Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 28, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
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Film to give voice
to students of color
j Professor video
tapes interviews with
students to provide
insight that a panel
discussion can't give
By Dan yr. I rappe
U i . f, nn. :-!(■, ;!<’
na.■ .Mil i (iiiiik |jitf!
•hr ASInn ,U, \t , k
oH( «-d the .-s of sUi
clils o! oiim were, in her
■ :r jn’fi
tl III' i: null St orils
.,a Di.m.i k.ih . s|h>
o|i-i is toorifiii.iliir .it I hi
r,| Siiulun! !).•.• Input. m
-a .J anti vl(irt)l.i|if<l U
sllv sluiinnls l.i-s.i^r is
firoi css of hii suit; Uic
lilm edited t'wu ol (hi' indiv Id
u.d interviews have been edit
i'd. .Hid !l ,.' IMC is 111 r< t «• i v«•
the l.iji •. fur vii'Hiiij; is they
iiti Iimsl •. d
: i In;", i.: ; dif tin
ishi'd versions un ii loi .d cahle
lies css < iiiinticl
in addition. .1 1111sc* 'which in
i hides niiiiiv students' i uin
mill's, ‘.siii I? • •, imijiitrd \ pro
fi sslufl.d production house in
Chicago Is plus tdim; ,i gi.illl to
■ •dll the Idltl. which will he It
tied !n I'i.llll I ltgl/sl;
l es.ige -..ild tin ! ol li e sill
d> : ‘ .g, .ill ... I ■ ii : ,r I'Vjie
Helices ,it the t diivet'.ttv He
i .itise id tile relatively sill.ill
liUtnlier id minorities mi I a 111
nits, many told !.i'sii|>e they are
onsoO i'll ! is expel fed to t.l Its
.d'out I heir ;.ii e and ethliii her
i ;• ’ . 11, o a: on pale - is Mi el
lit he r w i s • e d U i a I e students
against the grain ni the i nine
rilutlt. I.esage said
In inters n vs I - used nut
ulilv un the e\penetK es at the
I'niveisttv. such as a Ivitro-con
Ire curriculum, em minters
vs i; h i a . -.in and Ihe ex pru la
1 . ' FILM f' i.;. 1
Local group collecting signatures to defeat golf course
j Initiative would ban Lane
County commissioners from
going ahead with a propos
al to build a golf course in
Alton Baker Park
By Hope Nealsof
A l.ugene group opposed to u pro
pose.) golf course in Alton linker Park
Inis been collecting sigiuiluri's around
rumpus to g«-l an initiative on th« ballot
that would prohibit construction of the
course in the park's eastern section
Sharon Teague a member at Alton
Baker for Alt of l s, said a number of
reasons exist for opposing a golf course
in the park
It is ,i park, she said It was set
aside as a p.irk and should remain as a
league said her primary reason lor
not wanting the course is that she favors
keeping the natural habitat intact
league uses the heavily wooded area
to educate children participating in the
non-profit group, Nearby Nature, which
offers ( lasses that teach wildlife mfor
mution lirst hand
Teague suiii iht-1 urea has also been
used b\ elementary school classes to go
on nature walks
The 237-acre set lion currenlh in
titules meadows, woodlands, old filbert
ort hards, riparian forests, a pond, a i .1
noe canal, hike trails, a fiMX truck and
liie Pro's Trail
About 70 ac res overlies the old Dav
Island Landfill, a residential landfill
that vvas closed in 1M7-1
League said putting a golf course on
top of an old landfill could pose an en
vironmental threat if hazardous materi
als rise to the surfac e
We're trying to do
something that would
make it an attractive
entrance to the park,
and I don't think it’s
going to be left in its
undeveloped state —
There will be some kind
of development.’
Eiise Durrn.ii
l Ci . •, ( ■ t"
Dumping ill the water on the gull
i.oursc lo irrigate it .mil maintaining a
Mill siirf.u i■ wlii'ii there is .ill the garbage
rutting undtsrneath coulti be danger
mis." she siiid
lint S^iiic (.oiiniv (luiiiMiissionor Hllic
Dumdi s.iid both the bn vironmental I'm
tin lion Agiim y .iml tlio Di'jj.irtmciil of
bn\ironmental Quality have slated lh.il
the landfill would pose no lhro.it with
an lidded throe tool of now soil over the
Dumdi said .1 goll course would nul
onlv produce needed revenue lor this
i it\. hill would help maintain tin1 pork s
nalural beaulv as well.
Il Would beautd. till' area, Dumdi
'.aid "U s conducive to the existing
habitat bn ansi' u| thi- vegetation
Although there .ire several grill
courses ill the area, she said riot ail of
them are regulation size or open I the
Dumdi said she is aware ol the anti
golf course group and has no problem
letting the people? decide what should
lx? done through a \ ote
I know I vi! talked to a lot id people
who are very supportive id tin- golf
Lugeno voters may decide the late
f*' o«o trj i'avay
ol a proposed gott course at Alton Maker Park
(ourse .mil haven't been as vch al as peo
ple who aren't.'' she said
Teague said [In- initiative would no!
only proluhit construction of a golf
i oursi'. hul would si-1 up a i iti/ens plan
nun; «:t>mn;iIto decide how the -17
ac ri■ iinu sh. . Id lit- used
As a group we haven't c orne up w ith
a p: .pi - a; she said \V<- have a direr
tion in terms of preserving natural val
V\. n luit saying it should remain
the wav it is hut there are a lot of natu
ral v alues of the area that should he en
Durndi said there ;s a way to build a
goll i .arse aid --'A : i iv •• ;! .. it MX H.u k
I're's Ire. and hike trails arc. aid the
perimeter perhaps bv building a smaller
lai ility
I ill [lid i .el 11 -e ki , IS to v'.i I ill tile
lions out there and figure out the first
solution tof llir |j.trk
VVr'rr trvmg lo ilu something tli.it
would ni.iV.t- it ,in ittr,i< tivi- eninimi- to
the park, mid I don't think it's going to
hi' left in its undevtdoped stole." she
■..iid There will Im- siiiiii' kind of drvel
IJunidi said d .1 golf course doesn't
in.iton,ili/o, (n-rhops pi.ivmg fields with
lights ,md friu i s won Id
Diitndi s.nd thr L.mr Countv Comints
sum is still in an Information gathering
!r 'll '■ I oilltli, 1: III voted 1 1 to
move forward ill thr process and screen
potent ini bidders
A golf selection i ommitirr has ap
proved two (oiiip.tnies m Its initial
, . ildii atiiiiis and . thr ’! rx.is fiasrd
(e.if Servn es is draw mg up a proposal
for an lit hole golf t ours.