Duck turned Hawk enjoying life in NBA I FROM THE SIDELINES PORTLAND If anvono is kci'pi'ng track u-i tho it11• «it csl understatements made during tins sports year. giv.• Blau Rasmussen thi lead right, now ' I understand thr Dm ks. .ire having' .1 tough s••■!:. Ra-.mus sun said o! tus uiiHu maters a to rt-i ivi .iimssi'M h.imsell saw sprue tougli vrais while .1 star Hr the I I: ■: i limi s bask Po,. vm. ,: ■.'; . thlt ' pi .ini i enter is enjoying Lite ng the ivmId ■■ I ..k< thud as a starter hir this Atlanta M r t th.e Nat : . Bue-ker hail Association : a fun wav to make a liv ing Rasmussen said alter a S Its 1 1 I' loss to the |‘ort : md I rail Blazers h'rid.iy night 1..! an NBA player is soim thing mans dream about, and Rasmussen's logat y .is a ; : began , Oita w hen he w as drafted in the first round of the NBA dralt In the Denver Nug gels Rasinussen p aved •• 1 V '.■sirs at D. rni-r and was traded during the of!-season to the Haw ks The move took some adjust ing with the new team, but Ras mussen recently earned the starting role at t enter, when' he seems to pliiy everywhere on It U>ok thi'H I .. While in get t|Nfd til 111'. k-isniasson said i!I(:i t outside N i i. ■. i. i i ig K : iin ti sst'ti si on d ! :"> points I' i ni.i\ on sev en i;i 11 shooting. but itvctv lie lit his t -... s k i' t s *111111 111 :! t tin- outside till billing a three pointer tvj-. uni . i .1 tiaiti ret ord 10 three pointers ul the mght lor Atlanta A " tooter shtjuiing treys ’ That's all hi- dots Is go out . i' " said lila/er . . ut.-r Kit 111 who l. i.i to : ... -.s ami guard Rasmussen artiutnl the perimeter "That's all in doi-s amt htr dot’s it vary wrll Portland torwaid ki.■mi- hurt se\ agreed tilth los t animate Rasmussen is just sittm up there wailin' tor that ampet, kersey laughed It s east to laugh olf tin- sight of someone the si/o ol Rasmus •..'li working tin- outsail! like hi ts .is .1 guard, hut it that big man tain shunt wall. It t aust-s men problems than out: might litst think Won Rasmus „ in :. \ .:.,: tin’ t our] outside Shi' paint. t tu rn.m guarding Rasmussen he it Dot kw■ tti (:lit! !<(»!>nisim nt \i.1.1 Ah di ipain. ;' in to .. nog .(Hti go • ir tun '! his lcnvcs ii lai i !n the ti.isn : ami nil ist .. ;.ik ■ -s out: imr ol t!ir tip; ii'bouncft rs Wl . h .1 » here ? ' . n tYi. i: steps :m t'tic ’-fnu! \h mt.i ti>! win! is sersiod m lilt' NBA Id rebounding grabbing 20 nr .« ore- n t. • i<• >is. in ! ! diffcrefit II".s. this SI URUli illlli null ti nf . . • • I 'll !!’:•* t in im attributed to K.isimissi’ii k" rptng olio nt llie i»jij> men! s ■i !; ili<- V\ Sit i t f " i ii»■ rt' s im questiiiii.: ,H)init .1 S ... i U . i is, w 11.1 ; -.1 m "d J., si n |i.. t.lil «. itfl ! ’ t "ill r;:!;it and 2’ jioinls bridal It s good Ins ausr he's such a good shunt i'l u ith a lug l.iiidv He opens things up inside \ mure open inside has also helped NBA superstar Domi niipie Wilkins this Si'.ismi t he Hawk- i : 11 • r starting forward iln NBA s set.urn! leading s. oi' i a! .til points a game Rasmussen himself i uuldn't he happier shouting from the outside an area lie rarely vis ited at Oregon, when he was instead [minted on tor him ked shots and high perc entage si,noting Rasmussen was a t.a fo r 'o'-peri ent shooter a! Ore gun and holds She si hutd re i'il ! ,r i arecr him ki d shots. Mu. i; the s.iirn' tv.,s e\pci !. . j Rasmussen d j r: • 11 * ! i; sis •,! .1-.' as • i ilenviT N ' but hi’ prrters the offense the Hawks run with him. hr -.aid It Was a (lif t* l lt.ii Igf . ■, I I i I R.lsli i tissf! i, who .It; ■ ■ i.'1 S - igilt points and had a m-a am-high ol IH .ifa i 11 *■! DetlVrr earlier tilts month ini g, sting a good nuiiiir ; (»1 shuls ililts A :. an!.! .. i . . V ha • , u( 11:, NBA piatoils this season, tins postseason tournament that K.l-.!:iuv.iil took part ill five 'I ins .. v >::s .i: ! ii : il ! ..n! Im a man wild adru n led hr wasn't i-\ its stiff he Would be able to compete at the colli! glair let cl I m t cr knew tl !d make it 111 roilrgr tiaski I bah Ka-anus Mil said I’, opie r (a!k<■ ii mi- down tin entire i arecr I’hnsi! same people mat hate trouble t .liking down -a 7 loot professional basketball plater .'..its though jukr Borg is spurts I'ditor nt the Knterald RIM RESULTS tljtkl'ltull I UCVlIj* . I 411 - I .S. irv/Lt%if[U0 V • ( i mirntrmtntft d Ha/- 1 ■’ •* v'» 1' VS S k y to .1 > ft «r i -J K. a j;; A '. -• . h »■■ ■> iO VS Kapfia lH J ! a'T * !.< ‘ . A:{4;a » L' >gk d Ha>«? N «• *** M/M» ,'4i« i j;.k \ '.I -4 Ki. <• 40 v»>-\*» Puli My F«-itq*f d ‘ )'.urMj>* .'r> M * ... , Kvii J »#hj Pn i o V * S< * !)ym«m d Ka/idem* 4 <**d !kr;Ui Citfir.mjyKap S * J VS 4 1 " a'. ?% H * 4 i t .«• d Jifi-amuni Bei.b* 1 f»5* 1 Mu*ki«l» Wi’diK .Jj* . |jh »* Vtemtfiwn 4 lh*-< -i S4 2U MI) V-nvUvt; d 1 to •’O1.* > n . uCdu » d Th*u f i < 4 .i ) * Mi S NA d A?-, h i - 4 U.jw* lift d I)cSU* t . pul ikdu Lj^i.ofi K»ig» d : 4 Mi . ♦ 14 M. I liuixl 4> | 4I> J I W• 4 SI 1 : ♦ 4u \t: PKF l <1 litMu*•». \t: a ro i d k . 4 Phi. w», . mi SAr •! ; hou 1 4 : If,.V, : n : ri: v. Cl-., ' * i Ka| . i - 4 4 Mj A IO .’A d . -r. % 44 > ’ V. > ■ -»(*-) i J .MO'jii 4« .« M: • V.-:t -r* d V; .. r a v S« '«*!%* r, V t ' K : I •*•-*!* d C r i • r.: i; , 4 » if, *.! I •'« • ' - J VS » 4 # . V >\ d ’ ujrn , 4 • M.) Sjluldj* |uil J't ‘k t ,.t J l V.'fWf 4 Phi !l »>* i : i i M» i * V. il< , • . • i * • » •■ K *14 V. •! i»h. •- .4 . W k . ■. 4 • v . • * VV - d v Atlanta s Blair Rasmussen a former Oregon star battles »v• Ihn h Williams for a rebound Ml\ I I M \l \ II I « . I Rent 1 Movie Get the 2nd One Free (expires Feb 2b. 1992' iW " I . • ■. . . \ 888 F riinklm Blvd m«*«» '■ ' ■ • ;>m V-i'aul' 344 2691 for U: t W • i Of Wo Buy ' ;!« ,1 Cor"; j UO STUDENT FAMILY HOUSING Some 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available in Westmoreland & Amazon Rents from $132 to $161 Contact: University Housing at 15th & Agate or phone 346-4277 for details. Weasel’s World Kraig Norris r < fi * *■ i ■. ' faUD - SuffvSE