav not beaten 'in !)m ks since ,i 10H7 match that saw Oregon Slate win JO lit. tint the m bools ilill tie I”-17 in 10HH 1’onight s mati ii should pro V ah the tie-.I clash in-tween tile two schools in recent memory tie; .lose Oregon Si,He’s ranking is higher than Oregon’s .1 should he an esr iting malt h Oregon ( oar h Hon t in lev said "i S; Uui ks have he. u vs res thng well tins season too, hut last Friday. Oregon (7-g overall and i l in the Facifii in ( am fen-rice! was surprised by Boise S',,:!- lei onlv its si a ond loss o! !li, season Injl:ties have debit) tated the team's progress hut the season is still young, Finley said Oregon Slate Is oil to a let .iverall and i O Par 10 start its only loss coming at the hands ol national-power Fresno State On s'.s h: -.1 loss v ear vv as to Fresno Stale • \{ '! 1 ll Vl'l s tllllgh (( JfC ijun State) team l inli’v said , : . , v« been v\ resiling very well One wrestler doing purlieu luriy wi ll is Stale s It . : a k V , h i :n ill a ii l 'hr l(nit'll rankl'd 12n pound siipt: otiuire w .is ail All American as a freshman and is 2 1 i in nuilr ties this season Oregon's Jarrell Clark lias I tl e p I e a s u r e o I fating Muhammad I tonight, a match ted will tie important to the iha ks, ! inlev said 1 expet l il hi tie close and a kev mulch lor us. Finlev said Tile Dm ks strong point dur mg this season's dual meets lias hivn ttieir starts Third-ranked 1 Irt pounder Dan Vidlak, Ore gon's lost wrestler in every mult h, is H O in dual meets this year, and Clark, who is H-l in duals, follows him up as tint second wrestler Oregon State sports a num ber of the country's other top w restlers, too Trent Flack (19-4 at lt>7 pounds), Kyan Sugai U’2-1 at 142) and heavyweight Matt VViilhite (15 5-1) art* all ranked nationally Finley said it vsas going to take all his team hud to heat the Heavers, including good crowd support We re going to need u lot of help from our fans to root our guys on," Finley said