OREGON’S MOUNTAIN BIKE HEADQUARTERS WV»i CLEARANCE SALE > on all 1991 models ** ^ CYCLEBI REPAIRS A CYCLES 1340 Willamette 687-0P88 FILM Continued from Page i lion that they Speak for their entire far r. but also on ear h student'. uniquci childhood rv. i fji' .r intr-rvifws provide rv;u« h linin' linin’ oho < an usual iv get bv listening to .1 panel discussion or casual r on ver sa lions l.rsag'e stud U you talk' fo • omeone for .in hour or so. you realize how nun h insight thev have." she *..ud You < an get so much nicire* than Vou < an Irum il.iv In day r ontaf I I.IS.lgl- Silld stlC IN JlloHNI'd with (hr (tijicomi* of the inter views .uii! the opportunity to give the students ,i von e i Hope I! vsill show' (>thor* tii.it there is .another von u to hr tn-.lfii mil there. Les.ige s;i!ti . .V : ..; .1 i.»| -i ri« -■ i• .•Vmi'riiiin student who contrite :i!i d. Njioke .ihuilt- 1 inning to i-.iigem from Htw.il; where Asians ,ind P.it.ifii \ti.eni .ms .in- tin m.i|ii*ity, .is well .is ids own eduisllmn here .ifiosit stu dents of other colors i w ,.s teliliv excited about ' ’i.-, jo. ,m i t Mi.:, ill ito s.i:d, i, ,1 ts i .jiise 1 Wanted to be on vtdootapo and soo mysolf up lllt'fo. lull iloi SUM* I Wllllled to holp in.ik* this progt l work in addition to having more ill i'*pth OSpi ■ ■ ill' tli 111 .! [I ll1 tiisriiSMon would provido. an nthor Imnnfit is i!n* longevity o! tin* Interview s on film A panel tiiv ussinn you run forgot, hut tins will -always ho thorn Motohiro s.ud ! t .m onl y hope th.it [)i 11| do Vs .. t iki note of it. take it for what it is and liston to it and not dismiss it as a bunch of students id i.ol or gri[)ing i wont pec jd* to the faros and hour tin* i Xpert Oil! os ( ohi: to the moi vnws llusSt MMKR 11 v • .imi wnik m thr m.»K ufu r-nt (l *•’ r? N.ihnn.il I'afk in Jackton Holr W v‘»i«i r - nf !h* mml sjiim t<»i *il.ir .ir*’.*** •>( thr ( mintt\ it * tiin.ii f r 1 * .yv < -unpiny. fi- inny .imf f f*r. .i v* ;\1I'\S^ P O Hoi 2SO Morin Wyoming B3013 4 f . .« t*»v t, , ET ALS I n M a n l» d Sr t u 4 I M h a » I •» I Ini <>.|t mIjI I <« (iimmillw w . h«%• # * mn^htaUu /..*?-i#l : *1 7 in tft* V ■ I ■ 4‘« ?I \Sl Nlud« r»l S» i»jl« * • w -■ ' 1 jiiijius rf. i . r . I'i l.aini'u Mm w • *• I jlni \mt iUiR Su{*|n-t| l.riiuji ** Mu - i U1 »s S»*lrr I nnmil* I > (>it .;*■*< ln«titu!<' ni Mutnw' -• ' H ' ' ■ "•«* !>-?"•> i Hjf I Jinwljlr' v% •.. ... » • ^ is1 - »*}-«' itv:-n I *« * *»' A ■ • ■ ’ K«- * •-; *: ■* * *-.•* and Hr *. * «. u'.ii ,|M> jjI V!, iW.’i.iU li \l tt) s ht • C »t<1 o( S< liriiiiu;' w .»« J -** * li ilf ft to ii Ml £ i'Ti ift iho Ii«r4tih KdmAtfjft officv of the Studoni i 14 u .! -(xf.icf .. l4»»- U .•> f..l Jf' '; J «” tf hid n»* .» , ‘ ■ : »'• : - *m V M., ■ : tt » >|h n *«i*n uji vn > • V'. \ (.»»*«■•• I» W !. A if“ r - ■ • V - V >; r= k‘ iii;ini> ji' i ll>i ( iin fn.i a • ..1:N. w ( vf;!« • Irt ,(> ■ . .' Vk • . ' • <• : • i ■ • - • > :* '< •- / '* i 144> 4 4».* $ a* ; i. ! ••; :• / \ f '' —i/ •' ;* f». > \ tfen iiv • pubiu hi \is fun f/ic' ! * * - •••■.' j i k ■ \ pi* # telbre m«H» S : tVfiits mitfl I ' >n*t!->n I tti!mifc v;.•i* Hii; fi -i !-i- M copied » Jitriffuk ' (.*n-w w t'-Jul&i lh** pu'-lh !t. ii-tii' *%■/// fm* jJ.'WVi fifhitity ■ I ro< ii [mt Pizza TRACK TOM PIZZA a N,.t I MEDIUM PIZZA Oih* < 'oil|M>u |x*r Pizza 1 $FOFF -j I TRACK TOM PIZZA TWOFREE I SALADS (\\ minimum$6order) \v deli\ or\ onl\ • one coupon per customer TRACK TOM PIZZA N' 'i >. i i with un> i>; li t ' :!i I N t!u*f Dooncsbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 1 .< '* t * a;* * -W * -\\ \. r ? t* *• • 'f/i* *A. . * ‘?,l. ■ S7R£ JCH -VV .• •«. * r Vt*7. 7tf*v iti*U 'MAr V H u ■ ' R BN ' v/w */.%•?>;• .-f/fw ■ v • ./A'" ••<»< '**/ wwr | ^ ’ . <. *t* A *3 -iV* " : .'?**TM* i v- • *. " tn ^t'r ; V - > *v- ••NV-ir/J . '3*4 A*t'A . . * V ' . .!A!t injNt THKXXjh "SOL V THROUGH4V ,M ’•>* K' *«4v. ’’ HUM If , XtAt> , ,-3 •' ■ svii'-v , vQy »V * * * ' *4 V] l V : < K'A ' ''•it •'Wl . IIW i THIH6 NOW OPEN 24 HOURS Patterson 342-1727 We can help you find Money For College Every Student is Eligible for Financial Aid •('ofnprvheimivtf Datuha**' <>v«r htUngx n?pru*cnt over $10 billion in pn v at a* M-vUir financial aid •Ka*y To l’**- *«■ maUh up fcUuhmtfe (ii awaldk ha**»d an information provided including curvvr plan*, furntlv henlajgr, and at ad*'mu inl«r«kU •Umquu Awards our rv*t*arch di^MirUnent ha* lucaUtd fccholamhipM for golf raddle*, left* handed ktudent*. cheerleader*, non-nmoker*. and more •CuarunU-v we will find at lea*t a?v«?n aource* of private nector financial aid or we will refund your money For more information and our FREE brochure, please complete and mail the coupon below. Please send FREE scholarship information to Addr—* City_buii_Ztp . y»mr tn School , _ _ I’hoai_____ Mail T> Scholarship Resource Sendees j 515 E. Pershing Suite 139 f Cheyenne, WY 82001 J 1307)632-5701 !