Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 28, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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    Brand should share
with the rest of us
II m.n no! lie .1 heck of .1 lot, t>u! it's the thought
th.it counts.
IJnivcrsilv President Mvles Hr.ind vs ill soon receive
.1 i pen cat raise it the Oregon State Hoard of Higher
I d'ii atom's recommendation is approved The propos
,1!, .submitted us part of ttie hoard's annual salarv re
port, reipiests a l ost of living sal.jrv increase for (than
< edor I horn.is Bartlett and the eight state institution
The raise is 'tie .a.ee ! pen eat mi re.ise all state
No\v we non ' say
H: : : >i d !">• '' (!■ ■ 1 •'
lhai V not t!i'- point Tin*
issue here is Mui! only one
kid Dll! of tile ell! ire kit
.i 1.11 i ,;!kiiM11'' \\ !; get .in
nl'.i i nokie
\n one needs to lie re
minded t hr 1 nive! sits IS
ill a linam ta! bind e\
ervoiu-’s s atfofing Mu
lie! I •. .a ■ m j a i m -d 1 o keep
up v. ’: .i ,!neio:’;u .d tie
! .(ill ilfi! fee hike, til .11! \
mid staff members are
Iik ks i! thev ve hung onto
their jobs thus far and
ims ,m s'yV. :■>’ .rv.l
;,v Myles Brand
No how does • fee! will " ' I . f\ jt:<-■»
i>c!> a r.: . ncn it it is tin* Minn1 one ait • -:• = 5>t<>•.
-a. * ’ Not ftiMiii. to sav t!:<•
l! s II"! a is boll- in! about S.t '44 tn In• exact It
1 (Mild (>iii\ i;o Mi t.ll lit tins I imr: : f \ Oops W .e.
tin-re tin- ! .',!ri i'.>; o! an idea in then- • ew i ■ ■ tli.it
the |>iee,dent should perhaps nilo! tin- estra d«<,n-h
s> h , ■ 1 •,k • e w 1 ‘ i the lest ii! ! h.i- '\
Ye-. tinit's exactly the idea hen- Hurim; these
j tunes the leave! .Is. i! Willi,d In ,1 e:i ;! :n. v e
1: Hi..;, I i to [Hit se : to t! e - S St t ■ : A 1 -
; 1. peril.ip ' Nh.it aw aro Ii- - It- . ■<>• ' ,
are endless
I'm s 1 * re Brand could use the estra Inn k • :> t -at
1 o.iid the test ot .. . Du 1 ins; these >.m times. .1 ...k
oif; too much of the president to share with the rest of
».g ton SIM, tuotwt.
' .1 . t \ ii . : •. * •, • •
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I JrtOf in Chwl
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I Jitof mi I Jrtof
Sf>or1ft l Jitof
Night ( J.tor
A»»oCUt* t JrtOf ft
Student Gov*frsrtifti.t Acti*rtnr* • . >. , ■
Migts*f I Jva atiots Atimmiitfilion i u i •«• .
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G»rv*r«l Manager " >•
Aj««iiift.fsg C)if« tot r » » ..4*',-- Produ-Ctfoi' Manager M • ■
N#*ftrOOfn 146 *>S1 1 Diftjrtay A,J*»f1i»ing 346 3*1?
liu»ifs«» OflK • 146 bbl? CUftftftmJ A{tv#f1i*mg 146 4143
<Orn/ his*fy —f
The Super Bowl Party Dictionary
i!!(l.l\ i
, i l 111 who
‘. : .in:. [hr Duffalo
\\ -Milu’lon Krd
' ... ►. r ll III .1 ( hold
: to. ; was ambivalent I
! w .mini a ^uod ^ainr
didn't «rt ii
: hough thr scon- srrinrd
■' ! 7 - j-1!. i! really w usn't
.iliiilhrr Al t slaughter al
! eels oi a d ainnanl NH
Hi,i th tIns i uluinn imi'i
' , sports pages ! is • in'I go
•: i! Bather. I ss; ;l cum-i’ll
on a nun h ignored aspt* I
. 1 siii- lug game rim Super
Bowl party
V si vi-.its 1 sii tiown in
, ■! :;; \ own T\ . Uorilos 111
:...11.j and ,i Hciirs s iii the
Hut this yc.i!. 1 was iiivil
ss .i I c h I he game 11 a
frt ■Dit s Ihhim'
: Hi as I ss eekend is a lot
* ‘, ,s Vi ;rs People ssho
: knoss ,i goal post from a
post ss a I; il the game
W : s suppose 11 s Pet ause
:! is a sin e ol Ament ana
App.e pie, mother ami all that
Or muslie It's pisl hei ,mse foot
ball !• • .0is, lo some serious sud
••in king
lootball neophytes of all
Ispes shoss up a! Super Bowl
bashes Don ! hellese me? Wit
ness the eons ersation 1 had
ss ill: one of the parly guests af
ler Washington had its lirsi
!• I . blow l! [ tilled hat k
Whv don't tlu’V gel the
s|, , 1 N k ■ i
He vv-is out o' hounds I
Bui lit i aught d
He was oul o( bounds. I re
Well that's not lair
And so on
Bui vs all lung the game (and
tie p irty guests! did lead 111*' to
i|e. ■ understanding of foot
Balt And after several hours of
frse.tri h. I have cornu up with
some del niiions for things
soinmonlv found -it -i Super
!' •' l*orty
1 iist down . ...v n ;u\
vv: e drank It,, ■, v p-i s heU.-re
ihe game ev err started
Illegal prot etiure
tin List but- u( In.in <iip while
your buddy wasn't looking
Sometimes, Shis penally is mu
pleil w ith
l nnet fssary roughness
w h.n \our builds dot s .1 llt-r
finding out he's hettn 1 heated
mil .I tin' last bite ol bean dip
\is. known as lln forearm
sins er
l ilt' rush the stampede to
she bathroom during i.ommer
i lal breaks
i \tra point the one you
loolisldv gave when vou bet on
the Ketiskms minus M
Pass interfered! e set urmg
the plate of nuehos hefure It
gets to the end of the line Of
ten leads to
Roughing the passer
threatening itodily harm if the
nai litis don't 1 .ontinue on down
the line
Tat kle maneuver used on
holder of remote control he
cause hi! wort ! change the
, natine when vet .mi>thi:r 1 ’*•}>
si ixuniiuTciui conns on
Illegal use nf hanils ill so
,ii llji- olid of tin- puffs Usually
• . Ilf.ul slap
Half time innscnant m
terlude lor going <>n a hour run
I III* s.li k if I !. I ps host
n. iki s sou lake hum. b< i nusr
smi has on I i'ii Ion enough
; tiii.sla!i,m VVr don't s\ant ins
mure of this stuff lor a long
H.intloll used to gel hi-i-r
Irutii refr;ger.itor to thirsts
1 liter i eption ss !! in s ar t
■ this happens to fleer lielore >.t
gi :to tl.stv guest . .. hand*
Him k full-body ( ht'i k
n: interi option
Holding wl . . naxt
to me dues with the not bus
I in <>ill pii‘tt? pass wh.lI
h a p p tr n s wlif’fl siimt’lmd \
,u ross tin- room s.i\ s. He\,
toss mi- sottn- pret/els
Personal foul steeling itiv
ch.iir when I go out lor mote
ln-i-r ,it hall lime
I'lor e k ii k ,ir11111 mm c
us- ,I to dislodge errant patron
Irani \our seat
(Hipping vs hat you foul
like doing to tin- oars of the
punk who drank your last beer
Studv those dolinilions so
you tan avoid making an em
barrassing faux pas at your next
Super How I party
Like stealing my t hair
Don I’rters /s tm editorial fill
tor lor the Emerald
Mu;*( lOUtfS V* I
w 8v>«u.iv oowo *> «f0 n ? %i )