Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 28, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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USSA represents student interests
By B.'ci'1 f fcx>p JoSona
WdCa >” .1'XJ S"C a S; C*r
When Saferidc «.is vindi
( of dimrimlnuting
against men there was
overwhelming support from
both, mi’ll and yvomen The
A S t () ('onstitu I ion Court ruled
that tin’ women oniy polu y
wav reasonable in lieu of the
greater potential for violence
against wimen that men do not
t on front daily
V'nlorlunately. when a Mini
far i ase arose i barging the
United 'states Student - Assn ;i
lion of disi riminalmg against
white. lieieroseM.al men in its
luring Of ail u-lhrm liiw ai lion
i iff it er. there w.is no sau h out
pouring of support lor the set
SSA ff : :
Witiu at imp If i umn.ent USSA
was assu lie .1 gill It V. the ASCI)
was barfed Coin membership
tn the organize!Ion, am 1 studetit
i! le went oil yv IllinU t l SSA
Students are not getting the
w hi lie story (Ini' the leader
ship of USSA recognizes the
Haw in their hiring strut lure
and intends to democratically
alter the USSA Constitution at
tlie nest constitutional i outer
cnee this summer
Two, the benefits ol the only
nationwide student organize
lion fighting lot students in
Congress are going unrecog
lu/ed on t ampus amt tinderre
ported in the I'.nicr.il'i and are
loo important to lose
Third i be!it*vi■ the individu
als responsible lor pointing out
(he im onsistem ies m l SNA
.1 r«■ not interested m simply
lighting 11 yvrong hni have ,i
conservative political agenda to
destroy l.'SSA
Applii ants li i l SS.\ s a!
hrmattve ai lion officer "must
he a traditionally underrepre
sented person" from one of sev
eral protei led classes I hose
writers believe it should and
Will be chunked Without deter
ring the integrity ol L'SSA s
l.'SSA has taken gre.it strides
to lie a truly multH ullural or
g.ini/ation providing services
that are important to an in
creasingly diverse nationwide
i ol lege age popu lation 1 hey
have made wise and extraordi
nary steps to insure that all
students inclusive of students
of color, gays and lesbians, etc
,ll'e empowered ill h adership
At their January meeting, the
i S S A Board ol Directors
agreed to support ( hanging the
hiring guideline this summer
In the meantime, the ASl ()
should not pay dues But the
ANUO should not he precluded
from participating in l SSA
Tke Copy Skop
Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4
events (hiit are germane to criti
ml issues affix ting University
students sui h .is financial an!
No othiT nationwide student
or ga n i/. a t ion exists which
speaks for students on l.apitol
Hill for financial aid. quality
education. < ml rights t ampin
violence arid women's -safely.,
iln rrsity of students and I at id
'tv lift campus guv and lesbian
ill si rnnination. .ihd repmduc
live i pills for women
I ,ns.\ s i unstitutuin si,it. s its
purpose as to improve stall
.lords of higher i ediii ation. to
insure s qual access:..to h ,
i dn. a! ion, to promote and de
tend student interests in state
... : ■, eu-,.p' tnII! les. and to
prov de a forum tor debate and
stuii' lit opinions and <•110010
pe it 11 r s ! I \ W ithin I. pf’-et Vlt.
rile I'NSA ( . : nsl I to t I Oil IS
gov trued through a demo. rata
prot ess III w hit il stUltenl: tie !e ;
gates bum at ross the 1 ouiitrv
com ene .it an annual 1 onstitu
tional conference I lie leader
ship of I'SSA is held account
able bv a regionalh elef ted
hoard u! dim tors, whu h meets
several times a year
t he lobby mg efforts 111 (ion
gress and the networking of stu
dent leaders nationwide goes
unrer ugni/ed and unapprer nil
ed In the vast maturity of stu
dents, although 1 would be hard
pressed to lor ate a student who
has not lieiiefihd from the el
At USSA's March legislative
con I c r encr . students IVl'ti
granted the hrst .> 11 student
congressional hearing on
i hand's lo lln landmark 1'**>'•
Higher education Ac i, which
created fi n.ino i.t I it id as w 1
know it tod.it ! lie Higher hdw
i.ilium Kuauthor i/alton Ail of
Idol, il passed .is approved b\
Sell,lie and Hoiisi! ( umillittees
will contain beiiehts In sludi'iil
that were* won t>v l SSA
Pell llr.mls it ill lii'i min' an
entitlement. meaning every siu
den! eligible will ret eive a
j»rim 1. and raise the maximum
award In $4.500 funding will
he increased lot mailt of the
lecferal sludenl aid programs
and the financial aid form pro
cess will he si litpl 11 led
l SSA has been instrumental
in voicing student concerns on
the Violent e Against Women
Ac I. t ivd Rights Ac I. I nit ers.il
Health (late Act. and Depart
men I ol Defense ban against
gat s and lesbians
The attempts ht students III
kick DSSA oft campus are not
isolated to the University Con
survatives leaf the effective
power of students organized on
a nalion.il level, and have or
giini/.ed .igumst l.SSA ,il (k>/
ens til i .impusrs. im hiding thr
l Am rrsitv n! U .ishlngton
( onserv.ilive students lit tin1
rrmrrsUv h.ivu veiled their up
position In I'SSA hv opposing
lhi> H r, .funding'of S 10.000 to
SI ft.000 on im'mbvrship lees
.11..) Ir.ivr! imK lo I'SSA ton
li ii-fu c> Yii.it ufttT ye.ir the
opposition Mi nis to emanate
Item .i sinai! go Hip lvvl> l ie
lit ,.i ll lMT.tr.UK tils. I
nicri who till lit. r.ohod.v e rep
resenting their interests
! tin ■. i.; i t ; Pi; 1 li pc n mil ■ t
tint * * i silt students ret clVc li
jciiuii ui uni thiit on;fudi ••
,i lt>i u! vthilt’ men per
•11;i ill■ tit pet y> ai ■ r; n. !■ .ho i
..... ; votii
ilsiltt.y lo afford cuttcgii md
protecting siuil.'iil rights
Bill - ;..!• •1 - op i - til in
‘t’SSA im' r. it ailing alone
i' . i iv c t 1 li \ ii !!; i right 1 li i'ii k
l inks, sin ii i . :t h. : Her it -ipc
in ii till alt.1 ii alii! the Nation,ll
Assoi i.ilioli nt Scholars. .ire
providing organizing . xj• • r11.
tor young i onserv.ilive students
lo oppose the let!-ortented < uni
pus orgaiii/.illon
\m! I hit! brings us to their
m.iln 1111ji■ i tiun tii.it 1JSSA
only represents left oriented
slllill'llls Not unis It'll, bill
< oHimuntstsvmpatht/.mg stu
dents bf. .nisi' til nlliulit i-s « ilii
student t-xchunge programs
a ilii kn.ns n t nnimiinist t t•.in
Ini s like I nli.i .iiul \ertb h, i' .1
till stit h radical (sstirs .is rdu
ration, tnaItli tan', human
rights government politics,
eeonomn s aiu! ilia environ
{)tlti actions lor several him
drill stutlants ul an organlza
linn In lif recognized hv t 1 *•>
K.ji W ;:. ::i ; if 11 tit M it h gall
before tin- Houser l.tlut alitm
anti lather ( 11min it Iff loiiijving
lor ini rt'tisftl financial aid
Would Iiifsc conservative stu
ilftit prcli'f that students not
lobby ha thr Civil Htghls Af t.
tlif V it tit-:a t Against Woini'ii
\t t. tin- Nationul itfr Regis
Irutton At t. and .i multitude* t»l
national Ifgtsl.itiun that direct
U aflec.ts students'
Don't toll t: Vf t tie ll V |tf
t'SSA represents everyone at
tin' University
In Mark. Serb,is' com
mentary {OlH'., |an 27),
the 'Center for Housing
Innovalum is as im or
r11 tly identilied l ie l.tti
era/t/ regrets this error
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